Majority of registered voters say the MEDIA is a 'threat to democracy'

berryberry's Avatar
Stunning data from a New York Times/Siena poll find the majority of registered voters believe the media is a "threat" to democracy.

The poll details released Tuesday showed that a whopping 71% of the 792 registered voters questioned say "American democracy is currently under threat."

Among those who fear for democracy, 84% of them, or roughly 60% of all registered voters, view "mainstream media" as some sort of threat. A majority, 59%, call the media a "major threat to democracy" while an additional 25% call it a "minor threat to democracy."
berryberry's Avatar
Great video about the corrupt media

"When Kari Lake says the media are corrupt. She is not guessing. She lived in the middle of it. This is a deeply unsettling message for Democrats to hear because it strikes at the heart of their power."
eyecu2's Avatar
If we were to follow this logic the whole way through, most of the conservatives here, say that Fox News is more popular than CNN and MSNBC together. Therefore they must be called the mainstream news. It's funny how self incrimination works - when you become the mainstream news and are being called out! I would agree that Fox News is dangerous and certainly with a forced agenda and absolutely zero journalists on hand. These are all opinion talking heads spouting the same bullshit from Robert Murdoch.

If anybody was a danger to democracy it's that mother fucker
berryberry's Avatar
If we were to follow this logic the whole way through Originally Posted by eyecu2

However, while 80% of those Republicans and 53% of those Independents call the media a "major" threat, just 38% of those Democrats feel the same.