Politics anyone?

Who's back?

Austin Ellen here - Team Trump!
Trump 4 ever
atx33man's Avatar
Please (AustinEllen & TripleJ) tell me exactly what you like about Trump??
Oh I like alot of things about Trump. The main thing is he pisses off the liberals with a good dose of reality. He's a realist instead of the flakes that are out there - Hillary for one. I have a question - can you tell me who the Democrat is that will be running against him? Of course, I will still vote for my Donald but I haven't seen any condenders from them. If it's Biden - well, game over. Same with Bernie.

Please (AustinEllen & TripleJ) tell me exactly what you like about Trump?? Originally Posted by atx33man
This subject is boring. I guess people just like to argue the same shit over and over.
Trump is garbage. Most compromised President ever. He's a liar, coward, and a traitor, who got elected by the party of liars, cowards, and traitors. Not to mention a racist and mysoginist. Anyone who voted for him, knows exactly what he is, and they have no accountability for their actions. They willingly believe in dangerous lies spread by him, Russian propagandists, Infowars, and now NK, of all places, because they don;t care about what's true. They never did. They only care about creating a narrative that sticks to their political rivals, no matter the cost to the country, because they're cowards and traitors and not real patriots.
atx33man's Avatar
Oh I like alot of things about Trump. The main thing is he pisses off the liberals with a good dose of reality. He's a realist instead of the flakes that are out there - Hillary for one. I have a question - can you tell me who the Democrat is that will be running against him? Of course, I will still vote for my Donald but I haven't seen any condenders from them. If it's Biden - well, game over. Same with Bernie. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
not trying to start an argument but, i honestly thought thats what you'd say. basically saying "trump tells it like it is" which is the number one reason and usually the only reason people can think of when you ask them why do they like trump. smh
Agent220's Avatar
not trying to start an argument but, i honestly thought thats what you'd say. basically saying "trump tells it like it is" which is the number one reason and usually the only reason people can think of when you ask them why do they like trump. smh Originally Posted by atx33man
People like Trump because he has the R next to his name.

My biggest gripe and why I will exercise my vote in 2020 is his poor and quite frankly constructed the worst Cabinet in a long time.

Jeff Sessions is trash and has antiquated ideas i.e. War on Drugs.
Rick Perry has no business being Energy Secretary.
Betsy DeVos is beyond a travesty for education.
Dr.Ben Carson should be the Surgeon General and not in his position.
Scott Pruitt of the EPA is corrupt

Quite frankly the only person worth their salt is our Secretary of Defense and our representive for the U.N. Nikki Hayley for pulling us out of the U.N. Human Rights Council since we are hypocritical on that issue.
No, no argument. That's the only reason I need to love my Donald. Now can someone tell me who the Democrat nominee for President will be? Or who do you think? My opinion s that they won't be able to deliver on a nominee and Trump will be in for another 4 years. Btw _ I said Trump was going to win way back and if the dems can't deliver someone then,mark my words--Trump will be President again - of course, he has my vote already.

not trying to start an argument but, i honestly thought thats what you'd say. basically saying "trump tells it like it is" which is the number one reason and usually the only reason people can think of when you ask them why do they like trump. smh Originally Posted by atx33man
Agent220's Avatar
No, no argument. That's the only reason I need to love my Donald. Now can someone tell me who the Democrat nominee for President will be? Or who do you think? My opinion s that they won't be able to deliver on a nominee and Trump will be in for another 4 years. Btw _ I said Trump was going to win way back and if the dems can't deliver someone then,mark my words--Trump will be President again - of course, he has my vote already. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Bernie Sanders is being looked at once again though I fear he may not have as much leverage this go around like he did in the last race.

Joe Biden is considering it.

Cory Booker is the youthful energetic candidate and arguably has the highest ceiling.

Elizabeth Warren- her view on guns will easily sway many in the middle to stomach Trump again.

Kamala Harris- Senator of California.

I would in theory like to see a Sanders/Booker ticket or a Sanders/Harris ticket. Either of these ensure ridding Jeff Sessions along with this terrible cabinet.
Thanks for answering the question Agent. Yes,those are the people I thought you would mention. The dems are going to have a lot of work to do instead of bashing Trump. They really need to concentrate on their platform - which is "I'm against Trump" and that's all they really got.
Alcar0314's Avatar
Who's back?

Austin Ellen here - Team Trump! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Ewww. As if you weren’t disgusting enough to look at on the outside
That's all you got? SMH

Ewww. As if you weren’t disgusting enough to look at on the outside Originally Posted by Alcar0314
henteaser's Avatar
No, no argument. That's the only reason I need to love my Donald. Now can someone tell me who the Democrat nominee for President will be? Or who do you think? My opinion s that they won't be able to deliver on a nominee and Trump will be in for another 4 years. Btw _ I said Trump was going to win way back and if the dems can't deliver someone then,mark my words--Trump will be President again - of course, he has my vote already. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
i'm going to put this as non-emotionally as i can. when people (not picking on you specifically) say "of course he has my vote" then you show yourself to be a sheep. a follower. someone incapable of forming your own opinion. no one should get your vote, your love, your trust by default. you are your own person, not a clone.

why are sheep a problem? i'd ask my relatives who fled the Ukraine and Eastern Europe back in the days of that other "tells it like HE sees it" guy Hitler but many of them didn't survive that era.

no, i am not saying Trump IS a Nazi, i'm just saying he's envious of megalomaniacs, dictators, and fascists. he likes a loyal audience. i guess that's you.
Sure, you should pick whoever you want - I do. And yes, I'm a very loyal person. And isn't that what's great about America? As for sheep - my mom was in a concentration camp for 2 years. She loved Trump. And your right, there is no way to compare Trump with Hitler - those that do do not know history. Trump is an alpha male and some people just don't get that.

i'm going to put this as non-emotionally as i can. when people (not picking on you specifically) say "of course he has my vote" then you show yourself to be a sheep. a follower. someone incapable of forming your own opinion. no one should get your vote, your love, your trust by default. you are your own person, not a clone.

why are sheep a problem? i'd ask my relatives who fled the Ukraine and Eastern Europe back in the days of that other "tells it like HE sees it" guy Hitler but many of them didn't survive that era.

no, i am not saying Trump IS a Nazi, i'm just saying he's envious of megalomaniacs, dictators, and fascists. he likes a loyal audience. i guess that's you. Originally Posted by henteaser