Seditious Conspiracy

Eleven Oathkeepers indicted for seditious conspiracy. Is that the same as trespass and touring? Were they simply misguided? Are the being persecuted? Are the actually members of Antifa or BLM in disguise? Are the actually govt agents?
Like the "russian" hoax??
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
That didn't take long. It was only 48 hours ago that I warned of escalation and here it is. Strange that five months ago the FBI reported "scant evidence" of a conspiracy by anyone. Now, that the government has been holding unconvicted Americans in prison for nearly a year under less than ideal conitions, some of them are now coming up a different story that supports what was reputes the FBI. How do you people on the left feel about torturing Americans? I've mentioned many times about how do you find those camp guards, the Biden people have found some.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So I’m looking for some clarification here.

Do you stand with the Oathkeepers and support their role on Jan 6, 2021?
You wouldn't know or understand clarification if it hit you in the face. Now waiting on your psychic power to respond 3...2...1
I got you like Pavlov's dog...
VitaMan's Avatar
This Lancaster PA local newspaper endorsed Hillary Clinton for President of the United States.

According to your rationale, news stories have a lineage that go back to previous news stories.

Wonder where your lineage stopped.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Missing link?

VM says..."This Lancaster PA local newspaper endorsed Hillary Clinton for President of the United States."
That seals the deal...Shillary in 2024
VitaMan's Avatar
You had the lancaster online in post #2 as a source.

But you already quickly edited your post and removed it.

Again your WRONG!!
What else is new...the 33% approval rating of BRANDON'S
Stay's in a free fall!!
VitaMan's Avatar
Editing his own posts as quickly as possible.

Hey the "FED" is going to save us from inflation...
Those ass wipes need to take a 25 year vacation to Kansas…….Quaint little hide-a-way called Leavenworth.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Those ass wipes need to take a 25 year vacation to Kansas…….Quaint little hide-a-way called Leavenworth. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That didn't take long. It was only 48 hours ago that I warned of escalation and here it is. Strange that five months ago the FBI reported "scant evidence" of a conspiracy by anyone. Now, that the government has been holding unconvicted Americans in prison for nearly a year under less than ideal conitions, some of them are now coming up a different story that supports what was reputes the FBI. How do you people on the left feel about torturing Americans? I've mentioned many times about how do you find those camp guards, the Biden people have found some. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
So you think the Oathkeepers were doing what exactly? The 45 page indictment lays out the whole plot and plan for the 11 men. Is it possible it took some time to put it all together and to get access to the “more than scant” evidence? Investigations take time, not like on CSI and TV procedurals, there’s a lot of footwork involved in determining the what, who and how.