Toyz - I pity the fool...... Others should take pity on him and those like him in 2016.

Whispers's Avatar
No.... Seriously.......

And other like him as well......

It's probably why I pay him attention throughout the year when he's here.....

He's quick to stir a pot and point at others calling them attention whores but just look at the sad facts.....

He starts thread after thread that never goes anywhere...... Do a search of his contributions and the sad topics and look at the posts and views..... Very Sad...

Christmas with a hooker?

55 Posts since Christmas Eve and the time on Christmas day to post? Many of the posts whining about others like Still Looking or myself? I had 4 posts since Dec 23rd before today. Still Looking had 18. Toyz had more than twice ours combined. In the last month he out-posted me by 68%

In the last month he out posted me by 121 posts.....

What else is truly sad about him and others like him is that when you look at their posts their whole purpose for posting tends to involve a fixation on whispers, still looking or rocker rick.....

As you look around entering the New Year and make a resolution... Consider showing some love to and brightening the days of Toyz and crew.....

Merry Christmas Toyz. I know it's late.

But I didn't really think your holiday would be so void......

I hope you have SOMEthing planned for New Years..... There is a Chocolate hooker that reeks of desperation looking for some company... Maybe she will be interested in a sammy.....

I hope the other members of the community consider you and the other's less fortunate that can only find what they need here to fill the void in their personal lives.....

Wishing you and others like you a 2016 where others take notice.....
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
LMAO. You pity Toyz? This is the best joke ever.

Let's see.

We found out that the view counts are irrelevant and can be spun up by hitting refresh all day long which is what you do because you spend all day on the site hitting refresh on all your posts while Toyz rather be spending his time with a sweet piece of ass or two.

Your topics, for the majority are character assassinations compared to Toyz which are informative and humorous which we can say none of yours are.

Last but not least, you have been voted off the island in every single poll that has been started with you in it, even by your good friend.
Whispers's Avatar

Are you a Pollock?

In regards to "view counts" I haven't been around for a few days yet they keep climbing.....

I attribute that to my "fans" that are eagerly awaiting something new they can try to play with.....

One thread has grown by over 20,000 views in the last couple of years long after falling away from the first few pages....
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
How are those ruby red shoes working for ya?

(If I believe its true, everyone will believe.
If I believe its true, everyone will believe. ....)


Are you a Pollock?

In regards to "view counts" I haven't been around for a few days yet they keep climbing.....

I attribute that to my "fans" that are eagerly awaiting something new they can try to play with.....

One thread has grown by over 20,000 views in the last couple of years long after falling away from the first few pages.... Originally Posted by Whispers

Psst, I'll give you a hint. You wrote this post regarding people reading Toyz post when everyone reads your post they are looking for the train wreck.

Whispers's Avatar
Psst, I'll give you a hint. You wrote this post regarding people reading Toyz post when everyone reads your post they are looking for the train wreck. Originally Posted by Mike Vronsky
Oh.. On that you are telling me nothing new...

As a matter of fact you are helping me make a different point....

People love and seek out the drama....

Threads that have drama draw better activity and interest than those that do not....

Can you find anything to do anymore that does not involve one of a handful of members?

You are black listed for your bare backing activity... you make no note worthy contributions other than to whine about me or Still Looking.....
Whispers's Avatar
You keep skipping over the pollack questoin.... Let me know.. I got some jokes if you are.....
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
Oh.. On that you are telling me nothing new...

As a matter of fact you are helping me make a different point....

People love and seek out the drama....

Threads that have drama draw better activity and interest than those that do not....

Can you find anything to do anymore that does not involve one of a handful of members?

You are black listed for your bare backing activity... you make note worthy contributions other than to whine about me or Still Looking..... Originally Posted by Whispers
The Bareback Crew

I'm not going to say I never barebacked a stripper. There have been
a couple over the years......
Originally Posted by Whispers

Bareback Slamdango.jpg


Whispers's Avatar
Sorry Mike...... you have to have to have some relevance and be someone people tune in to in order to make rumors stick...... You lack both.....

There is a huge difference in my having admitted that when comfortable with seeing someone I've barebacked a stripper or two over the years....... A big difference as well where someone accuses SL of having barebacked a hooker......

as either are towards your reputation of having slipped off the cover on a back stroke and slamming it back in raw on the return stroke the way you do....

I mean really...... Still Looking is still who he has been since the beginning as is whispers.....

Your rep got the best of you and you needed to ditch your Dante handle when the story of you and your bare back group started making the rounds and getting verified.....

Although I do tend to lump you into the same group as Toyz regarding relevance..... You did manage to find better things to do over Christmas than your lonely/only buddy Toyz did.........

So quit wasting time on those of us you can't affect and give Toyz a reach around show your bro some love....

He's been needy...... it shows....
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-28-2015, 11:03 AM
No.... Seriously.......

And other like him as well......

It's probably why I pay him attention throughout the year when he's here.....

He's quick to stir a pot and point at others calling them attention whores but just look at the sad facts.....

He starts thread after thread that never goes anywhere...... Do a search of his contributions and the sad topics and look at the posts and views..... Very Sad...

Christmas with a hooker?

55 Posts since Christmas Eve and the time on Christmas day to post? Many of the posts whining about others like Still Looking or myself? I had 4 posts since Dec 23rd before today. Still Looking had 18. Toyz had more than twice ours combined. In the last month he out-posted me by 68%

In the last month he out posted me by 121 posts.....

What else is truly sad about him and others like him is that when you look at their posts their whole purpose for posting tends to involve a fixation on whispers, still looking or rocker rick.....

As you look around entering the New Year and make a resolution... Consider showing some love to and brightening the days of Toyz and crew.....

Merry Christmas Toyz. I know it's late.

But I didn't really think your holiday would be so void......

I hope you have SOMEthing planned for New Years..... There is a Chocolate hooker that reeks of desperation looking for some company... Maybe she will be interested in a sammy.....

I hope the other members of the community consider you and the other's less fortunate that can only find what they need here to fill the void in their personal lives.....

Wishing you and others like you a 2016 where others take notice..... Originally Posted by Whispers
I cannot tell you how fun it is being so deep in your head that you can't possibly post without mentioning me...

And to actually add up my posts in some lame attempt at tricking people into believing you are relevant anymore. WhixxZy, they are laughing AT you not with you anymore. You are just a sad old relic grasping at anything to make yourself believe you matter.

"I've been trolling prostitute boards for 15 years"..LMAO! Only you...ONLY you would consider that some sort of accomplishment.

I said recently that all you can do, and all you DO do is character assassinations. That's all you got. Its the sum of your game. Nothing more, ever...

I post about the stooges guys are the only ones that take yourselves seriously so its enjoyable for the rest of us to point it out how stupid you look....

Yes, I spent last Christmas with a funny Hoogar. Actually had a great time too! This past year with a civvie.


Every year (your admission) with a prostitute...every.fucking.year. Its the only life you know, so no one doubts why you cling to your imagined notoriety so desperately...{{{now is the part where you tell us all that this one is not a hoogar, that since you found her in the want ads that its different}}}

And yes...thanks for asking...I do have plans for NYE. I assume I can find you at Ricks or P10 in a sticky back booth trying to score some bareback action?

Heres how everyone else sees you...not that you'll admit it...

HOMER (in conversation with WhixxZy on the board in the below linked thread on the Austin Co-ed board) INK " 8"&HYPERLINK " 8"page=8

You date one stripper after another until she bolts. Seriously you always say some bs story about how little you pay and how much they love you and how you move on but dude that's total bs. I've been there with you so many times at the club. You get turned down left and right from the same chicks I see regularly. You get a whole crew together just to beat a girl down to finally seeing you. I've witnessed it. Then when you finally do get her you pass her around until she get's a clue and joins here or moves on. The ones who join her trash you like everyone else.

Dude you are the definition of the worst of the worst. I can play this game with you all day. We hang in the same circles, we know the same ladies and gents and we all know that what you post here and what actually happens is completely different.

When you finally get the trim and pass it around to your crew what's the first thing you always tell the new guys? (I believe it's, bring your own condoms or not, it's up to you)

WhixxZy...really...aren't you getting tired of me beating you bloody here? A smart man would have packed his lunch and left for the day...YOU, you just keep asking for a beating...time after time people tell you by poll or post that they wish you would leave...but you just don't get it, do you?

Whispers's Avatar
Take a look Toyz.... I have thousands of posts that have nothing to do with you.......

Even when I am gone from the board for weeks or months you can't find anything to talk about that is not related ot me or a couple of others.....

Grab onto the rantings of a few that have had their asses handed to them over the years if you like...... Others know the reality....

Maybe you can shed some light though on Dante/Mike for me..... Is he a Pollack? I've been asking for a while because he sure can fit the butt end of some great Pollock material.....
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-28-2015, 11:14 AM
Take a look Toyz.... I have thousands of posts that have nothing to do with you.......

Even when I am gone from the board for weeks or months you can't find anything to talk about that is not related ot me or a couple of others.....

Grab onto the rantings of a few that have had their asses handed to them over the years if you like...... Others know the reality....

Maybe you can shed some light though on Dante/Mike for me..... Is he a Pollack? I've been asking for a while because he sure can fit the butt end of some great Pollock material..... Originally Posted by Whispers
Whispers's Avatar
rehashing old schtick?

LOL.... Post faster..... Bossman will be looking at the time cards soon and you gotta clock back in shortly.....
Whispers's Avatar
Peddle faster!

You are losing ground!
Masters and Slaves's Avatar
Yeah, that corporation are quite the clock watchers.
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
Take a look Toyz.... I have thousands of posts that have nothing to do with you.......

Even when I am gone from the board for weeks or months you can't find anything to talk about that is not related ot me or a couple of others.....

Grab onto the rantings of a few that have had their asses handed to them over the years if you like...... Others know the reality....

Maybe you can shed some light though on Dante/Mike for me..... Is he a Pollack? I've been asking for a while because he sure can fit the butt end of some great Pollock material..... Originally Posted by Whispers
