65 Nations?

bambino's Avatar
Can anyone list the 65 nations Obama has joining the fight against ISIS. It doesn't have to be in alphabetical order.
Can anyone list the 65 nations Obama has joining the fight against ISIS. It doesn't have to be in alphabetical order. Originally Posted by bambino
I'm still waiting on answer from his apologists and defenders her on the " 57 " states !
3 is all I see, and they have been overrun by moslems

I'm still waiting on answer from his apologists and defenders her on the " 57 " states ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I'm still waiting on you to explain how you hate Slick Willy but love that perverted draft dodger Ted Nugent, you two-timing piece of human shit. Talking out of both of your asses again, like a good little republitard.
Can anyone list the 65 nations Obama has joining the fight against ISIS. It doesn't have to be in alphabetical order. Originally Posted by bambino
Google is your friend, dumbass. We are still doing most of the heavy lifting.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
The fat pissant wouldn't know if it was in alphabetical order or not. His "Butt Buddies" must have ditched him at the homo beach on Lake Travis. Now that the lake is full again, he's coming to hang out with the fellas!
LexusLover's Avatar
Google is your friend, dumbass. We are still doing most of the heavy lifting.

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/30/us...isis.html?_r=0 Originally Posted by WombRaider
"The president has sought to evoke the sort of grand coalition the United States led in World War II. But when it comes to the war part of the war against the Islamic State, the 65-member coalition begins to shrink rapidly down to a coalition of just a handful."

And you claim to have a "goddamn degree in journalism"?

I'd say there is more "goddamn" in your degree than "journalism"!
Google is your friend, dumbass. We are still doing most of the heavy lifting.

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/30/us...isis.html?_r=0 Originally Posted by WombRaider
"The president has sought to evoke the sort of grand coalition the United States led in World War II. But when it comes to the war part of the war against the Islamic State, the 65-member coalition begins to shrink rapidly down to a coalition of just a handful."

And you claim to have a "goddamn degree in journalism"?

I'd say there is more "goddamn" in your degree than "journalism"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Read the highlighted portion in my original post, you fucking mongoloid. I plainly state that we are doing most of the heavy lifting, which the article bears out. What part of that did you not understand, you shitstain fuck? You're so eager for a fight, you don't even realize when I'm fucking agreeing with your stupid ass.

The goddamn is in 'goddamn, you're fucking stupid'.
LexusLover's Avatar
Read the highlighted portion ....The goddamn is in 'goddamn, you're fucking stupid'. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Unfortunately the cereal box from which you got your "goddamn degree in journalism" didn't require reading comprehension .... or history .....

this OP is about the 65 nation "coalition" ... announced repeatedly by the Liar in Chief whose ass you constantly kiss in here .....

... so you sight an article that confirms what the OP said ...

but you in your typical "goddamn degree in journalism" form ... change the subject!!!!

And since you have a "goddamn degree in journalism" where's the "news" in ...

.. the U.S. doing the "heavy lifting"!!!!

bambino's Avatar
Google is your friend, dumbass. We are still doing most of the heavy lifting.

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/30/us...isis.html?_r=0 Originally Posted by WombRaider
That's the point you retard. Where's this 65 nation coalitition Obamas been bragging about. Not that we should need them. But he's lying again. As usual. LL is correct, you are one dumb fuckhead.
From doing some brief research on the web, only 10 countries are supporting the anti-ISIS coalition "militarily." 56 countries are supporting economic sanctions only. Since I can't find any original links I'm not posting my sources.
Nor can I find a specific list of countries.


bambino's Avatar
The fat pissant wouldn't know if it was in alphabetical order or not. His "Butt Buddies" must have ditched him at the homo beach on Lake Travis. Now that the lake is full again, he's coming to hang out with the fellas! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So says the lazy, dirty, stupid Asswipe Ziffle. The duck hooved pig brother of Arnold Ziffle and a disgrace to his people.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Speaking of disgusting heaps of goo, I just read the Pissant's last review...

Better stick to the boys at Hippie Hollow, Baby Huey!
bambino's Avatar
Speaking of disgusting heaps of goo, I just read the Pissant's last review...

Better stick to the boys at Hippie Hollow, Baby Huey! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
And how about your reviews you stupid, lazy pig? You just lay on a massage table and wallow around. Dirty, stupid, lazy. A disgrace to your people.
Unfortunately the cereal box from which you got your "goddamn degree in journalism" didn't require reading comprehension .... or history .....

this OP is about the 65 nation "coalition" ... announced repeatedly by the Liar in Chief whose ass you constantly kiss in here .....

... so you sight an article that confirms what the OP said ...

but you in your typical "goddamn degree in journalism" form ... change the subject!!!!

And since you have a "goddamn degree in journalism" where's the "news" in ...

.. the U.S. doing the "heavy lifting"!!!!

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Did you even read the article? It clearly stated that the US is doing most of the bombing, etc. Can you fucking read? I'm not disagreeing with you on that point, idiot.