Kay of Houston's Avatar
It was initially said that the virus could not be transferred thru pets.

After watching the news today, that is not true. There was a tiger in a zoo who died because of the virus.

Cant wait till this is a thing of the past..

Kay of Houston
O'Mike's Avatar
The tiger is not dead, it's expected to recover just fine.
Kay of Houston's Avatar
That's wonderful. Guess I miss interpreted the news cast. Thanks for the heads up.
Yes, the tiger is in the Bronx zoo and will recover. Several other animals such as other tigers and lions at the same zoo showed signs of sickness. According to the Communist News Network (, an asymptomatic employee passed the Chinese Virus (SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19) to the animals.
Russ38's Avatar
Good thing there’s enough testing kits to go around for animals....they should’ve started that shit in China months ago......