Trump Should Be Investigated Because Of Bungled Raid and Slain Marine!

StandinStraight's Avatar
So you dorks blame Hillary for Benghazi even though she had zero negligence but you won't investigate Trump who had a Marine killed because he failed to do his homework and ordered the raid over dinner and cocktails with his advise coming from those great military minds, Preibus and Kushner! This is much bigger than Benghazi and those closest to the aftermath now agree!
LexusLover's Avatar
You keep focusing on the whining and coloring books.
You keep focusing on the whining and coloring books. Originally Posted by LexusLover
this fucking idiot lives on yahoo everything he links to comes from yahoo which is a big liberal hang out, maybe some day his mother will run him out of her basement, when she gets tired of feeding his dumb ass
LexusLover's Avatar
It's scary outside his basement. He really needs to stick with coloring.
What goes around Comes around
StandinStraight's Avatar
this fucking idiot lives on yahoo everything he links to comes from yahoo which is a big liberal hang out, maybe some day his mother will run him out of her basement, when she gets tired of feeding his dumb ass Originally Posted by gary5912
Dickhead yahoo is part of Fox News and I don't hang out there.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 02-26-2017, 01:51 PM
^ I bet he has a nice collection of glow sticks.
Dickhead yahoo is part of Fox News and I don't hang out there. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
well Stan-the-stupid your links say so you must hang out there fucking moron
of stupid
StandinStraight's Avatar
^ I bet he has a nice collection of glow sticks. Originally Posted by R.M.
So answer the question conservatards how should Trump be punished for his negligence, what is the punishment for having dinner and cocktails while you flippantly put marines and women and children in harms way and many die? Why don't you guys have a answer?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump lied and a SEAL died!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
well Stan-the-stupid your links say so you must hang out there fucking moron
of stupid Originally Posted by gary5912
You're a fucking imbecile, gary!
LexusLover's Avatar
^ I bet he has a nice collection of glow sticks. Originally Posted by R.M.
I don't want to know!
So answer the question conservatards how should Trump be punished for his negligence, what is the punishment for having dinner and cocktails while you flippantly put marines and women and children in harms way and many die? Why don't you guys have a answer? Originally Posted by StandinStraight
War is hell dumbass. In Hillary's case she had multiple requests for increased security she ignored it. People died because of her, Obama and Valerie Jared's negligence. All three should face prosecution. In Trumps case nothing criminal took place. You're trying too hard to show ineptness in Trump. You're making a fucking ass of your self. Give it a rest dummy.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Your lying-ass is being stupid again, Stan-the-Stupid.

There’s no evidence the botched Yemen raid was Trump’s fault

While the idea of the bumbling neophyte president carelessly ordering a doomed military raid over appetizers may jibe with many people’s preexisting fears about Trump, the bottom line is that if the operations plan for the raid was really that flawed, then the blame for the Yemen raid lies primarily at the feet of the nation’s military planners, not the new commander in chief.

Trump didn’t just wake up one morning and decide to launch a random raid in Yemen.

Presidents do not plan individual military operations. That is what the military is for. What presidents do is authorize or reject the plans that are presented to them by military planners.

If it wasn't a mature enough plan — if the military planners didn’t have “sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations,” as one of the unnamed military officials later told Reuters — then they shouldn't have brought it to Trump to approve in the first place.

Indeed, Col. John Thomas, a spokesperson for US Central Command (CENTCOM), the combatant command responsible for operations in the Middle East, acknowledged as much in a statement Wednesday: "CENTCOM asks for operations we believe have a good chance for success and when we ask for authorization we certainly believe there is a chance of successful operations based on our planning.

The New York Times reported that ... “Mr. Obama did not act because the Pentagon wanted to launch the attack on a moonless night and the next one would come after his term had ended.

... the Times report itself states, Obama rejected the plan not because it was too risky, but because he wanted Trump to be able to make the final call on an operation that would take place on Trump’s watch....

But taking responsibility for approving the plan is not the same thing as being the reason the plan went awry. If the plan really was that deeply flawed from the get-go, as those unnamed military officers are now claiming, then the fault really lies with the military planners who brought it to Trump for approval, not Trump himself....

[Not] everything is his fault — no matter how much some may want it to be.

LexusLover's Avatar
War is hell dumbass.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
He's very familiar with "War"!