Trumptards are dying at a 20:1 rate per FOX news

God bless omicron and its blessed cleansing power:!!!! Praise be to jesus and the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster! The only good trumptard is a dead trumptard. Its about time the gene pool was cleansed of mental and physical defectives. Viruses are one of natures many self correcting tools to erase genetic mistakes, like trumptards and other regressive biological aberrations.
TechPapi's Avatar
Wouldn't mind seeing the pace pick up.
Were they polled before they died?? the fuck you know??
More leftwing nuts just spew unsubstantiated nonsense...with nothing to back up their claim just like VM. If that is so it's BRANDON'S fault.
Liars figure be figures don't lie.
It is amusing how, in year one of the pandemic, every story about the virus was a “blame Trump” story. Absolutely nothing Biden has done is working, yet Biden really never gets blamed for anything.

Here some facts for you...

According to Johns Hopkins University’s data on COVID-19 deaths, since Jan. 1, there have been approximately 353,000 deaths from the pandemic. This is about a thousand more COVID-19 deaths than in all of 2020.

That is to say, more people have died from COVID-19 under President Joe Biden than under former President Donald Trump.

There are some important details to take into account, however. Trump lacked the benefit of vaccinations until the last month of his presidency, whereas Biden had them from day one. Biden, on the other hand, has had to deal with the surge of the delta variant, which spread throughout the country, even among the vaccinated.

Then again, under Biden, the COVID-19 seven-day fatality rate in September was higher than last September.

“The coronavirus doesn’t really know what year it is,” noted Dr. David Dowdy, an associate professor of epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “And the death has largely come in waves.”

In reality, these numbers should not be surprising. The history of pandemics shows that there are multiple waves and variants that frequently lead to a lot of people being infected and dying. Biden never had any business promising he could beat the virus.

It is amusing how, in year one of the pandemic, every story about the virus was a “blame Trump” story. Absolutely nothing Biden has done is working, yet Biden really never gets blamed for anything.

Sure, Trump said a lot of wacky things, but Biden has told many falsehoods about the virus as well. He stated, for example, that "If you're vaccinated, you're not going to be hospitalized, you're not going to be in the ICU unit and you're not going to die." And then, shortly after those comments, Biden contradicted himself and added that even if vaccinated people do "catch the virus," they are "not likely to get sick."

Further, when discussing the delta variant, Biden stated that vaccines "cover" the delta variant insofar as people will not contract the virus if vaccinated. "You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,” Biden said.

Presidents should be given some leeway when they talk about pandemics. They are just relaying information from “experts” who seem to be either wrong or oversimplifying as often as not. That said, if Biden were held to the same standard Trump was, he would be exposed for his lies and incompetence.
Wouldn't mind seeing the pace pick up. Originally Posted by TechPapi
Wishing death on people...something that can only come from the rabid left. That's some sorry shit on your part but I consider the source
The overwhelming number of deaths are among the unvaxxed. It is obvious that the unvaxxed are ignorant anti science obese uneducated trump-retards. Please, please, please, if you are not vaccinated, do not at this point get vaccinated. You are too stupid to live. According to Fox News.
  • Tiny
  • 01-11-2022, 08:44 PM
I'm confused. Without Operation Warp Speed, we would have lost precious months in vaccinating the willing with our great mRNA vaccines. Trump pushed the approvals through the FDA. Perhaps hundreds of thousands of lives were saved as a result.

I encouraged all my friends who supported Trump to get vaccinated. To not do so is to reject his greatest legacy.
I am certainly not leftist. I am elitist. I only wish for the ignorant and inferior and poor to die. It should be national policy.
Wishing death on ANYONE is sick.
Sounds like you want ready to sacrifice your life...most likely not being an elitist. Most elitist are cowards...
Obviously, I applaud whatever brought about the development of the MRNA vaccines, whether it was capitalistic motives or the hidden hand of Trump guiding the scientists. Oh, full disclosure, I invested in Moderna Labs and Pfizer two years before the pandemic

  • Tiny
  • 01-11-2022, 09:09 PM
Obviously, I applaud whatever brought about the development of the MRNA vaccines, whether it was capitalistic motives or the hidden hand of Trump guiding the scientists. Oh, full disclosure, I invested in Moderna Labs and Pfizer two years before the pandemic Originally Posted by tobias1988
You invested in Moderna before it listed? It first traded on December 6, 2018, a bit over a year before the first reported cases in Wuhan.

Gentlemen, We may have a Venture Capitalist on board!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
One of my closest friends is a big time Trumpster as I've stated before. I convinced him to get fully vaccinated and to wear a mask not just for his family but for mine and everyone else's family.

Anyway, his entire family are huge Trumpsters. They refuse to wear masks and to get vaccinated. All of his siblings have Covid now for the 2nd time. According to him, they thought the 1st time was bad but no big deal. Now that they have Omicron, he said it is kicking their asses. Now keep in mind these people are in great shape and they are getting their asses kicked... I simply told him he has a family full of idiots so stay away from them unless he wants to catch it and spread it. He agreed.

I wish death on nobody from this shit. But if you want to be stupid, well you get what you get when you could have easily avoided it.
Yes, I invested before it was listed; I have invested in a number start ups before they were listed. Facebook would be an example. The vast majority of corporations are unlisted. If by listed, you mean listed on the NYSE or the AMEX, there are lots, perhaps, most, major corporations are unlisted. Apple was famously unlisted for decades though it was one of the largest corporations in the world. Perhaps you are conflating the definitions of a public vs privately held corporations and a listed stock.
... If you say so.

### Salty
It is instantly verifiable on Yahoo Finance, if you are able to read.
It is instantly verifiable on Yahoo Finance, if you are able to read. Originally Posted by tobias1988
No, the fact that YOU invested in Moderna and Pfizer
was NOT on there.

... However, if you say so.

#### Salty