Advice on upcoming doubles meet.....

kevcar's Avatar
I am finally going to check off one of my big bucket list items in a few days- my first doubles session. Needless to say, I’m excited! I have done research on doubles, and research on those I am doubling with, so I know somewhat to expect. I would like any advice anyone wants to throw my way on their experiences and what I could/should request to maximize my........experience! Looking for both provider and monger advice.
Have fun. I assume your paying them which makes you the customer. You direct the ship within the providers boundaries. Talk about those boundaries before you start so everyone has the expectations.
Alyssa Monroe's Avatar
Have fun... Talk about those boundaries before you start so everyone has the expectations. Originally Posted by Fizley
You want everyone to be comfortable and have a good time. So it's best to communicate with everyone involved. Likes, dislikes and interests, including yours. So everyone knows what to expect and no one is disappointed or uncomfortable...

Most importantly, HAVE FUN. Gain that clarity so you can enjoy your moment in peace.
Don't let the fantasy exceed the reality! I'm not a fan of the doubles match because I prefer to disappoint my women one at a time!!
First of all, do the two ladies know each other and have they doubled together before? Have you seen both women individually more than once? A common history between the three of you will enhance things tremendously. I have had doubles a couple of times where the ladies are meeting for the first time. One went great, but the other lacked some intensity. It also might help if they both enjoy women, though is not a necessity. You, after all, should be the focus of the event. It IS your money.
DallasRain's Avatar
Woohhoo i luv dbles...i get to double next month with a a lady you might know..miss

Best advice...get comfy. Share some mutual flirting and buildup..then have fun babe!!!