This from cnn...the POS had a "week from hell". Even this FAR leftwing bunch can't continue to shill for him!!

When cnn can't hide the truth any know that POS is the WORST President in modern times. If there were a recall vote for President that vote wouldn't even be close. His VP is even worse than him, what does that tell you about democraps and their leadership, and third in line Bollusey another gem...what a prefect trifecta!! The THREE STOOGES...nuck nuck nuck.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
This is sad commentary about the modern democrat party. Like the senator said, it's obvious that Biden, Harris, and Pelosi don't give a rat's ass about this country or it's people. They care about themselves with Biden's corruption and Nancy's insider trading. Harris just wants to get off and be applauded for nothing. Yeah, this used to be the party of FDR, Truman, Jackson, and Kennedy.