How Hard Is It?

To post the f***ing donation rate you paid in a review?

*Was it a special? Then indicate the donation rate and in (parenthesis) indicate "special."

*Did you get some discount, P411 or other? Then indicate the donation rate and in (parenthesis) note P 411 or whatever discount included.

*Are you grandfathered or do you have a frequent flier discount? Then indicate the donation rate and in (parenthesis) indicate P 411 "grandfathered or repeat client rate."

*Did you get an indivudal special offer that the lady chooses not to publicize? Then simply indicate the ladies normal published donation rate.

It really isn't that hard to be a bit more informative in a review, with something most gents would deem "critical information."
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 08-12-2011, 08:14 AM
I don't really get it I guess....

Why does it matter what someone else paid? It isn't the rate you will be quoted. Maybe push the ladies harder to have all the info in the showcase instead. (Oh.. but that would require an extra click on your behalf) Just seems a bit like looking at last weeks sales paper for this weeks deals to me.

I guess I just see it as why effing put the donation AND all those services in the same damn location.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Why don't you just ask the lady what her current rates are?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Not sure why this falls in the "critical category" lol Whats listed on her showcase/website is what you should go by. Very Simple
It seems some have forgotten the purpose of a review is to convey information. Silly me! I thought the donation fell under the "information" category.
Guest091314's Avatar
To me surfing the rates in the review sections seems a bit too much like "track the winning bids" on priceline, where you get notified when someone gets a good deal LOL!

Then to put the "" around the rate, that could mean plenty of things. What if the client is grandfathered, got special rate, full rate, ATF he suppose to specify this?
Why does it matter what someone else paid? Originally Posted by ~Ze~
It isn't so much that we want to know exactly what someone paid, but it gives us a range. Is she $$$$/hr? Is she $$/hr? Not all hobbyists are rich, price carries a lot of weight when making a decision.

It isn't the rate you will be quoted. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Why not? Is it different for every hobbyist that calls or emails? Ok, so you have your regulars and maybe they pay special prices. How do I know from the review that he is a regular? How do I know that his price would be different from mine? I still want a range of prices that I can expect.

Why don't you just ask the lady what her current rates are? Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Seems simple enough, except that a hobbyist might not be looking for one particular lady. So he is curious about many. When I look through reviews, I might look at 25 different providers. Should I contact all 25? Or would it make more sense to see the price in a review?
If I know she is out of my range, why would I contact her? A review would help me to see what her price range is even if it isn't exact.

Not sure why this falls in the "critical category" lol Whats listed on her showcase/website is what you should go by. Very Simple Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Very simple, except when you are looking at many different providers. Very simple unless the provider doesn't put the price in her showcase. There are many that don't. Do I really want to visit 25 different showcases, and then find that only some of them have prices? So now I have to visit the websites also? It starts to turn into a chore.

To me surfing the rates in the review sections seems a bit too much like "track the winning bids" on priceline, where you get notified when someone gets a good deal LOL! Originally Posted by Alecia
What's wrong with that? As stated earlier, not all hobbyists are rich. Price IS a factor.

The responses from the providers seem to assume that a client picks ONE provider, looks at her showcase for prices, and then makes an appointment.

When a client contacts you, it may not be because you are the ONLY one on the board that he wanted to see.

Most of the time I have no idea who I want to see. Many providers are potential appointments for me. I have to narrow it down and price is one of the inidicators.

It isn't the providers' fault that clients aren't putting the prices in the reviews. Unless they are told not to I guess. But there are trickle down effects.

This scenario happens to me a lot:
1. Get home from work after a tiresome day.
2. Surf the reviews to see who I might want to see. Review doesn't have a price.
3. Click on her ad from the review.
4. Click on her showcase from the ad. No price.
5. See where her website is listed, either in the profile or her signature.
6. Finally get a price from her website after a few clicks.
7. Decide that the price isn't what I had in mind for that particular provider. This could mean that she doesn't provide the services that warrant the price. Or, she just isn't in the category of provider to command such a price. (only my opinion)

Repeat steps 2-7.
Repeat steps 2-7.
Repeat steps 2-7.

And so on.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Wow that sounds like a pain in the ass internetdown (kinda like screening lol )
that's why Ive kept mine the same rate as when I started a year ago. No ups. no downs, no specials, no nothing ..same thing guessing or leg work so to speak
Guest091314's Avatar
I can imagine it is a huge pain in the ass, understanding that you have a RL and other things to tend to besides fun research.

Also keep in mind that we are limited to what we can put where. Too bad we cannot just put everything in a sig line so when you see a post you see the details you are searching for. If its helps, a good idea to think of is to just skip all the bs and go to her site.

That is why I update my showcase regularly and always have links to my site so that the info is easy to find...just smart marketing in my opinion.
Sweet n little/Alecia,

I am glad you didn't take offense to my reply and took it the way in which is was meant. I forgot to include in my response a disclaimer that I am respectfully replying and only want to show another side to it.

Wow that sounds like a pain in the ass internetdown (kinda like screening lol )
that's why Ive kept mine the same rate as when I started a year ago. No ups. no downs, no specials, no nothing ..same thing guessing or leg work so to speak Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
It can be a big pain. Good to see that some keep it simple like you do.

Also keep in mind that we are limited to what we can put where. Too bad we cannot just put everything in a sig line so when you see a post you see the details you are searching for. Originally Posted by Alecia
Yes, it it limited, too bad it isn't a little easier.

That is why I update my showcase regularly and always have links to my site so that the info is easy to find...just smart marketing in my opinion. Originally Posted by Alecia
Smart indeed.
Most of the ladies that replied here have complete and up to date information in their showcases, but that's not typically the case. No rates, no specials, call for rates, go to my website etc are just some of the things that appear there. So having donations listed in the review is a big help.

But I digress...
Iaintliein's Avatar
The fact that prices aren't listed in ads anymore may negate this situation, but, at one time, the same provider could have different rates here, CL/BP, P411, Yahoo Group etc. and you had to tell her specifically where you saw the rate. I have run into that situation before.

It is unfortunate that this critical information can't be shared in a more straight forward fashion (like it used to be).

TP is correct, IMHO, it isn't a review if the rate isn't listed, it's just a tease. In fact, It would be great if reviews could be sorted by the various fields, including rate.

It would be great if the decision could always be made on looks, menu and chemistry with no regard to budget, but it's not reality for most.

Economics: the application of finite resources to infinite demands.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 08-12-2011, 03:32 PM
I thought for a review to get credit the FEE had to be included in the review. I also thought that an acceptable amount to list was the provider's advertised rate whether or not that's what you paid.

On a side's not really a donation.
To post the f***ing donation rate you paid in a review?

*Was it a special? Then indicate the donation rate and in (parenthesis) indicate "special."

*Did you get some discount, P411 or other? Then indicate the donation rate and in (parenthesis) note P 411 or whatever discount included.

*Are you grandfathered or do you have a frequent flier discount? Then indicate the donation rate and in (parenthesis) indicate P 411 "grandfathered or repeat client rate."

*Did you get an indivudal special offer that the lady chooses not to publicize? Then simply indicate the ladies normal published donation rate.

It really isn't that hard to be a bit more informative in a review, with something most gents would deem "critical information." Originally Posted by Tony Patella
Curious minds want to know.

All good and valid points. Thanks TP.
TinMan's Avatar
I agree with Tony. It is frustrating, particularly when the lady doesn't keep up-to-date information in her showcase, which is more often than you think.