I agree. Physical attraction, for me, STARTS with the face. I think that providers are smart to keep their faces hidden, but should be willing to provide them on request. Ladies, keep in mind that men are visual creatures and alot of us don't start at your chest.
Originally Posted by esteve
I won't compromise my career and family for ANY amount of money or attention....period. I have never provided any facial shots, nor will I ever. I have enough sense to understand I am losing business....it's not that important when faced with the choices I have. I was presented with an issue right around election time and had I shown my face, it would have been on every Democratic Blog around for my family and my school to have something to compare me to. No thanks!
I have seen girls who are not even FS providers lose a lot in their personal lives because of this very thing....can't even imagine what they would do to me lol.
I don't see men who are not discreet, so I don't have an issue with keeping my identity private. Most of them demand it because most of my time is spent in public. A guy who can't understand that all of us are not career providers is free to see someone else.
I will just be REALLY straight up and say that 4 of the pics on my site are not me at all but in 3 years only one person seemed to notice anything, and hell he didn't even think the real ones were me. We all do what we have to do, and no one is right or wrong. Some people protect themselves by only offering safe bcd activities, some do it another way.