The Left's Insane Witch Hunt Against President Trump

berryberry's Avatar
This thread is to document FACTS about the left's insane witchhunt of President Trump.

This thread is NOT for unhinged leftist rants

Let's start:


Donald Trump is facing a civil trial in New York for "fraud." So, which of his victims is suing him? That's a trick question: There aren't any.

None of New York's banks or insurance companies, Trump's supposed "victims," are suing him. Trump's loans are repaid and his accounts are current. Because one leftist judge says Trump "overvalued" his properties using methodology that real estate professionals are laughing at, that same judge is trying to fine him hundreds of millions of dollars, break up the Trump Organization, and seize control of his properties, including Trump Tower, all to remedy a phantom crime with no victims.

When this happens in China or Russia, we call it what it is: Lawfare against an enemy of the regime.

Normal people realize how patently insane this is.
What rock do you live under pal???
Any sane person can see all the lies, cheats, and attempts to weaken our constitution
So he can become a dictator.
Wake the fuck up!!!!
berryberry's Avatar

US Supreme Court Rejects Challenge To Block Trump In 2024
Fact: There are some laws that will be prosecuted, even if the injured party forgives the acting party. And in other cases, the victims don't need to be directly harm by the acting party.
The law is the law. No one is above the law. Bone spurs will have his day in court. If it is a witch hunt, then there will be no evidence. If he is being charged because he is unliked, it makes no difference, if he broke the law.
berryberry's Avatar

In 2018, Letitia James in an effort to be elected vowed to illegally use the law as her weapon to remove Donald Trump from office, dubbing him "an illegitimate president for colluding with foreign powers."

Fast forward five years, and what's the grand finale? She accused Trump of taking out legally obtained loans that he repaid in full with interest.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
This is all democrats have. Biden certainly can’t run on his record so trying to imprison his likely opponent is their only recourse.
DNinja69's Avatar
Insane witch hunt... I mean if you believe Trump actually thought someone stole his second term then it could be plausible that all the heat he is feeling right now from legal issues was a partisan ploy. For sure much of the NY moves are politically motivated. Fact is there are a lot of Republicans in other areas like Georgia who believe that the bigger tampering efforts were conducted by those in the Trump camp.

I think that normal, reasonable people who have looked at the information available can see that despite the cries of malicious prosecution the former President's support within the Republican party looks quite strong. Fair to say he is dominating the field currently yet continues to alienate many moderate and disgruntled Dem voters and that is ultimately what cost him in 2020
berryberry's Avatar

The insane leftist judge in the fake NY Fraud case said that the expert testimony is not evidence. Really?

That means probably 90% of every fraud case in the US over the past 50 years should be thrown out!
berryberry's Avatar

Tucker Carlson - Donald Trump appeared in court today, but it wasn’t a legal proceeding. It was a grotesque parody of the system our ancestors created.

"Trump is the frontrunner in the presidential race. He's currently beating Joe Biden in the polls, yet liberals have decided you should not be allowed to elect him president. That's not democracy. It's the opposite. It's totalitarianism."

HDGristle's Avatar
Pretty light on fact on both accounts. Both are telephone game opinions lacking context and with heavy spin.

If that passes for fact then we know how bananas your concept of fiction can be.
All these recent indictments Trump are complete BULLSHIT. It is nothing more than a desperate left trying anything they can think of to keep votes away from Trump.

The left knows the election FRAUD they pulled in 2020 won't work again, and Trump is already beating biden in the polls even more than a year out from the election.

I think and hope that a lot of people across the country are going to see this for what it is, say (Staff edit) to the left, and rise up and get Trump back in.

Only (Staff edit) liberal left winger can think Trump did anything wrong or support biden.

And if Trump had actually done any of the things the left claims, why is it only being acted upon now, with Trump already winning the election, and not two years ago? Where I'm from, we call that... SUSPICIOUS.