Ray Rice

billw1032's Avatar
I don't get it. Why is this even a controversy? A man does not lay a hand on a woman. You just don't. Period. End of story.
Hercules's Avatar
What I don't get is why is a pack of thieves (aka The National Football League) playing judge, jury and executioner in morals court? The case was handled by the couple and the authorities. Nuff said.

Brent kills someone and he's allowed to play again.
Rice hits a woman and buh-bye.
Makes perfect sense....
C'mon...this isn't difficult....it's all about the public's perception:

Simply put, there's the undeniable physical proof (video) of Rice clocking his then-fiance'. What more needs to be said per that?

On the other hand, all you had (for public consumption) in Brent's case were photos of "the after-math" (ie: wrecked vehicle, skid marks, smashed guardrails, and the police report). Let's face it.....as a society, we've become desensitized over the years....the public outcry is barely a blip on the radar in such matters anymore.

Also, there's the "perception of intent". Josh Brent, obviously intoxicated, did not set out to kill his best friend when he got behind the wheel that evening. The crime, while terrible, was manslaughter not murder. He's shown contrition, he's served his time, is currently serving an NFL suspension and once it's over, he'll be given an opportunity to play again.

Ray Rice on the other hand "chose" to handle a quarrel with this young lady by "crossing the line" of what most are taught from day one: boys don't hit girls. And men who physically abuse women are looked upon as punks and despised in most if not all circles.

Rice has been released by the Ravens and suspended (until further notice) by the NFL. He'll have to serve "his time" as Josh Brent has. And after X-amount of time, it may be lifted and he might be given an opportunity to play again. But not this season.

Brent kills someone and he's allowed to play again.
Rice hits a woman and buh-bye.
Makes perfect sense.... Originally Posted by Hercules
What I don't get is why is a pack of thieves (aka The National Football League) playing judge, jury and executioner in morals court? The case was handled by the couple and the authorities. Nuff said.

Brent kills someone and he's allowed to play again.
Rice hits a woman and buh-bye.
Makes perfect sense.... Originally Posted by Hercules
The LEGAL part was handled by the couple and the authorities. The NFL, as well as any other company, can make their own rules on matters.

Even tho it may as well be said by driving drunk, only bad situations can happen, Josh Brent did not set out to kill his friend and I will bet you that 90% or better of all people, not just NFL players, get behind the wheel and drive while intoxicated. Some get caught when they get into an accident or a cop sees them drive awkwardly, most do not ever get caught. Brent served jail time as well. OTOH, Ray Rice hit his girlfriend ON PURPOSE, knocking her out and dragging her limp body out of the elevator and you can rest assure, that elevator incident was not the first time with her and he has probably did the same to prior girlfriends.

A man putting his hands a woman is more frowned upon by the public than any other crime, that does not happen to them personally, hence the Ravens cutting Rice and terminating his contract, even though they will still take the cap hit for the next 3 years. The Cowboys did not cut Brent, he retired while in jail and wants to come back, so after the legal time was served, the NFL handed down their own punishment, which they have every right to do, just as indefinitely suspending Rice (probably means just this year), but they did not permanently kick him out ala Pete Rose in baseball.
Ravasher's Avatar
The craziest part is his wife is still defending him.
bored@home's Avatar
The craziest part is his wife is still defending him. Originally Posted by Ravasher
Not that crazy...no contract=no $$$
More crazy that she was gf at the time of the KO then became wife.
Chung Tran's Avatar
the Ray Rice video sort of reminded me about this incident from 30 years ago..


as I recall, plenty of people celebrated the Bitch-slapping John Stossell received..
Eye for an eye. Line up about 30 men and have that piece of crap crawl down the line while he gets kicked in the head, ribs, genitals, eyes, etc...When he pulls himself out at the other end he can re-apply with the NFL and have some percentage of his salary go towards some safe houses for abused women and their children.

Outside of simply smashing his head open with a pipe I think this is a reasonable suggestion.
FunInDFW's Avatar
I don't get it. Why is this even a controversy? A man does not lay a hand on a woman. You just don't. Period. End of story. Originally Posted by billw1032
This version is what's causing a lot of the problems. A man doesn't lay a hand on a lady. Not all women are ladies (nothing she showed in the video would indicate she isn't a lady fwiw). Being a woman doesn't mean you can't be defended against should it require a man to fight back, for example. A woman being the aggressor in domestic violence cases is shockingly high. Saying the above precludes a man from being able to ensure his safety by the use of force... But women can? The only difference is the sex of the person that makes something right/wrong? That's the definition of a sexism.

Obviously not that I condone what he did; but this perpetuation of the saying causes more harm than it does good. There are extenuating circumstances.


Edit: I guess I should say - the controversy as I see it has nothing to do with what you've mentioned (man hiring woman). It has more to do with lack of due diligence by the NFL. What controversy are you referring to?
Chung Tran's Avatar
I bet Ray Rice & Jerry Jones are fanning the flames of this story... need something to divert our attention!

FunInDFW's Avatar
:lol the owners response is pretty good! Kind of like how snapchat hid it's lawsuit outcome during Apple's event.
RandB fan's Avatar
Show me all the video from before they got on the elevator and all of the ride not just 3 seconds.

Of all of the 83 players charged with domestic violence (DV) why is this is the only one where a grand jury was asked to review the case? Any lawyers want to chime in before I have to explain what the ham sandwich rule is? The DA did not have a case. Period. if he did he would have filed it himself.

The longest suspension in the NFL for DV until this week was 3 weeks why does Rice get treated differently after another video bought was by TMZ Sports??? Let me spell it out to you MONEY big MONEY.
The NFL is a non profit organization who does not want hundreds of organizations and all of their constituents boycotting the NFL. They do not want them causing political or commercial pressures to the sponsors and NFL and that is exactly what they were surely facing for the failure to act. The Ravens had had enough bad publicity and had even signed a 2 year partnership with an domestic violence agency to try to calm the waters.

Ravens Partner With Local Abuse Center Following Ray Rice Domestic Violence Incident

Published August 29, 2014

The Ravens on Thursday announced a three-year partnership with the House of Ruth Maryland, a shelter for battered women and children, and the deal includes a $600,000 donation "from the team, training for the players and staff and promotional work on behalf of the centers," accor...

When the new video came out they were forced by NCADV and several others groups including commercial sponsorships to cut ties with him at any expense. The NFL had the same pressures from corporate sponsors and advocacy groups The NFL, a non profit, had to address the issue again due to these other non profits having some very strong support for their cause in the justice system and all the state and federal legislatures and could cause the NFL irreparable harm.
Here is a list of the top 20 out of hundreds of organizations that could lobby the NFL's sponsors and lobby lawmakers to have them no longer be considered a non profit. NFL spends millions lobbying lawmakers each year Ever wonder why?

  1. American Bar Association Commission on Domestic and Sexual Violence: The Commission seeks to address domestic and sexual violence from a legal perspective. Its mission is to increase access to justice for survivors of DV, sexual assault, and stalking by engaging the interest and support of members of the legal profession.
  2. Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence: The API Institute is a national resource center focused on gender-based violence (DV, sexual violence, and trafficking) in Asian and Pacific Islander communities. It addresses these issues by increasing awareness, strengthening community strategies for prevention and intervention, and promoting research and policy.
  3. Battered Women’s Justice Project: BWJP offers DV-related training, technical assistance, and consultation to members of the criminal and civil justice systems. The Project analyzes and advocates for effective policing, prosecuting, sentencing, and monitoring of perpetrators of domestic violence.
  4. Child Welfare League of America: CWLA is comprised of a coalition of hundreds of private and public agencies serving at-risk children and families. The League works to advances policies and strategies that promote safe, stable families and assist children, youth, and adults whose families don’t meet those criteria.
  5. Equality Now: Working with grassroots organizations and activists, Equality Now seeks to protect and promote the human rights of women and girls all over the world by documenting violence and discrimination against women and mobilizing efforts to stop these abuses.
  6. Futures Without Violence: FWV aims to advance the health, stability, education, and security of women, men, girls, and boys worldwide. To that end, the organization was a big player in developing the Violence Against Women Act (passed by Congress in 1994) and continues to work with policy makers and train professionals (doctors, nurses, athletic coaches, and judges) to improve responses to DV and educate people about the importance of healthy relationships.
  7. INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence: INCITE! describes itself as a “national activist organization of radical feminists of color advancing a movement to end violence against women of color and our communities.” Comprised of grassroots chapters across the U.S., the organization works with groups of women of color and their communities to develop political projects that address the violence women of color may experience both within their communities and individual lives.
  8. Institute of Domestic Violence in the African American Community: Run out of the University of Minnesota, the Institute has several clearly defined objectives: to further scholarship in the area of African American violence; to provide outreach and technical assistance to African American communities experiencing violence; to raise awareness about the impacts of violence in African American communities; to influence public policy; and to organize violence-related trainings on local and national scales.
  9. Jewish Women International: JWI seeks to empower women and girls through economic literacy, community trainings, and education about healthy relationships. The organization aims to end violence against women by advocating for policies focused on violence prevention and reproductive rights, developing philanthropic initiatives along similar lines, and inspiring “the next generation of leaders” by recognizing and celebrating women’s achievements.
  10. Manavi: Manavi, which means “primal woman” in Sanskrit, is a women’s rights organization committed to ending violence and exploitation committed against South Asian women living in the U.S. The organization provides direct service to survivors of violence, grassroots organization aimed at changing communities, and awareness programs on local and national levels.
  11. Mending the Sacred Hoop: Relying on grassroots efforts, MSH works to end violence against Native women and children. Their overarching mission is “restore the sovereignty and leadership of Native women”; they seek to do so through technical assistance projects and organizing Native women to advocate for the end of violence.
  12. National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence: A national training organization, NCDSV works to influence national policy and provides customized training and consultation to professionals working in fields that might influence domestic violence.
  13. National Coalition Against Domestic Violence: NCADV works from the premise that violence against women and children results from the abuse of power on all scales, from intimate relationships to societal issues like sexism, racism, and homophobia. Therefore, NCADV advocates for major societal changes that will eliminate both personal and social violence for all people by building coalitions, supporting shelter programs, providing public education, and developing policies and legislation.
  14. National Domestic Violence Hotline: The Hotline provides 24-hour support and crisis intervention to victims and survivors of DV through safety planning, advocacy, resources, and a supportive ear.
  15. National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence (ALIANZA): Allianza is a network of organizations addressing the needs of Latino/a families and communities by promoting understanding, dialogue, and solutions that aim to eliminate domestic violence in Latino communities.
  16. National Network to End Domestic Violence: NNEDV is an advocacy organization made up of state domestic violence coalitions and allied organizations and individuals. The organization works closely with its members to understand the needs of domestic violence victims and programs, and then voices those needs to national policymakers.
  17. No More: No More arose from the desire to unite the diverse array of groups working to end domestic violence and sexual assault. Hundreds of representatives from the violence and assault prevention field collaborated to develop a symbol that unites all people working to end these issues, with the end goal of ratcheting up public awareness. The blue vanishing point symbolizes "zero," representing the organization's desire to reach zero incidences of domestic violence and sexual assault.
  18. The Northwest Network: Founded by lesbian survivors of domestic, the NW Network works to end abuse in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities and to support and empower all survivors through education and advocacy.
  19. Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN): RAINN is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. The Network created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE) and operates the Department of Defense’s Safe Helpline. The organization also runs programs to prevent sexual violence, assist survivors, and ensure that rapists are brought to justice.
  20. V-Day: Founded by author Eve Ensler and activists from New York City, V-Day is a global activist movement seeking to end violence against women and girls. The organization stages creative events— most famously, The Vagina Monologues and the documentary Until the Violence Stops — to increase awareness, raise funds, and support other anti-violence organizations.

Their have been many a man who has hit a woman, who, in turn, were charged with a municipal court misdemeanors and never spent a day in jail. Out of the 83 NFL players I doubt that any one did a day in jail and some did not receive suspensions.

The fact is that Rice is being treated unfairly by the NFL and the Ravens because they have so much to lose. There have been player threaten to kill their G/Fs, players put guns in peoples faces, even spit on women's faces and the NFL did very little because technology did not catch it on video and sell it to the media to be exploited, Thus provoking every DV organization in the country to come down on the Ravens and the NFL. Please note this!! You don't see them or hear about them lobbying against the system that allowed Rice to go into intervention and have no record.. Why are they not wanting Anthony Kearns III, the Hunterdon County Prosecutor's head? He is solely responsible for failing to prosecute Rice. You think that maybe he had seen the full video I want to see. I am not condoning hitting a woman, I think he should have picked up the redheaded stepchild and carried her through the casino screaming her fool head off and let security deal with it. But part of me feels that part of the blame is hers and without seeing the video in it's entirety, we will never know. I feel that it would have been a major screw up for the police not to know that there was a camera on the elevator and so I assume that Kernes had seen it. If not he is a lame prosecutor!!
We will never know if Rice was really a good man, who followed up on his commitment to work in the community to stop DV. I would assume the Ravens actions and $600K donation was to do the same thing as a group effort. We will never know what kind of football player he may have been because he will always be known for something other than football. Jerry gets a blowjob from a hooker in a bathroom, Irsay gets bombed out of his mind on a combination of oxycodone and hydrocodone, and Rice loses his job and possibly his future in the NFL because he hit his GF who was hitting on him. SOMETHING SMELLS HERE.
Chung Tran's Avatar
for the record, Rice's then-Fiance was hitting him as they walked into the Casino, then was first to strike inside the elevator, where she also spit on him.. if she had been a guy, we would all be saying "that Jackass had it coming"..
IBS's Avatar
  • IBS
  • 09-10-2014, 03:06 PM
Animals acting like animals. Throw him in a cage. Better yet, euthanize him.
davetheone's Avatar
Looks like the IBS is now inflicting his ??? in Dallas. He seems to know what happens to animals guess he escaped his cage.