So a provider that I hadn't previously met reached out to me recently and long story short we ended up having lunch. The conversation was on point and she seemed very well rounded / grounded, normal, and down to earth. Now this doesn't happen often but she actually made me blush; made me smile a lot and even just laugh and vice versa so obviously the date was going well. Next somehow we got on the topic of singing. She tried unsuccessfully to get me to drop a few bars but I just wasn't feeling it. However, she decided to do something for me that I've never experienced from anyone. She started singing without shyness (within earshot of others) and had a very beautiful voice.
of course I blushed the remaining of the date but got to thinking was this part of her pre-IOP ? If so I totally fell for it as it was new experience. I did promise to return the favor at a later date. So sweetie I know you're reading this no need to respond; I am working on this but the falsetto's are a bit complex.