Gentlemen your worst hobby experience

carkido45's Avatar
My worst hobby experience was?
Well it happen about twenty years ago at a SC named LEGS now known as Solid Platinum.
I was newly divorced and feeling lonely so I headed out to LEGS I met a dancer there long story short she decided to play outside the club but first we had too go pay her babysittee we get too her place and I give her some money for her baby sitter I wait and I wait yeap you got it she never came back out.
I got back home pissed but a little wiser.
OMFSM!! hahahaha! suckah!!

ok my turn. worst experience was when I went and saw a well reviewed girl and only got one bell. a few minutes afterward she said she was tired and rolled over to fall asleep. i could have stayed until she woke up again but uh.. i had other shit to do and places to be.

hmm oh yah there was another time recently when I went and saw another well reviewed girl that ended up passing out in a dead sleep before the games began however no donation was made so does it really count??

note to self: its a good idea to see providers before midnight
carkido45's Avatar
OMFSM!! hahahaha! suckah!!

ok my turn. worst experience was when I went and saw a well reviewed girl and only got one bell. a few minutes afterward she said she was tired and rolled over to fall asleep. i could have stayed until she woke up again but uh.. i had other shit to do and places to be.

hmm oh yah there was another time recently when I went and saw another well reviewed girl that ended up passing out in a dead sleep before the games began however no donation was made so does it really count??

note to self: its a good idea to see providers before midnight Originally Posted by island_beau
HELLO they were bored not tired Lol
it crossed my mind!!
bigmarv's Avatar
Never had one. I always go with the well reviewed ladies. Guess I've been lucky so far.
carkido45's Avatar
Never had one. I always go with the well reviewed ladies. Originally Posted by bigmarv
Yup it's always a good bet to go with well REVIEWED providers but if you hobby long enough you will sooner or later have a negative experience such as a NCNS ect.
Hmmm bad experences...

#1 Tail Girl - Enough said
DarthMaul's Avatar
My only bad experience was at the WORLD FAMOUS SI on 1960....need I say more?

Well anyway, I got the lady that answered the door. After a short shower and then towel dry, we start doing the deed. About 5 minutes in I get the dreaded "You cum yet baby...?" UUUrrrggg
CivilBarrister's Avatar
In the early days...WAY TOO MANY

Once I gave a dancer up front money to leave the club with me...She went into the back to change and then meet me out front....I didn't know there was a back door out of the club....I waited out front a WHILE before I realized everyone was gone but me.

oldbreed's Avatar
Bad experience? 1992 in Las Vegas, ended up on the wrong side of downtown looking for some. SW approaches me and offers the world if I come back to her room. Get to her room, she asks for the donation (which I give up) and says get comfortable, she'll be right back. Leaves the motel room ( i had sat down and took my shoes off), next thing I know this dude bursts into the room and starts screaming at me about what am i doing, who did I think I was sitting there with my shoes off in his room with his woman.

Alarm bells go off and I don't say a word just grab my shoes and pull them on and lace up. The pimp keeps going off on me and I watch to see if he is going to pull a weapon on me. Shoes on, laced up and as the pimp sees this, he launches himself towards me in an attempt at intimidation. I stand up and assume a modified basic warrior stance to a possible threat, but the pimp realizes that I am 6" taller, out weigh him by at least 20 lbs and immediately shuts up, stops dead in his tracks and actually back peddles.

I grab my jacket and head out the door, but can't resist asking: "Need anything else from me?" He shook his head no and I'm glad it only cost me $20.00

My last dealings with a SW...anywhere!
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Long ago when I worked for a living, was in Midland, Tx on business , decided to seek local talent only to be informed that there was none in Midland, you had to drive to Odessa , which I did. Walked into a strip joint that was empty except for me the bartender and a waitress. I turned to walk out and the bartender called out... " don't leave I have a dancer coming up, ... have a beer on the house while you wait. "

I eyed the dancer going up on stage, commented that she was a bit heavier than I was used to in a Tittie Bar, took a swig of the beer as the bartender/establishment owner said, " I announced yesterday we were going to start random drug testing and no one showed up for work today... so I called my daughter... that's her on stage..."

I nearly spit beer ... threw some money on the bar and walked out....ahhh the life of a road warrior...
TexasGator's Avatar
Bad experience? 1992 in Las Vegas, ended up on the wrong side of downtown looking for some. SW approaches me and offers the world if I come back to her room. Get to her room, she asks for the donation (which I give up) and says get comfortable, she'll be right back. Leaves the motel room ( i had sat down and took my shoes off), next thing I know this dude bursts into the room and starts screaming at me about what am i doing, who did I think I was sitting there with my shoes off in his room with his woman.

.....The pimp keeps going off on me and ... he launches himself towards me in an attempt at intimidation. I stand up and assume a modified basic warrior stance to a possible threat, but the pimp realizes that I am 6" taller, out weigh him by at least 20 lbs and immediately shuts up, stops dead in his tracks and actually back peddles.

I grab my jacket and head out the door, but can't resist asking: "Need anything else from me?" He shook his head no.... Originally Posted by oldbreed
Admit it! Turned out to be the beginning of a long friendship, didn't it?

Still want that $20 back? Or care to go double or nothing? Your call, my friend!
oldbreed's Avatar
Trnch's Avatar
  • Trnch
  • 02-03-2010, 10:34 PM
After Hurricane Ike I met up with a BP girl, but we had to go to her girl friends apartment, because she did not have no light. When we entered, the place was a mess, a skin and bones poodle was walking around, and dog crap all over the carpet. I had to go.
Combustion's Avatar
Wow that sucks