covid hotspot??

DallasRain's Avatar
I am planning a trip to Omaha in couple uple weeks...but curious...

I have heard yall are a hotspot for it safe or whats the restrictions now??
The whole midwest is a pandemic hotspot.

There are no relevant restrictions.

A lot of people are pissed that the governor isn't doing anything and is waiting until the hospitals are full before issuing any restrictions.

Joke's on him, by the time the hospitals are full it's too late to issue any Directed Health Measures restricting stuff.

We are at the point where hospital networks are buying airtime on TV to issue public service announcements to urge people to stay home, or if you need to go out wear a mask.
20 percent of hospital beds now have Covid patients. If we hit 25 percent then they are going to put in place more severe restrictions. We are definitely a hot spot. I definitely would not plan on coming here for the next 30 days.
RaulPenwa's Avatar
It bad and getting worse. Our governor is as dumb as the president when it comes to Covid.
CrimsonDynamo's Avatar
In Lincoln/Lancaster County, starting Monday, bars and restaurants have to stop serving alcohol at 10 pm and close by 11 pm.
Capacity for indoor businesses are to be reduced also. All youth indoor sport activities postponed for now until early December.
There are other details too but look them up. I was downtown in Lincoln during the football game on Saturday. Bars were packed regardless of mandates. Sure people would wear a mask wandering around but then it was off once seated.
We are so fucked.
In your line of work you've most likely been exposed(no pun intended of course) and successfully shrugged it off, so you will be just fine.
DallasRain's Avatar
i actually had a covid test a couple weeks ago..i got strep throat and ended up in emergency room so they did one
but i didnt have it.. yeahh... just had strep throat!
i havent been around anyone or know anyone who has had covid.. and i am generally healthy except for allergies.
i try to be careful as i can..when im home,im only around clise family and dont go out much except for groceries or the flea market(which hardly has any customers)... i am a clean freak too,love using lysol and pinesol.... i use an ionizer in my home/car and hotel room to purify the air... i usually only visit w regulars when i play

we all just gotta do what we can to stay safe and feel safe.

thanks for far Im gonna try to come...but am prepared for my toes and fingers crossed!!
Dee, it's good to have your toes and fingers crossed. But please don't cross your legs!
Have you tried drinking with a mask on?
DallasRain's Avatar
no mr bellevue

i hate wearing masks but thats the new norm now so gotta do what i gotta do
This is a political ploy. Covid is widespread everywhere and has been for at least a year. If you are over age 55, male, and have underlying conditions you are at risk of death. Although in normal conditions I'd say that demographic is already at higher risk. Covid: 1% fatality. 80% don't ever get symptoms. 90% of the 20% that do are mild symptoms. I guess fuck at your own risk but the risk is mild wherever you go.
It bad and getting worse. Our governor is as dumb as the president when it comes to Covid. Originally Posted by RaulPenwa

And your dumber than a box of rocks. Masks really aren't very effective in stopping the spread of Covid. People don't wear them right and they don't handle them correctly when removing the masks. As rates have gone up more people wearing masks, but cases still climbing.

Taking Vitamin D more important than wearing a mask, which will help build up your immune system. The biggest reason cases are going up is change in humidity, which was expected. Treatments seem to be better and more effective. Even though number of people getting it is higher than in the spring, the number of deaths is less.

Biggest issue is they really don't know how it is spreading so much. Always hear of people saying they stay home and wear mask if outside and they still get covid.
This is a political ploy. Covid is widespread everywhere and has been for at least a year. If you are over age 55, male, and have underlying conditions you are at risk of death. Although in normal conditions I'd say that demographic is already at higher risk. Covid: 1% fatality. 80% don't ever get symptoms. 90% of the 20% that do are mild symptoms. I guess fuck at your own risk but the risk is mild wherever you go. Originally Posted by DTickler
Keep telling yourself this
And your dumber than a box of rocks. Masks really aren't very effective in stopping the spread of Covid. People don't wear them right and they don't handle them correctly when removing the masks. As rates have gone up more people wearing masks, but cases still climbing.

Taking Vitamin D more important than wearing a mask, which will help build up your immune system. The biggest reason cases are going up is change in humidity, which was expected. Treatments seem to be better and more effective. Even though number of people getting it is higher than in the spring, the number of deaths is less.

Biggest issue is they really don't know how it is spreading so much. Always hear of people saying they stay home and wear mask if outside and they still get covid. Originally Posted by farmstud60

Masks are effective, people are just too damn stubborn and stupid to wear them correctly or not at all. Saying masks don’t work is like saying seatbelts don’t work. The results of not wearing one or wearing one incorrectly can be very ugly.

Sometimes wearing a seatbelt won’t save your life either, especially if the assholes around you drive irresponsibly.

Just hope you don’t have to see anyone on a ventilator, particularly someone you care deeply about. It’s not something you will soon forget.

Well I've never seen any evidence the masks being used are effective, especially since most people don't remove properly. Cases keep going up, and more people wear masks. Studies on masks and virus before March of this year show no benefit as the virus is smaller than the mask are designed to stop. All the studies that say they are effective are claiming spread by droplets. But it sure appears that it is spreading more than just on droplets.