Interview with the Million Student March and Neil Cavuto

LuvMuscle's Avatar
So i saw this interview and thought it would ignite a good discussion. This girl is obviously smart and is the organizer of the Million Student March but she didn't do much good for her case...what do you guys think?

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Do you know her menu and rates?
Is she MSOG?
What about doubles?
Does she have a 15min special?
What about a review special.
oes she do anything BB?
Her heart maybe in the right place, but she has no case. There is and never really will be any such thing as free education on the college level. Neil Cavuto even asked her the million dollar question, "who will pay for this" she had no direct reply. Since College is not for everyone only the most serious students need to apply for college education. For those fine students that are financially strapped there is already financial aid programs available in all states that support higher education. Free College tuition will only attract students that aren't serious about getting an education but to just get away from home to just party and generally fuck off. We have enough of those types on College Campuses as it is without encouraging more with Free Tuition incentives.

Her heart maybe in the right place, but she has no case. There is and never really will be any such thing as free education on the college level. Neil Cavuto even asked her the million dollar question, "who will pay for this" she had no direct reply. Since College is not for everyone only the most serious students need to apply for college education. For those fine students that are financially strapped there is already financial aid programs available in all states that support higher education. Free College tuition will only attract students that aren't serious about getting an education but to just get away from home to just party and generally fuck off. We have enough of those types on College Campuses as it is without encouraging more with Free Tuition incentives.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
And woomby's hero Babblin' Bernie is going " all in " on this. Let is demented ass pay for it out of HIS pocket !
Spoiled little brat.


Cavuto to laid it out for her, and she is too ignorant to even see that sooner or later, you do "run out of other people's money".

Cavuto should have asked her how she feels about the political system that calls for......"from each according to their ability, and to each according to their needs".

By the way. I never attended College. But I have paid for a College Degree for my Daughter,
my Son in Law, my Sister in Law, and my late Wife.

I am a 1 percenter. Like Cavuto, I ask. What is enough?
Jackie, the absolute honest truth is that by 99%'er logic, no amount will ever be enough.

A few days ago, I read a news item stating that Mark Zuckerberg has pledged to donate 99% of his wealth to charitable causes. 99%!!!!!!!!

Guess what? In the comment section, there was still reply after reply calculating how much would be left (roughly $500 million), calculating an estimated income if Zuckerberg simply lived off of the interest of the remaining 1% of his wealth - and STILL bashing him for it and crying crocodile tears for how 'broke' he will be.

So there you have it. Even giving up 99% of his wealth (assuming he follows through) STILL isn't enough!
LexusLover's Avatar
Do you know her menu and rates? Open & FREE
Is she MSOG? As many as you want FREE
What about doubles? Gang bang if you want FREE
Does she have a 15min special? One hour minimum FREE
What about a review special. FREE
oes she do anything BB? Whatever you want FREE Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Guest123018-4's Avatar
He is going to do that over his lifetime and not in one chunck.
Hell if I had a few billion bucks that I made by the time I was 30, I wold give 99 percent away over my lifetime too. Just thinck of the quality and quantity of hookers that would afford for their life goals of nursing school.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Think of how many college students Zuckerberg overcharged to get his $50 billion. Zuckerberg has a higher mark up than the evil oil companies and produces less.