possible sting in Irving....Amer Best Value...

caddude's Avatar
Hello...new guy here....got maybe something interesting.......I was on
CL last Friday night weeding through the Bots checking the on theDatingJudge dot com
When a post of a group of provders (all in one pic...strange) I commented
And then forgot about until I got Response back. Which is really weird cause the Bots
Don't read sh_t. After a few back and forths we set something up. She told me off 183
And Story. Got lost a abit ....and then found it. There was 3 of Irvings finest
Parked in front....I made a move for the Burger of Kings and had a coffe while
Checked out the Alerts section here. Bottom line....got scared and hauled
Ass.Bad karma.the ad was sunshine_dallas_diamonds....ju st reminded me of a story
Of vice officer women who did this in the West somewhere....I'll search for it
And post........careful
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
hmmm interesting
caddude's Avatar
here is an update on that site I referenced.... the CL scammers are using one called
thedatingjudgenetwork dot com!!!!!! this is a scam.....don't fall for their crap!!!!
the bots are all over CL.....remember you should delete every time there is a verification link!!!! do it....they are not real ask them local questions ....like 'what is a Blue Goose'? they will either not respond or tell you it's some Ethiopian type bird.......we all no (and I love) the Mexican food there.....beware of that crap!!!!!! your credit card will thank you

i'm only preaching this cause I fell into that trap!!!!! it thedatingjudge dot com check it out...before you hit enter!!!!!!!
your pal (I used to read a lot of ASPD... before......well you know....) let's make this site a great one by posting the tidbits of info we all yearn for!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
KittyLamour's Avatar
What is thedatingjudge dot com?
caddude's Avatar
This guy got burned answering an ad on CL......the post-er sends a reply back asking to click the link
To verify you are yuo.......well the link is re-directed to a dating site....sometimes 2 or 3 sites
When you put your credit card info on the (what you think is) legit site......it automatically signs you up for these dating/webcam/hookup sites for a hefty monthly fee....and they hide the phone nuber
In the User agreement.....by the time you find it....your account missed the grace period for 'free' trial
And you have to pay the entire month....for each site. This guy exposes the bad emails that you will
Receive from. CL post.He has saved me from myself......pussy makes me weak.....and sometimes.....you'say or do just about anything to get a taste!!!!
Its gat a searchable database of all the ripp-offs. Check it out...for your peace of mind!!
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
are you sure you're not a spam bot?
caddude's Avatar
Yeah........i m a real dude.......working at a project in DFW Airport
Sorry about whatever vibes I'm giving out.....this is the very first time I posted anything anywhere!!
Live in Carrollton....what else??.......ok.....I used to fish out of Little Elm park......now
They made so many improvements.....if you don't live there it costs 75 bucks for a year
Park pass after being free for as long as I can recall....I started fishing there in 89!
Would a bot know that???.....huh?..........huh? ???
Be cool.....gotta go back to work
.....Okay.....what a terrible waste of time it was reading this.....lol
b2pop's Avatar
  • b2pop
  • 11-20-2012, 01:50 PM
wayen9696's Avatar
Good call Sweet Princess. I hope not all has been a waste of time!
caddude's Avatar
Sorry......won't post again
Naw man... Sounds like good advise.