Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Okay so last month it was "rumored" that I got busted.
Now I hear its "rumored" that I am emailing LE clients info.


Next month what is the "RUMOR" going to be, that I am a cop????

This is like playing with a bunch of high school kids!

I would think you guys would know by now, I would be the last person to cooperate with LE.

Unless I found out you were pimping out kids, then ya I might just call LE... Cause that's just sick and you would deserve to be in prison!
What you have done is probably the best, Lady Y. There is always the thought to ignore the bullshit that is out there. But a simple and direct address of it as you have done at least let's other guys out there know you have heard the bullshit.

There will always be some out there that will think any and every rumor has something to it. Those kind of fools can't be helped. Or tolerated.

I think there are certainly enough of us that will always know what the truth is about a classy Lady like you.

Yeah, I was going to say "got your back" but then I started thinking about it and was.....distracted.
DallasRain's Avatar
all you are my sexy friend is ....HOT AS HELL FUN!!!!
Milady - Please do not be distracted by this b*llsh*t. It is a stupid person's plot to pull you down to their level. Stay out of it. Anyone who knows you knows that it is not true. We know what it is and we are not listening. Just be who you are and don't let them change you.
While we all know the rumors are BS, let me be the first to say:

Lady Y can 'cuff me anytime she wants.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
While we all know the rumors are BS, let me be the first to say:

Lady Y can 'cuff me anytime she wants. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
Come here and lets get started.

Thank you old guy, MP and Dallas for the support.
Nebraska69now's Avatar
HA, tell you what, I can't think of anyone on here that I would trust more than you, Lady Y in this game. If someone told me that about you or said that rumor, I would know that I can't trust THAT person ever again. People talk shit just because they are jealous.
Lady Y,
Please stay steadfast. Your truly a great lady and a trusted person.

Don't let some jealous lady or boy try and defile your standing.

I will stand up for ya.
Lady Y, refer to the quote in your signature. It's sad people try to make things harder than what they are. As I said, don't waste time defending yourself against bullsh*t cause that's all it is.
Great advice from all....and I'd like to add my words of support. The best thing I have ever been told is to focus on what I can control. You are showing the epitome of that by alerting the community that such nonsense is floating around, and by going back to what you do best.

I would have posted this much sooner, but I've been staring at MissSaraXXX's avatar pic right above here and I got a little distracted..... (yes, I'm flirting....)
Lol...thanks for spelling that out for me....we all know I can be slow at catching on to things at times UNLESS that "thing" is going IN my mouth then I seem to do well. Coming up your way today, sir. Make an appt so I can help you refocus. The days are too long to be distracted.
wild_times's Avatar
Yep, you're better than all that. The core of people here know that will continue to support you and our "network".

No matter what the environment or a person's position in life, there's always those that can't go without trying to make themselves feel better at the cost of others.

Rise above, let it out as you did, and move on to the good.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
“A lie will go round the world while truth is pulling its boots on."; Charles Haddon Spurgeon
oldmanoftheroad's Avatar
I have to add my 3 cents.. Y is as good as they come when it pertains to straight up safe and no BS. Don't know why the damn shitpot has to get stirred but Lady Y shouldn't be getting hassled there...

Hang in there lady!!
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Is the shit starter a lady or a guy? *going with the former*