I love sex I'm just going to come out and say it! ILOVESEX so sue me.
But the fact Is Sometimes I meet a client and wow i mean wow there are no words to describe the so called human who Is rude the second you open the door and has attitude on the phone as well. The client with the most questions about my reviews and he writes numerous reviews then, as if it weren’t in my reviews, "BYOC"<--- and still.. you don't bring your own? yeah right, you were trying to find a reason. lol I mean what do you think this Is? hollywood blvd? Do I look like a 7/11? I mean really??, I see your lil man and know that my magnum condoms aren't going to stay on muchless protect me from your hobbying. and instead of embarrassing you like a bitch and saying i don’t have your size. I ask that you bring your own. Never mind that men are picky and prefer their own kind, for their own comfort and pleasure they dont make a one size fits all. I just assumed that Men would rather bring their preference, but then again the men who think they’re coming to my (quickEmart) would probably just take any cheap piece of plastic that the girls on BP provide. I’m not 7/11, i don’t like wham bams. i like intimacy and harcore erotic pleasure STRAIGHT UP, go walk up and down Harry hines for those QUICKIES oh wait those girls learned to get cell phones so go call one of those ladies and stay safe.
So there's reason A and reason B
The second reason I won’t be offering fs unless you are a member of p411 (besides pimps,scandolous providers,over exposure of my location) Is INACCURATE INFORMATION which affects my clients from preferred on there decision to meet me. For example": ex#1 This one guy actually wrote that I came out of the bathroom smelling like well I'm not allowed to say but it rymes with smack rogaine me! ME! are you high sir? oh no your just a smack talker right? it was so tasteless, tacky,and awful. the moderators deleted it because it wasnt even allowed to be talked about like I was astonished and couldnt believe that someone could get away with that, i could of been completely shutdown because of that. It was a lie the entire post AND LETS GET REAL YES the entire post! I never even had a session or met him before, so why? why would he lie like that and we don't even have any connections nor ever spoke? the answer is Eccie a wonderful site that could be great but scum and trash have taken over it to use as a "cutthroat" market.
ex#2 The true incident where a member wrote that I basically swindled him for brooke. are you serious? Yes i purposely wanted to piss you off so you can write a bad review on me NO things happen. I fully want to state that I made a mistake and got confused when I had an extremly busy day Brooke was near and offered her services to him, that was it. How dare you comment on her in such a disgusting negative inhumane way and talk down to her when all she did was offer herself to you, for you, because she didnt want you to be upset. I'm going to tell you the truth HONEST TO GOD TRUTH I accidently booked a client the same time as you and felt so bad when I realized it! I was going to see you since you mentioned you were a member of eccie, and had been waiting for so long to meet me .NOW WAIT WAIT I WANNA MAKE SURE THIS IS CLEAR i took one look at you and got scared I mean Y'all this was the most disgusting creature I had ever seen In my life I'm not talking ugly or whatever because i dont judge a book by its cover but it was like nothing i'd ever had to encounter with, ugh omg like wth? dont come out until its dark out please please if your reading this put your picture on your profile so others can see what I'm talking about your smell of weed cigarettes and fungus on your teeth were too much to bare. lol then you want to talk smack get the F outta here with that nonsense and it's cute that you really dont let us see it. so cute!! See and I still feel bad for saying that jeez im so sweet.
So agree with me or not I'm sure the same ol same ol's are gonna do what they do best and smack it up its fine by me exposure is fine since I'm only L1L2 now...
SO COME IN SEE THE NEW GINGER JOY "your cherrybomb explosion awaits"
SO COME IN SEE THE NEW GINGER JOY "your cherrybomb explosion awaits"