Welcome to the Senile Biden Recession

berryberry's Avatar

The Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank’s GDPNow forecast for 2nd quarter was just revised LOWER to a 2Q contraction of -2.1%.

The economy in the 1st quarter contracted -1.6%.

If this holds, the US would officially be in a recession thanks to Senile Biden and the Libtards in Congress


... Blimey! ... OBama got more contractions than Pregnant Patty.

### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Indeed Salty, indeed

No need to worry about a recession coming. It's already here. First quarter GDP -1.6%. Second quarter GDP estimate (Atlanta Fed) -2.`%. There it is. Thanks, Senile Biden and the libtards in Congress.
berryberry's Avatar
... "Looks Like We Made It!"...

### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Economic Update:

1. 58% of Americans now living paycheck to paycheck

2. Consumer confidence lowest since 1950

3. Stock market having its worst year since 1970

4. Mortgage demand lowest since 2001

5. Credit card debt up 20% in 1 month

Senile Biden's recession is just getting started.
... Like I always say - "Elections surely DO have Consequences."

... Is THIS what people voted for?? ...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
... Like I always say - "Elections surely DO have Consequences."

... Is THIS what people voted for?? ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Most of the ones who voted for this idiot will no longer admit it. You see how they quit trying to defend him here and tucked tail and ran
BigBamboo's Avatar
Did you notice there is NO income tax reduction planned during this administration? Sure would be nice to have income taxes lowered to offset this fucking inflation we’re dealing with. Lord knows the government has no clue how to best spend our money despite their feeble attempts. Get the uncle’s hand out of our pockets. I’m sure I’m not the only one who just plain hates paying income tax.

The recession is here. Spend wisely.

Let’s see how long it takes before the price of pussy begins to drop...