RIP Van Cliburn (1934-2013)

rxram03's Avatar
Van Cliburn passed away today at age 78. As a long time lover of classical music, he will be missed.
I went to his house one time!
He could really play that piano.
rxram03's Avatar
I am dating myself but I remember the VERY BIG DEAL of his win in Moscow at the very first Tchaikovsky competition which was sponsored by the USSR to show off to the world brilliant Soviet arts. Come to find out they had Sputnik, but we in the good ole USA had Van Cliburn! I guess it is a sign of the times that I cannot dredge up from the memory bank any other VERY BIG DEAL here in the USA over a true artist. Those of us who love classical music will shed a tear and say a prayer tonight.

Speaking of classical music - Mahler's 6th Symphony is @ the DSO this weekend. I have tickets for Thursday evening 8 PM. Does an adventerous lady wish to attend with me? Originally Posted by Pistol Man
It was a very big deal for an American to win a Russian competition during the Cold War. I remember reading in the history books back in college that the judges had to ask Khrushchev permission to give Cliburn first prize. When you receive an 8 minute standing ovation....yeah I think that means you got it in the bag.

I'm envious of you. I wanted to see DSO perform Mahler's 6th but I can't make any of the showings.
Duke of G's Avatar
A real loss of a ledgend.
gman44's Avatar
Such a great talent, and yet humble to the day he died. Peace my friend.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar