Best, Worst, Funniest & most akward strip club experience!

I love strip clubs, dont get to go much... but this experience was just worth telling...

Go to a well known strip club. There's a bunch of us... maybe 15. We get a table right in front of stage. We all sit down, order food and drinks. About 30m later we look down at the empty end of table and a stripper is sitting down there all alone. Of course the guys invite her down. She is watching all of us eat. A guy at the end of table offers us a nacho. SHe jump up and eats them. So he gave her the plate. She eats all of them. Then she stares at my friend while she is eating. My friend gets full and stops eating. The dancer then finishes my friends food. Then she asks my other friends to order food to share with her. They do. They eat maybe two bites and this dancer finishes the rest. It is a dip of some sort... she grabs a spoon and eats every bit of it. I have heard of hustling for dances but hustling for food. It was very weird and made all of us uncomfortable. Then this dancer proceeds to smoke everyone's ciggerettes. I had a VERY good time and met some nice men and LOVELY ladies, but i wake up in the morning and can not get this hungry stripper out of my head. She gave me a night to remember! Wow... hungry like a wolf, *giggles* I tell my friend maybe she need to log on here and make more money to eat! She was a pretty pretty girl! Why so hungry? Never seen a girl eat THAT MUCH. WHOLE plate of nachos, 4 chicken strips and frys then huge bowl of shrimp and crab dip! WOW.

Also saw the hottest "little person" stripper ever!

So what about all of you? Have any funny/memorable strip club stories??
Nina Sparxx's Avatar
I went on a date to a club and the first dancer asked how we knew each other. I said we met online. So after she leaves he says maybe we need to get our story straight. I laughed and said how about we take turns telling stories of how we met, it's not like they are in the dressing room comparing notes on how we met. So we had a blast telling different "how we met" stories. Near the end of the night I guess we were having too much fun, a dancer said bullshit, I'll bet ya'll are brother and sister... we laughed so hard at that one she was convinced we were family.
Was a definite blast!
An old boyfriend and I were in Mexico City on a weekend getaway and being horny and in love, lol, we ending up in a strip club. It was empty except for a few men sitting in the shadows, each with a tired but eager-to-please dancer on their lap. No girls were on stage so I decided to create my own entertainment. I shot back some cheap tequila, borrowed an outfit from the "den mother", had the DJ play "Justify My Love" and with my heart beating out of my chest proceeded to take on the pole for the first time ever, lol. I had no idea how much being watched by a roomful of men would turn me on and next thing you know my boyfriend and I were having hot, animalistic sex in the back of his car. Random visceral experiences like that are what I love most in life.
austinkboy's Avatar
Come to Whispers Charity Fundraiser in December and I am sure you will have a story or two to tell... or a story or two you can't tell...
Britttany_love's Avatar
Haha ya she kept hustling me for food I was thinking damn you cant get your own.. im not buying a stripper a basket of chicken. Then when we got shrimp she ate it all. Another reason why thats not my club of choice.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Must have been at Ricks I hear those girls can really put away the groceries...
Britttany_love's Avatar
nope wasnt ricks
Whispers's Avatar
hmmm... Sounds like a Sugars Girl I know.....

Best Strip Club experience? Had to be at Rick's in Houston back in the early 80s where I dropped over $15K on a company AMEX card entertaining a bunch of Shop Stewards participating in a Work Slow Down at TI in Houston.... I was a semiconductor engineer at the time.....When I spent a week trying to get work done and getting nowhere because of all their antics trying to slow the fab down while new work conditions were being negotiated.....I asked for all the dept heads to come together and let me take them to lunch and try to work things out..... Lunch stretched into dinner into closing the club..... $7K on the card

The Next morning they were all hung over but wanted to know when we could do it again. I told them I had about a week before I had to return to the factory on a different job and if they could help me get done in time I would take them out again....

As the rest of the FAB ground to a halt I knocked out the needed repairs over the next few days and dropped another $8K taking them out again....

About a month later my Boss summoned me to Dallas to go over my expense account and was amazed I had the nerve to put that much on the account..... HE was even more amazed when he asked me what a Table Dance was and I replied... "Lets go to Lunch" and took him to the Lodge.... That's one Baptist FSE that was never the same....

He ranted and raved that it would never fly through accounting.....

I pointed out that our average Installation cost $16K a week and we were a solid month behind schedule not counting all the cashflow tied up over other equipment orders that were basically being held hostage wanting this machine up and running.... I explained how $15K had put us back on schedule within the next 3 weeks as the good will afforded me carried on into the Implanter installation.... and how they let me sign off on the 6 machines on order up at the factory instead of wasting 2 more weeks sending someone up to inspect them with me..... Which freed up a few million in stalled payments.....

He shook his head, signed off on the report and sent it in letting me know he fully expected to get told he had to let me go....

2 weeks later they paid the bills and I got cocky and started flying First Class a lot more often on the company dime....

It was the first time I learned the benefit of alchohol and semi naked women to negotiations.... I've conducted many meetings under similar conditions and used clubs to my advantage to close deals and entertain clients from around the world when involved in export.....

And some of you thought it was just about the pussy I bet!
Whispers's Avatar
Another great experience was the day I was getting drunk with my Girlfriends brother because she didn't want to get married... I looked up and saw an incredibly beautiful young blonde on main stage and said "Damn... I gotta have that"! It took a little over 3 months for that girl to end the relationship she was in, get to know me and go out on our first date. I married her and she was with me for exactly 20 years..... Left my lying cheating ass on the night of our 20th anniversary of that first date.

But there were a hell of a lot of great times.....
Britttany_love's Avatar
nope not the yellow rose either
Whispers's Avatar
Worst? had to be a night about 5 months ago when I was at Sugars with the Secretary and she picked up a certain blonde spinner familiar to this group.... Way to drunk but they had to have each other... Back to my office for a drink or two and then to a hotel where they both crawled into bed together and passed out...

I'm not into drunks so I left and went back to Sugars only to return an hour later to find the little blonde sitting by the pool with a large group of tourists all concerned for what she and the other gal were doing with some old man in a hotel.

Cops were called by the meddlers and I sat in the Lobby rather concerned for about an hour while the girls were questioned and the little blonde eventually taken into custody for being uncooperative and PI..... But not before all kinds of unimaginable scenarios ran through my head as I had had sex with one of them earlier in the day and the other numerous times in the past..... I was pretty sure I was in a mess I was not going to ike the outcome of.

At the end of it the cops ASKED if I was still willing to give the blonde a ride home.. it was that or a night in the drunk tank for her.... I dropped her back at Sugars a half hour later....

Picked the other up and took her home.....

and never spent another minute with either when they were drinking.,....
Whispers's Avatar
Most Awkward?

Michaels in Houston.. late 2002 I met a cute 18yo dancer that always struck me as incredibly familiar..... We went out a few times and had a bit of fun and it nagged away in me that I just HAD to know her... But she was just too damn young....

Then they do this Radio Station Hottest Mother/Daughter Contest at the club and her mom comes in and dances that night with her.... Mom had her at the tender age of 16 and I had met mom about 18 years prior and banged mom as well....

THAT was an awkward meeting......
Whispers's Avatar
Funniest? hmmm That was at a club called Top of the Strip in San Antonio in 1989... A Comedy Stage Hypnotist that was a good friend loved the strip clubs and we went there late after a show one night with some of the staff of the club and a few groupies in the mix..... One of the guys he had hypnotized a few dozen times was so conditioned to "being under" that Gary could drop him anytime he wanted and give him suggestions.....

Gary put him under and told him whenever he saw a Hispanic girl on stage it would be his baby sister and he would get up and go to the stage.....

For hours this guy tried to talk girls off stage, tried to cover their bodies with his suit coat... begged and pleaded with them to stop.....

We let everyone in on it and tipped the gals well but it was absolutely hilarious to watch play out.
Whispers's Avatar
I happen to have a story or two about strip clubs! I could get back on the top 20 poster list in this thread alone!
cckid2006's Avatar
Out of town and went to club. Went to the restroom and couldn't get my zipper to come back-up. I was commando and didn't want to get arrested for exposing myself - the city was cracking down on clubs at the time and even passed a no touching ordinance.

Since it was a day trip, I didn't have a change of pants. Maybe this is the most frustrating moment.