What happens in Vegas . . .

frodo's Avatar
  • frodo
  • 02-10-2016, 05:16 PM
willro's Avatar
I like the way her mugshot looks 5 shades of pissed off and he's still smiling.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
From the article: "Scordianos' lawyer, Chris Rasmussen, says his client believed the couple had an expectation of privacy."

The way surveillance cameras are proliferating in This Fading Republic (May She Rest In Peace, If Not In Pieces), I'm beginning to believe one no longer has a reasonable expectation of privacy in one's own bedroom, much less anywhere outside one's home.


Very well put BFG... especially the part about Liberty resting in pieces. I may name one of the books I am writing along those lines.

My response... I am so jealous. What a great experience. I have always loved being on top of tall bldgs but this blows that outta the water; except for the getting arrested part. We are animals. The dogs do it. The squirrels do it too! What if I tar and feather myself? Lol. Am I right?
Oh I'm so jealous too..8 always wanted to do it in a hot air balloon that would be great...


Well if you go to Dallas go up the Reunion Tower an they have flat screens all over the top you use your hands pick a side a street a location you can zoom in anywhere see people picking there nose on the freeway the scopes outside go right into people's hotels room. No privacy. ANYWHERE PEOPLE CAN SEE EVERYTHING ..
But just because it's a possibility you can be seen by others does that make it wrong.
I AM NO LAWYER.. IMHO... they are going about it thevwrongvway... was there a sign up saying not to do it? YOU PAY SO much to go up almost the same cost as a cheap hourly rate on a room. WHY NOT????
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I AM NO LAWYER.. Originally Posted by Majichands
I have a law degree, and I practiced criminal defense law for over ten years before I got out of the law business entirely (and I don't have a valid license in any jurisdiction anymore, so don't ask me for legal advice), including a significant percentage of my practice representing ladies like yourself who got caught at it...

IMHO... they are going about it thevwrongvway... was there a sign up saying not to do it? YOU PAY SO much to go up almost the same cost as a cheap hourly rate on a room. WHY NOT???? Originally Posted by Majichands
The lack of a sign doesn't mean anything. The fact of the matter is that in most (I'd say all, but I'll leave my self an out just in case) jurisdictions in This Fading Republic having sex in public is illegal. You don't need to post a sign to that effect to prosecute and convict people who are unfortunate enough to get caught doing it.

