Ok now ladies.. be honest.

Who would use this?

chicagoboy's Avatar
Who would use this? Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
Three Sides?
Slitlikr's Avatar
You damn well better use it if you're in my truck.
I drive until the gas runs out. NO exceptions!
Russ38's Avatar
Who would use this? Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
I'd use it as an oil funnel....
I fly little airplanes.........

I have a modified version of that for the females that fly with me on a trip over an hour.....

Zip lock bag with a sponge in it, a regular ol' funnel, that has one slice in it to form fit.. ( .99 cents) saves 10 dollars in gas to land and take off again..

Male version... Does not require the funnel....

Seal the zipper.... Bomb a lake.....
Fancyinheels's Avatar

Although some guys could probably use this to help improve their aim.
I thought that's what a man's mouth was for.

Are you guys not taking care of your ladies?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I fly little airplanes.........

I have a modified version of that for the females that fly with me on a trip over an hour.....

Zip lock bag with a sponge in it, a regular ol' funnel, that has one slice in it to form fit.. ( .99 cents) saves 10 dollars in gas to land and take off again..

Male version... Does not require the funnel....

Seal the zipper.... Bomb a lake..... Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
What kind of gals are you flying the friendly skies with who can't hold it more than an hour? Tell them to stop swigging all that soda before takeoff. (Explains the baggie with the yellow sponge I once found floating in Lake Conroe.)

There's always Depends.

Although some guys could probably use this to help improve their aim. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels

LOL, Right????
Pretty sure the small end is for a guys ass.
pyramider's Avatar

Although some guys could probably use this to help improve their aim.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels

Hey, what have you heard about me?
pink taco's Avatar
Pretty sure the small end is for a guys ass. Originally Posted by thirtyfour
I think I remember a porn like that.
You damn well better use it if you're in my truck.
I drive until the gas runs out. NO exceptions! Originally Posted by Slitlikr
I travel to the mountains ALOT, it's a 12 hour drive through west Texas, which means no gas stations for miles on end. I once had to pull over to pee after a double shot Carmel frapachinno got to me, It was snowing and about- 5 ,I almost froze My happy button off! So I can see how it might be useful. But as clumsy as I tend to be I'd rather just "pop a squat" then pee on my hand trying to use this contraption 😀
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
That product keeps popping up on the (whatever category it's in. household goods, whatever) best seller lists on Amazon. I spend WAY too much time on that site.

How, and why, so many ladies are ordering this product is just mind boggling.

No ... I wouldn't use it. It would probably leak all over the place. When I did see that product, I looked at the reviews.

In past travels to third world countries, I was more of a "wear a sundress" and an "aim and squat" kind of gal, if I had to be creative.

Not sure if I would EVER use something like that. Funny topic, though.

dtymh55's Avatar
I fly little airplanes.........

I have a modified version of that for the females that fly with me on a trip over an hour.....

Zip lock bag with a sponge in it, a regular ol' funnel, that has one slice in it to form fit.. ( .99 cents) saves 10 dollars in gas to land and take off again..

Male version... Does not require the funnel....

Seal the zipper.... Bomb a lake..... Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
Some Aviation supply houses have a version of that. One is called a "Lady J".