LadyLover10's Avatar
  • adi
  • 07-14-2010, 10:35 PM
1 ball 4 superstars will not work give em 2 years max.
  • cg00
  • 07-15-2010, 12:39 AM
See Celtics. Ray Allen + Kevin Garnett + Paul Price + Rondo = Championship. Get the idea?

Yeah it was only one trophy for the Celtics but that is all Lebron wants is one. He can worry about the second one after he gets the first.
LeBron is a great basketball player. He is one of the most talented I have ever seen!

But he will never be mentioned in the same breath as Michael Jordan or even Kobe untill he wins RINGS!

It is all about the RINGS!!!!!
Bluntman's Avatar
for me as a Celtics fan I am fine with it if they can Beat LA I just cant stand seeing LA win another title and I like LeBron and Wade and I look forward to seeing them next year. I think there are still some strong teams such as LA, Boston, Chicago etc that can give them a run for their money but if they get a few more pieces they will probably be unstoppable.

I think any fan of a team that is a contender hates this Heat team especially laker fan since now they have to actually worry about another team since they have been by far the best team the past few years. I think a heat lakers finals would be awesome as long as the heat win
See Celtics. Ray Allen + Kevin Garnett + Paul Price + Rondo = Championship. Get the idea?

Yeah it was only one trophy for the Celtics but that is all Lebron wants is one. He can worry about the second one after he gets the first. Originally Posted by cg00
I do... that's what Lebron needs, a team that can go all the way
hornfreak's Avatar
Yeap, Lebron needs a team that can win championships.If he can't do that in Miami soon, it'll be a disappoinment and he'll probably go to another team.Instead of being a leader, now he's a FOLLOWER. Like Bigtex said, unless he wins lots of rings he won't be in the Jordan and Kobe category.
I *gulp* agree with bintex. Its about the rings...and maybe the Miami scene.

Lebron took 100 million dollars out of the Cleveland's owner's pocket. Good. And I hate Pat Riley.

BTW, the Rockets should get as much value out of Yao as possible.

The boy is cold, but he just can't seem to get around the curve.. and no one, I mean no one, will ever be as cold as Micheal, no matter how many rings... He changed the game. And perfected the fadeaway.

Question: lets say that MJ and Kobe were the same age, and played in the league at the same time. Who would be #1?
What is LeBron going to do when Wade starts banging his mom like Delonte West did?
ohhh. low blow lol
hornfreak's Avatar
He's gonna ask him, Are you my daddy?
daarakan's Avatar

Question: lets say that MJ and Kobe were the same age, and played in the league at the same time. Who would be #1? Originally Posted by luxury daphne
Depends, Jordan was that good back when hand checking was still allowed. NBA has eased the rules substantially since that time. As great as Kobe is, he didn't have to get beat up by the Pistons for his first few years in the league. There was an entire defensive theory called the Jordan Rules and most of todays players wouldn't have survived most of the punishment he took.

That and traveling has changed from 2 to 3 steps (Jordan's time) to somewhere around 5 to 12 steps now depending on the ref. There are definitely more offensive friendly rules today then before. Yet Jordan still wins most statistical categories other then 3pt percentage and like 0.04% behind in free throw percentage. and Kobe's 6 for 24 in a game 7 doesn't help his cause.

Thus, Jordan in a blow out if both played during Jordan's Years. But Jordan in a squeaker if both were playing today.
Depends, Jordan was that good back when hand checking was still allowed. NBA has eased the rules substantially since that time. As great as Kobe is, he didn't have to get beat up by the Pistons for his first few years in the league. There was an entire defensive theory called the Jordan Rules and most of todays players wouldn't have survived most of the punishment he took.

That and traveling has changed from 2 to 3 steps (Jordan's time) to somewhere around 5 to 12 steps now depending on the ref. There are definitely more offensive friendly rules today then before. Yet Jordan still wins most statistical categories other then 3pt percentage and like 0.04% behind in free throw percentage. and Kobe's 6 for 24 in a game 7 doesn't help his cause.

Thus, Jordan in a blow out if both played during Jordan's Years. But Jordan in a squeaker if both were playing today. Originally Posted by daarakan
It's not that the rule on traveling has changed, it's just more lax than it was in Jordan's time. Refs make mistakes, and the fast paced nature of the game makes it hard sometimes to catch traveling, even with all three refs watching. Like LeBron's 'crab dribble'. It's hard to tell if he was still gathering the ball when he stepped off on his pivot foot. Also, they have taken into account the individual player's size and cadence is a determining factor in when a player actually gathers the ball and when they step off. I've never seen a ref let a player take 12 steps; that would be ludicrous. As for hand checking, I think it made the game too easy, all the players move are their feet lol. I know it was meant to open up the flow of the game, but they should've left the restriction at the hand, and not the forearm.

Squeaker? Jordan would blow Kobe away, no matter what era. Combine his leap, his extended shooting range, and his ability to post up, Kobe's ass would be in SERIOUS trouble. Stop playin
As for stats...

tittslover's Avatar
Jordan did it with pippen, kobe did it with shaq and gasol. The era j&p played in you didnt need 3 legit all star players toni was above average roll player even with k&s they had very good rol players and know k&p has very good rol players.

With lebron and wade you got a bosh who could be an allstar by himself on anyother team. its great to see them 3 get togather in prime of there careers rather then what the celtics did where they only have 3 to 4 ear window.

I think they guys in league will want to go play in miami becasue its miami and plus knowing they will have a chance to win for next 5 years + winning is addiction just like anything else all said lets wait and see before we hand them the championships already.