Does it really matter to you? BFs, Managers, Bookers or Pimps?

Whispers's Avatar
Almost everything encountered here is illusion... some done well... some not so..... every once in a while something happens and we get a peek behind the curtain....

I was talking to a buddy earlier today that was all bent out of shape from something that happened over the weekend.......

He has been seeing a gal weekly for 3-4 months..... Has PMs, texted and emailed her at times... some session related other times just a little chit chat and flirting to build up to the next session.....

She's laying in bed sleeping as he gets dressed and ready to leave....He takes his phone out and sends her a short little message thanking her for the amazing time and telling her how much he enjoyed being with her and looked forward to the next time.....

basking in the after glow he heads to the door and his phone lights up and it's "her".... with the normal warm response that always makes him feel so special....

He turns around.... She's still asleep and her phone is on the nightstand..... He walks over and sends "her" another message.... phone lights up showing it received and then a message from "her" to him appears on his phone and hers as well.....

As he comes to realize someone is sitting somewhere using software to send and receive texts from her phone her phone light up with a new message... telling her that her next appointment had rescheduled but he had filled the spot and who to expect/how much to collect.... Message is accompanied by a pic of the sender and of course it's a guy....

So.... I understand the way he feels and even his reaction which was to go off on the whore, waking her up and chewing her ass for the deception.... I think I would have handled it differently....

Reality is... Up till that moment he was caught up in the illusion and is more butt hurt over all the lovey-dovey messages he exchanged with a guy that looks more like Seal then the lady that has rocked his world for 4 months....

Outside of his embarrassment though..... he got everything he paid for and more....

What would you do if your bubble was burst in a manner like this?
Precious_b's Avatar
So.... I understand the way he feels and even his reaction which was to go off on the whore, waking her up and chewing her ass for the deception.... I think I would have handled it differently.... Originally Posted by Whispers
You understand the way he feels?!
Practically all postings you make about the feelings between Hobbyist/Provider are to beat them with a stick and chortling what fools they are.

I won't tell anyone that you have a soft spot

Seriously, if you are expecting to be that one, do yourself a favour and give them credit for creating an illusion for you.

I've met quite a few people that are the support system for Providers. I'm just the person that supplies a small stipend for the Providers support. If you expect you are something more..... well, I'm sure Whispers has that stick somewhere.
Whispers's Avatar
ahh Precious..... You are usually much better..... You didn't quite get this one though....
artist6338's Avatar
Like someone told me it's a business! You pay for what you want and they offer the service. There's no room for emotions from a prostitute .
hunglowandbig's Avatar
We men must be the dumbest animals on planet earth.Its a business they are hooker! Sometimes reading this stuff is really embarrassing..
According to Whispers little story a dude fucks a gal into a coma and as he is basking in the "afterglow" on the way out the door he snoops on her phone.
He then tells the Dr.Phil of this board about the supposed story and the guy who slays more pussy than us mere mortals comes here and pontificates about "illusion".
Okee dokee.
knotty man's Avatar
Illusions of passion are like any other illusion.
Like seeing David Copperfield make a 5 ton elephant disappear. 99% of you know its impossible. But yet, there you are. Seeing it in front of your own eyes . and that 1% is what makes you come back.
If he were to pull back the curtain, the illusion would lose all its luster no matter how many more times you saw it all you would see is the trick.
I had an atf do that to me. Though I always got lost in the moment I never got lost in the reality of it. But once it was revealed then I could never get back to that moment. It didn't bother so much that I was just a client as much as it bothered me she took away that 1% and ruined the fantasy.
Were still good "hobby" friends just not bcd friends anymore
artist6338's Avatar
Like the wizard of OZ! They grant your wishes! Now if they only had a heart ❤️!
Treetop78759's Avatar
Now he can't say that he hasn't ever felt special by a pimp with gold teeth.
nuglet's Avatar
"I was talking to a buddy earlier today that was all bent out of shape from something that happened over the weekend......."

Yeah, "a buddy".. you mean that guy staring back at you from the mirror? When are you going to learn ? YOU"RE NOT RELEVANT!! Inventing stories, or for that matter "buddies", just to ramble on with your unneeded observations? TFF dude!! We all know you miss "the good old days".. but my condolences for your pain.
It's hard not to get it twisted. There is an atf of mine and she calls and texts me all the time like this. I know it's her because I have sent her massages while she showers just so I could see how I was labeled on her phone. It was just my name. On another girl I did the same and it was my name with $$ at the end. Needless to say I stopped seeing the second girl.

With my atf though I still struggle with the illusion and I have to ask her sometimes to stop the act and clear it up. I need to be grounded and cut out the bs otherwise you set yourself up for drama.
On another girl I did the same and it was my name with $$ at the end. Needless to say I stopped seeing the second girl. Originally Posted by sickbastard
Why? It's a job, and you're a paying client.
nuglet's Avatar
Why? It's a job, and you're a paying client. Originally Posted by Frissionary
yep, she's a contract employee. If she's doing a good job, why quit her?
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Ok, I'm confused here. Were they dating? He did know that she is a provider and was continuing to play/work, right? Did they have a sugerbaby agreement? Where is the point in this story?

Not all IOP is truly an illusion. Each one of us is human with emotions. If she wasn't seeing for him free then she was doing her job. Even if she was just doing her job she still might have had feeling for him. Point is we don't know either side of the story (not that I see it as a story)

One part I would like to address is WTF is he doing looking at her phone! They are not husband and wife or GF/BF. Even if they were that,I still think it's a HUGE invasion of privacy. Women, WTF? How the HELL do you NOT have a privacy lock on your phone? Im just going to SMH in expiration on that one.

Last of all, why does the guy think he has any right to chew her out? What did she do wrong? He went though her ph! He acted like a BF or husband,which btw, he is neither. He is butthurt over what exactly?
Miss Valentina's Avatar
It's hard not to get it twisted. There is an atf of mine and she calls and texts me all the time like this. I know it's her because I have sent her massages while she showers just so I could see how I was labeled on her phone. It was just my name. On another girl I did the same and it was my name with $$ at the end. Needless to say I stopped seeing the second girl.

With my atf though I still struggle with the illusion and I have to ask her sometimes to stop the act and clear it up. I need to be grounded and cut out the bs otherwise you set yourself up for drama. Originally Posted by sickbastard
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