Senator Feinstein......."we either fight ISIS now, or fight them later"

Wow. She must be channeling Dick Cheney.

Does she realize that her own Party's leader is the cause of most of this. He was more interested in ousting a Dictator than recognizing the much more dangerous and reprehensible group of religious thugs that morphed into ISIS.

I guess the ousting of Saddam in Iraq was a lesson lost.

Does she realize that when she says "we must fight them", she is talking about our depleted Military going up agains a very organized and determined enemy who will relish the thought of killing as many Americans as possible. (Read the second link).

The real sorry truth is most of this arises out of the tenure of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State and her moronic backing of the "Arab Spring". Thank you. You showed the exact same combination of naiveté and stupidity that permeates the rest of the Obama Administration.

Wow. She must be channeling Dick Cheney.

Does she realize that her own Party's leader is the cause of most of this. He was more interested in ousting a Dictator than recognizing the much more dangerous and reprehensible group of religious thugs that morphed into ISIS.

I guess the ousting of Saddam in Iraq was a lesson lost.

Does she realize that when she says "we must fight them", she is talking about our depleted Military going up agains a very organized and determined enemy who will relish the thought of killing as many Americans as possible. (Read the second link).

The real sorry truth is most of this arises out of the tenure of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State and her moronic backing of the "Arab Spring". Thank you. You showed the exact same combination of naiveté and stupidity that permeates the rest of the Obama Administration. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Bush has as much to do with ISIS as Obama does. Seeing as how she has ben SoS, she probably realizes it a lot more than you do. You act as if these people aren't human beings...
Bush has as much to do with ISIS as Obama does. Seeing as how she has ben SoS, she probably realizes it a lot more than you do. You act as if these people aren't human beings... Originally Posted by WombRaider
If you are talking about Hillary, I don't think she knows shit.

We are lucky Egypt had a strong enough Military Establishment to stop the insanity before that Muslim Brotherhood bunch turned Egypt into another radical Islamic stronghold. Remember Hillay fought the Egyptian Military the entire way, wanting "Democracy" to spring forth. She was too Fukin' stupid to realize what constitutes "Islamic Democracy".
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Bush has as much to do with ISIS as Obama does. Seeing as how she has ben SoS, she probably realizes it a lot more than you do. You act as if these people aren't human beings... Originally Posted by WombRaider
they aren't. what real human being beheads another only because of their religion?
Bush has as much to do with ISIS as Obama does. Seeing as how she has ben SoS, she probably realizes it a lot more than you do. You act as if these people aren't human beings... Originally Posted by WombRaider

wormser Rider, learn something...
LexusLover's Avatar
Does she realize ...... Originally Posted by Jackie S
It's too bad she didn't announce that philosophy in her mayoral election ....

.... regarding the "bath houses" and "torture chambers" in San Francisco.

She was struggling to get elected then.
LexusLover's Avatar
they aren't. what real human being beheads another only because of their religion? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
... including children.....

....and the women after they gang rape them or sell them as "rape slaves"!
If you are talking about Hillary, I don't think she knows shit.

We are lucky Egypt had a strong enough Military Establishment to stop the insanity before that Muslim Brotherhood bunch turned Egypt into another radical Islamic stronghold. Remember Hillay fought the Egyptian Military the entire way, wanting "Democracy" to spring forth. She was too Fukin' stupid to realize what constitutes "Islamic Democracy". Originally Posted by Jackie S
So you're admitting that the american dream of spreading democracy across the globe is a misguided one?
lustylad's Avatar
So you're admitting that the american dream of spreading democracy across the globe is a misguided one? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Do you want to argue some people don't deserve democracy and self-government? Do you think Arabs are too backward and sub-human to be allowed to fulfill that universal human aspiration?

What a fucking racist you are!
lustylad's Avatar
Bush has as much to do with ISIS as Obama does. Seeing as how she has ben SoS, she probably realizes it a lot more than you do. You act as if these people aren't human beings... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Who is ben?

ISIS is a product of: 1) the "Arab Spring" which ISIS was able to hijack in Syria after we failed to back any moderate or pro-Western opposition to Assad and 2) Odumbo's rash and stupid politically motivated 2011 pullout of troops from Iraq which abandoned and betrayed the Sunnis who participated in the "Arab Awakening" in Anbar and helped make the 2007 US surge a success.

Sorry sewer rat, you can't blame Bush for either factor.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yes, the idea of "democracy" does not work in places where religious intolerance rules the vote.
One of the main reasons the USofA is not a democracy but a representative republic.
the Soviet Union was a democracy and you got to vote exactly the way you were told or be
Another reason is the system of checks and balances we should have that seems to be abdicated by our congress.
So you're admitting that the american dream of spreading democracy across the globe is a misguided one? Originally Posted by WombRaider
I have never said it was a "guided" one.

There are places where our efforts have worked quite well. Post WW-2 exhibits our best efforts, Japan and Germany in particular.

Spreading "democracy" in regions were religious fevor trumps all other considerations of the human experience has proved futile. When Religious Dictators have complete Controle over a population, even up to and including pain of death, it is difficult to expound the virtues of freedom and individules Liberty.
lustylad's Avatar
When Religious Dictators have complete Control over a population, even up to and including pain of death, it is difficult to expound the virtues of freedom and individual Liberty. Originally Posted by Jackie S
IMO the opposite is true. Being denied it makes freedom more precious. It doesn't matter if the dictator is religious or secular either. Too often we take our own freedoms for granted.
LexusLover's Avatar
When Religious Dictators have complete Control over a population, even up to and including pain of death, it is difficult to expound the virtues of freedom and individual Liberty. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Isn't that the basis and purpose of the First Amendment?
Isn't that the basis and purpose of the First Amendment? Originally Posted by LexusLover
For us, yes. We understand that freedom to believe and worship as we please, or not to believe and not worship as we please, is fundamental to true freedom.

The teachings of Islam are in direct conflict with that that principle. You will believe and worship as the religious leaders dictate, or pay the penalty up to, and including, death.