MajicPlayground's Avatar
I leased a car thru her and all payments are current. I paid for inspection this morning and met her in Dallas to do registration. She faked a call and took my car and left me stuck in Dallas.

I have proof to back this up. Just thought y'all should know what she's really about.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
OK, I'm just curious about a few things.

I have proof to back this up. Originally Posted by MajicPlayground

Is that proof as solid as the proof you had that 1Elle, and I are LE?

Just thought y'all should know what she's really about. Originally Posted by MajicPlayground

You're talking about the same Whitney Weston that's been around for about fifteen years and has a pristine reputation. The gal that's one of the legends. Right? WW has covered her ass well all these years. Thank you for letting us know what she's REALLY about.

Last thing. Someone rips off your car and your first instinct is to post on ECCIE? What about calling the cops?

I hate to feed the trolls. It's just this shit don't add up.

HID (21-HID)

PS I doubt I will participate further in this thread.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Cops already involved. Lease was not past due. I literally changed the oil last nite AND paid for the inspection today. The agreement was to meet at DMV to do registration. She faked a call and legit walked out and stole the car. With all my possessions. That is what you call a straight up SCAM. I had this lease for 2 years, late 3 days once. And yes I have proof and have already obtained the paperwork to file a civil suit in Carrollton Texas. So yeah, my 8 years trumps her 15. So yep I filed all police stuff AND did this. So don't come at me for something I definitely wasn't wrong for doing.

Basically what I'm assuming on this one is that the car was worth more to them so that they could sell it in this upside down market and rather than do things legit way they decided to be scammer cunts. Her 'bestie' that she does this vehicle work for was jailed for shooting a tenant in Dallas. So yeah, she's got some great management.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Also...I NEVER said anything about HID being law. However yes, I still actually do have that other proof of someone working with LE. I do NOT make baseless accusations. I ALWAYS have proof. Fuck around and find out
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Update: after meeting the police at the friends place, it turns out that Whitney has not paid him for my car for 6 MONTHS. Which is obviously why she wouldn't let me speak to him in August. She stole well over 3600 dollars from me. So yeah, I guess when stupid whores become desperate, they'll fuck over anyone they can. I have loaned her money many times when she was short and business was 'slow'. Real nice payback. Karma, red and gold, and the courts will put her karma in check. She messed with the wrong person. And child services have also been called on her....but not by me lol. Step 1 with plenty more thunder to follow. Stealing is the lowest 0f the low!!!
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Just a note...she also stole my work phone (the number on this signature) and likely has been messing with my texts. I shut the phone off today, but if she still has it and anyone gets weird messages, please know it isn't from me!
Cassmann's Avatar
Well the car was Not stolen it was Repossessed by the owners, as This is not a defense for Majic or Whitney, but I know the WHOLE story!!

#1 when you rent to own, YOU rent the car and You are the driver. Not a friend, or a daughter or a son or whoever. The car is NOT yours until paid for, after that you can do what you want with it.

#2 when the payment is due on a due Date, it's due that day. That does not mean you have a Grace period, If you want a Grace period then Finance a car yourself. Being a day or 2 or a week late means Whitney has to Pay your car note, BECAUSE if money in not in Friends account he would say Go get the car. So she saved repo for you at least 11 times!!! Paying that day the way you did don't mean money will be in his account as it takes a day or 2 to transfer out then get to him. Again be a Month ahead or get your own financing!!!

#3 when someone says get the oil changed and keep the car in Good condition that means to do that. Don't be 30,000 miles over on a oil change per the sticker in the windshield and riding on bald tires! And don't dent the car up or bedazzle the dash like a Child would do as anyone else if you Leased a car you would have to Pay for if a business card wouldn't cover the dent or scratch, and I was told it was Beat to hell and back.

#4 when someone asks you Nicely to Not be late as they don't have the funds to cover Your car note, and you run your Yankee loud ass mouth like your doing her a Favor renting the car (Which I Begged her not to rent to you) and saying what you did to her..yet broke and stretched for money she Still paid your car note till you did. But that was the last straw, as she was sick of covering your note that you didn't want to pay on time.

#4 she thought by renting to you it was gonna be a Local rent to own. But then you moved back up to Pennsylvania! Pennsylvania is not local to Texas and that was the final decision in taking the car... That and your attitude to her a couple months prior.. sometimes being Nice goes alot further, but I doubt you know how to do that.

The car was NOT stolen it was Repossessed by the owners. You were told what you were told, that she never paid for the car, because you were being childish and outside his house pushing the Panic button on the car. And he wanted the crazy, irate chick Gone!! She has all the payments and proof, again I know EVERYTHING!!!

And FYI Majic's daughter which sounds like she just like Majic called CPS..so instead of saying "Hey I understand now, but please let me try to get financing for the car myself". No you decided to go on a Shit storm rage and post all your dirty laundry on Hooker boards!!!

Honestly I told her to let you do that and get financing, but it's NOT my business and that's how they handle theirs so I have No say so.

Again I'm not defending either party, just letting everyone know what the REAL truth is, even though I already know by posting this I will get blasted...
MajicPlayground's Avatar
That's B's and she knows it. The oil sticker wouldn't come off so it stayed. Oil was changed, using mobile1 and the paperwork for EVERY oil change is in the car.
I have the lease agreement and ALL the payments for 2 years.
I have LOANED AND GIVEN her money when she needed it to feed her kids and fix her house. I paid insurance and all detail work on car.
As for tires, they passed inspection and I have a text where I told her I had an appt scheduled for this coming Monday for new tires.
Nope, she's a straight up theiving ho and you only take up for her because you have her work for you loading trucks for shit money. You are a lowlife anyway who only wants to put your nose in something you actually DONT know. Why? BECAUSE YOU WERENT THERE lol.
Her day is coming. If I didn't have a leg to stand on, why did 2 attorneys offer to take this on in Denton county? Yep, I'm taking that ho to court. I never stole in my LIFE. She did and I don't need to show YOU the proof asshat.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Hey cassman...DM me and I'll show you the texts with HER PHONE NUMBER showing how she PUSHED me into that car and said I was a GREAT risk because I took such good care of it. I have text messages of the pics I regularly sent her showing her detail work I had done weekly....yeah, that sticker above the registration was for a car was membership I paid 75 dollars a month for. I am definitely NOT trashy like her. I actually OWN my home...she has a trashy lot with nasty neglected animals that she buried on the rental lot...and a truck she can't pay for that is also going to be repossessed. Funny how Gabriel was shocked to see allllll the payments I made to her on my PayPal when the cops were there. Yep, I was actually paid in full till Nov 15.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
I'm going to make one final thing clear here. Had she just given me back all of my possessions that were in that car this would not have gone to the extreme that it has. I would have called the least paid on November 15th and turned the car back in if that's what they had asked for. But no one at any time made any reference to wanting that car back. She straight up faked a phone call left and took the car with all my things. When she finally answered the phone she lied and said they were at an impound lot and she was trying to find out where. What she was really doing was fleeing Dallas so that I couldn't get to her. And she sent me a text telling me she threw all of my things away. There was an heirloom pearl ring in there, in the suitcase, from my mother that I got for my birthday that she had worn my whole life. For that she will definitely be held accountable. The owner of the car took the car knowing that my things were in it so that was theft in the eyes of Texas law. Her receiving those things was receiving stolen property and participating in theft by fraud. That is also punishable in the state of Texas and she could be held liable for it. This is why I'm suing her
Cassmann's Avatar
Ok then. Take it to court as see how Renting a car is not the same as BUYING a car. Owners can take it back at any given time if your late 1 day. Do good luck and hope you get it worked all out, and see who wins this case! Funny she tried you give you your stuff back, but you wouldn't have it or hear anything she had to say.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Well obviously she is lying to you as well because I have texts showing she said she threw it away after it was stolen. And even with any other repo, you cannot take someone's personal things. It's theft. So yep, she will answer for this. For a very long time.

And after the 2 hour meeting with the attorney, I highly doubt he would have agreed to take the case, AND tell me I have an excellent chance of getting a judgement against her, if I was in the wrong lololol. And unless you want to be named in the lawsuit as an accessory after the fact, and a material witness, I suggest you mind your own business. I have YOUR real world info to have you served as well. Did a little Majic digging on the internet....you're quite careless dude.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Damn. Rental cars and hookers never mix well. Just speaking from experience
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
I have YOUR real world info to have you served as well. Did a little Majic digging on the internet....you're quite careless dude. Originally Posted by MajicPlayground

Threat of outing?

HID (21-HID)

MajicPlayground's Avatar
Not outing him HID...thought you could comprehend basic English by now? That's for the lawsuit...of course I had to obtain where to serve him. Doesn't mean I'm sharing it. You should be careful what you ASSume honey
I have never met you HID, nor did I ever care to. However anyone who DOES know me, knows that while I have a big Yankee mouth (some have experienced THAT in a great way lol), I also have hard standards, even for a hooker . I don't cheat anyone, I have actually REFUNDED donations when situations were cut short, I've helped more ladies with money, safety, etc than I can count. So I will 100% bank MY reputation on this right now. I don't speak up unless a serious wrong has been done. So don't act surprised when accountability comes into play. Too many damn snowflakes that think they can do as they please. Nope, actions have consequences. I can afford to make her pay for hers. I actually know how the justice system works