OK...a question about politics for those smarter than me(in other words...most of you).

So the Democrats are trying to spend our way to prosperity by running up massive deficits(like Bush and Reagan only on steriods)(has that ever worked?not trying to be flippant just asking) the Republicans say tax breaks for small businesses and individuals(like JFK and Reagan).

I like to hear both sides and I'm confused(hey...I'm a blonde).

I really feel it's important in this wonderful democracy we have to understand both sides. SO...let's hear it!

AND...I'm just truly wanting to hear from those smarter than I(well that includes 98% of those here).
Thanks, Heather
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-02-2010, 10:16 PM
This will be good.
sharkie's Avatar
No, it's not possible to spend your way to prosperity when you haven't got a plan or competent planners. Obama is surrounded by incompetents. This country has pissed away trillions of dollars in the last 18 months, with nothing to show for it except a mountain of debt that will never be retired. Much of the EU has already told Obama they are not going top follow his lead. They've already figured out that it's not working. The difference between their leaders and ours is that Obama and his clown posse are hopelessly burdened by ego and narcissism. California makes a perfect example: a bankrupt state where about 30% of the residents pay almost 100% of the taxes, and, no, I'm not talking about sales tax. Still, they can't wait to create massive social programs that really only help the least productive people that live there. Nancy Pelosi has the IQ of wax fruit, but you'll never hear her admit that she's made a mistake.
I also found it quite interesting that the EU is now telling O'Bama to stop his spending and he is defiantly saying NO that he knows best and that Europe should listen to HIM.
I guess the honeymoon is over, since most of the EU were right up his ass with luuuuuuv over ourgreat leader in the recent past.
I think he just might go down as did one of our past "great leaders"-Jimmy Carter, the Jew hating peanut head peanut farmer, the great nitwit, the destroyer of our gold standard.
Hopefully he will come to his senses, but I'm thinking he'll go down as a one termer.
why is anyone smarter then you regarding politics? diff. opinions sure, but not smarter.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Don't forget, wars cost money...something your boy Bush started (two of them, in fact).
What is it, $10 billion (with a B) a month??

And we've been over in both places HOW LONG now?

why is anyone smarter then you regarding politics? diff. opinions sure, but not smarter. Originally Posted by live4fun

Because although I listen to both sides before I make my opinion, I don't really know how to research the real facts. It seems that both sides can come up with great arguments, I just like to hear it all before I decide.
I used to be a confirmed Democrat/progressive, and proud of it, when I was 18 I considered myself a Socialist, but as the years have passed I have studied carefully (OK, listened)all sides and on much reflection now am a proud conservative. But I strongly beilieve that our great country is built on ideas and different points of view, and always want to hear it all. I mean, I did quite a turnaround, politically speaking. I always try to keep an open mind.H
Don't forget, wars cost money...something your boy Bush started (two of them, in fact).
What is it, $10 billion (with a B) a month??

And we've been over in both places HOW LONG now?

Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Good point, but what do you think O'Bama would have done if he were president when 9/11 happened??????

P.S.Dubya wasn't my "boy". I voted for him in 2004 but Gore in 2000.

P.S.S. Why hasn't O'Bama got us out of Afganistan yet? It's been TWO years! What's the problem? Ask your "boy". I'll be waiting, as has millions of disillisioned Democrats, for your answer. H
Randall Creed's Avatar
The bigger a fuckup is, the harder it is to get out of it.

That's why we're still in both places.
notanewbie's Avatar
The bigger a fuckup is, the harder it is to get out of it. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
kinda like a vote for Obama.

Randall Creed's Avatar
I don't care enough about you to explain it to you.

Go finish watching your pornos, dude.
Cousin Dupree's Avatar
Afghanistan was a war worth fighting and winning-- Iraq was an unnecessary and hugely costly sideshow. Unfortunately Iraq got most of the attention, troops, and money.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
I don't care enough about you to explain it to you.

Go finish watching your pornos, dude. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed

(sotto voce) Hey NAN...I'm beginning to wonder whether the Creed persona is in actuality the creation of some white kid in his mama's basement having fun with his caricature of a big ol' strong-ass black mack daddy. If Creed were a real person there's no way he would parody hisownself this much. Would he? Hell naw.
sharkie's Avatar
Easy, guys. The volume rose really quickly on this one.
LittleSpike's Avatar
The CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) is one of the groups that have set the agenda for this country.

They have been called "treasonous". Why, check out this link:
