The GOP shift on gay marriage continues....

Senator Portman of Ohio is the latest. Isn't it funny how when you find out a member of your own family is gay...suddenly, you decide it's not such a bad thing to treat them like a human being?

I'm sure Portman will be targeted for termination by Ohio Tea Partiers due to this blasphemy.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Seems like a few of the more intelligent "rino's" are learning to listen to MANY of their consittuents, not just the mouthy few.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
No one is stopping you two boys from taking it up the ass and sucking each other's dicks - just don't call it marriage, ok? That's all I ask.
No one is stopping you two boys from taking it up the ass and sucking each other's dicks - just don't call it marriage, ok? That's all I ask. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Fucking schlock.

I'd rather associate with homosexuals than a Forbidden topic CC, fucking schlock.

Your kids are weeeping.
Budman's Avatar
Isn't it funny how when the idiot in cheif that you supported does something that you would be screaming bloody murder over had it happened under a republican administration is suddenly OK. It's no big deal.
I'd rather associate with homosexuals than a Forbidden topic CC, fucking schlock.

Your kids are weeeping. Originally Posted by UB9IB6
Keep it up, shit-for-brains.

The moderator will be here shortly to remind you of taboo subjects.

It doesn't help when you quote it. Doubles my work and its pretty obvious how lazy I am. CC
Senator Portman of Ohio is the latest. Isn't it funny how when you find out a member of your own family is gay...suddenly, you decide it's not such a bad thing to treat them like a human being?

I'm sure Portman will be targeted for termination by Ohio Tea Partiers due to this blasphemy. Originally Posted by timpage
This crap seems to be more important than balancing the budget. The only thing that can come out of Gays getting married is that Divorce Lawyers will have a heavier work load.
Keep it up, shit-for-brains.

The moderator will be here shortly to remind you of taboo subjects. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Ok.get back to monitoring the halls.

If its considered taboo....I'll cease when asked by one of the fine mods we have here.
Just so we are clear... I wasnt the one who said he was into that shit. That was schlock face .
Im just pointing out his self admitted and disgusting proclivities.

Ill shorten it from now on. Ill refer to him as the" weeping lawyer".
That should suffice.

It is, consider yourself asked, or do we need to go with the whole other routine? CC
jbravo_123's Avatar
No one is stopping you two boys from taking it up the ass and sucking each other's dicks - just don't call it marriage, ok? That's all I ask. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Texas tried to stop them from doing that! (Also, I believe the Texas statute made BJs illegal as well?)

Regardless, I'm ok with Republicans getting more open minded on this issue. With how accepted it is in the mainstream these days, I figure gay marriage is just one of those inevitable things we'll slowly get to.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Ok.get back to monitoring the halls.

If its considered taboo....I'll cease when asked by one of the fine mods we have here.
Just so we are clear... I wasnt the one who said he was into that shit. That was schlock face .
Im just pointing out his self admitted and disgusting proclivities.

Ill shorten it from now on. Ill refer to him as the" weeping lawyer".
That should suffice. Originally Posted by UB9IB6
Your reading comprehension sucks, faggot.
I'm sure you're too stupid to realize the irony in your statement.

You and those who believe as you do are the ones who make cultural issues like gay marriage and abortion the centerpiece of your platforms, rather than things that benefit the common good of the country, like efforts to balance the budget. It allows you to take advantage of the prejudices and intolerance of idiots like the Jewish Lawyer (I'll let you find his moronic post in this string on your own...couple of posts up). Nothing galvanizes certain elements of a constituency like hatred and intolerance towards another group. And, it's a huge plus if the haters can count on non-thinking religious groups, which is, of course, the backbone of the intolerance the GOP exhibits towards gays.

Whatever. People are finally coming around on the issue, Republicans included. Folks are starting to recognize that gays ought to be treated like everyone else. It's a no-brainer.

This crap seems to be more important than balancing the budget. The only thing that can come out of Gays getting married is that Divorce Lawyers will have a heavier work load. Originally Posted by acp5762
No one is stopping you two boys from taking it up the ass and sucking each other's dicks - just don't call it marriage, ok? That's all I ask. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Really? Here, on THIS particular board, you are concerned about having to share the definition of marriage with gays? Will that somehow demean marriage in your eyes?

Please don't make me spell this one out for you.
Isn't it amusing? The irony is going to be lost on him, he's too stupid to get it.

Really? Here, on THIS particular board, you are concerned about having to share the definition of marriage with gays? Will that somehow demean marriage in your eyes?

Please don't make me spell this one out for you. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I'm sure you're too stupid to realize the irony in your statement.

You and those who believe as you do are the ones who make cultural issues like gay marriage and abortion the centerpiece of your platforms, rather than things that benefit the common good of the country, like efforts to balance the budget. It allows you to take advantage of the prejudices and intolerance of idiots like the Jewish Lawyer (I'll let you find his moronic post in this string on your own...couple of posts up). Nothing galvanizes certain elements of a constituency like hatred and intolerance towards another group. And, it's a huge plus if the haters can count on non-thinking religious groups, which is, of course, the backbone of the intolerance the GOP exhibits towards gays.

Whatever. People are finally coming around on the issue, Republicans included. Folks are starting to recognize that gays ought to be treated like everyone else. It's a no-brainer. Originally Posted by timpage
This is how stupid your ass is. The Federal Government shouldn't entertain social issues like Gay Marriages. Thats up to individual States to make that call. Gays by the way are treated like everyone else. If to allow them to get married completes their lives then so be it.
CJohnny54's Avatar
No one is stopping you two boys from taking it up the ass and sucking each other's dicks - just don't call it marriage, ok? That's all I ask. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Agree... until children can be produce that way.... union with right of marry people