Syracuse Indy Massage

Anyone checked this out yet? I tried but she's completey booked for the entire week. Openings next week but I don't think I'll have free time. If I do make an appointment, I'll be going in assuming it's 100% legit, but figured I'd check if anyone's tried it yet.
I saw her a couple of years ago,
Is she showing her nipple in the picture.? She allow any touching thanks
The Drummer's Avatar
Nipple? Good eye. You maybe right, it's difficult to tell.
Clit Eastwood's Avatar
Looks like a major waste of time to me.
Has anyone TOFTT yet. Curious
don't try .. total waste of time and money..
I saw her ok massage, no draping but totally legit and expensive at that. She did hint that enough sessions we would get more comfortable with each other but not going to waste time or money