Trump Again Threatens Violence is Democrats Don’t Support Him

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Michael Cohen testified that Trump speaks in code. We’re all familiar with it.

Here’s another example.

I wonder what’s going to happen now that the entire Congress has voted to nullify his fake emergency.

Trump Again Threatens Violence If Democrats Don’t Support Him

One of Donald Trump’s favorite riffs is a wish, cast as a warning, that his supporters inside and outside the state security services will unleash violence on his political opponents if they continue to oppose the administration. The specifics of the riff don’t vary much. Trump laments that his opponents are treating him unfairly, praises the toughness and strength of his supporters — a category that combines the police, military, and Bikers for Trump, which he apparently views as a Brownshirt-like militia — and a prediction that his supporters will at some point end their restraint.

He does it again in a new interview with Breitbart:
I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher. Okay? I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.
Early warnings that Trump could undermine the Constitution have not been borne out, which has produced a certain complacency about the issue. It is true that Trump is only an aspirational authoritarian, and to date has failed to bring his most illiberal dreams to life. He has used the government to punish independent media, prevailing upon the Post Office to raise rates on Amazon in retaliation for Jeff Bezos’s ownership of the Washington Post, and repeatedly told his staff to order the Justice Department to block a merger in order to punish CNN. So far, this has had little effect.

On the other hand, if Trump wins a second term — a prospect that, under current economic conditions, is close to a toss-up — his presidency will only be a quarter of the way through. Already his authoritarian rhetoric is so thoroughly normalized that it hardly even registers as news any more. Anybody whose political efforts involve helping Trump gain more power, rather than opposing that project, is playing Russian roulette with the Constitution.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did you read the interview on Breitbart?

You didn’t have enough time.

Lemmings don’t read. But they do vote on threads!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Is this another Assault on YR .. er the Republic thread?
themystic's Avatar
The Pajama boys on the right wing scardy cats punk ass bitches,are going to get rough with people Lol. They are scared to even wear a MAGA hat in public. Are these tough guys like Trump was in Helsinki? What a bunch of pussies
Did you read the interview on Breitbart?

You didn’t have enough time.

Lemmings don’t read. But they do vote on threads!

HAHAHAAHSHSHAHSH! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I've never voted on ANY of my threads...a lot of them have no votes...lemming.
You are the one crying like a fucking baby about stars on threads...fucking grow up...change your soiled diaper...that smell is over powering!!
I do vote on your threads...
The Pajama boys on the right wing scardy cats punk ass bitches,are going to get rough with people Lol. They are scared to even wear a MAGA hat in public. Are these tough guys like Trump was in Helsinki? What a bunch of pussies Originally Posted by themystic
You got enough adjectives in the SC??
Scare to exercise ones first Amendment privilege because they might get assaulted by the violent left wing loons...that is unAmerican SC!!
themystic's Avatar
You got enough adjectives in the SC??
Scare to exercise ones first Amendment privilege because they might get assaulted by the violent left wing loons...that is unAmerican SC!! Originally Posted by bb1961
What are you loons going to do? Hit us with your pom poms and run away like scardy cats. Maybe IB and his Army buddy Nathan will hit us with their drum sticks. Trump is your leader? Helsinki really showcases his courage and pride in America
winn dixie's Avatar
Another baseless factless thread about a Great Man!
I do not hear any fucking ideas out of the left on how to actually get things done! Thats ok. Trump is getting things done even with the obstructionists. err the spineless libs..
Hotrod511's Avatar
the link in the intelligencer is no good and I read no headlines that say anything like what you posted and lemmings like you can't read anyway
What am I going to do? Hit you with my pom poms and run away like the coward I am. Maybe Nathan will hit me with his drum sticks. Originally Posted by themystic
FTFY. A much more accurate description of the left.
themystic's Avatar
FTFY. A much more accurate description of the left. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
Cant you think up your own words? Latrine.........BOO..You really are a loser Latrine. Run scardy cat Run Forest Run
What are you loons going to do? Hit us with your pom poms and run away like scardy cats. Maybe IB and his Army buddy Nathan will hit us with their drum sticks. Trump is your leader? Helsinki really showcases his courage and pride in America Originally Posted by themystic
So attacking people for exercising their first Amendment rights is not unAmerican...then what is SC...DO TELL
Please come back with more of your bullshit SC like only you loons on the left can.
Your childish insults I remember from the first grade play ground.
50+ years ago.
I B Hankering's Avatar
What are you loons going to do? Hit us with your pom poms and run away like scardy cats. Maybe IB and his Army buddy Nathan will hit us with their drum sticks. Trump is your leader? Helsinki really showcases his courage and pride in America Originally Posted by themystic
Hey, you queer little son of a bitch, go suck your buddy Nathan Philip's dick.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
the link in the intelligencer is no good and I read no headlines that say anything like what you posted and lemmings like you can't read anyway Originally Posted by Hotrod511
The headline is a direct cut and paste from the article.

The link works. Both of them work in fact.

Are you afraid of the truth?