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I calculate my tip on total tab including tax..........how about you ?
LaStang's Avatar
i base tips on the total of the bill as a starting point of roughly 15% with a minimum of 2 bucks , If the service is steller it goes up from there but if my glass of tea gets empty before i'm asked if i want more it will stay at the base tip .
Roothead's Avatar
usually 20% based on the pre-tax total... if freebies or discounts were applied, I add those back to the pre-tax base so as to not short change the server.... if the service is especially nice and if my kiddies were a handlful, my SO makes me tip like 40%....
My tipping is totally and completely based on service. Having been in the food and beverage biz for a long time, I know what it takes to service a section of a restaurant. I take into account where I am, as I'm not really expecting 5 star service at Chilli's or Fridays at lunch time. If it's slam packed and I can tell my server is busting ass, that shows in what I leave, but as said above, if I'm having to slurp at the bottom of my glass to wet my lips, that will also show. Base is always at least %15 and goes up or down from there.
I frequent smaller delis and pubs in the area though, making it easier to feel justified leaving a *nice* tip. Getting to know the owners and workers makes me enjoy my visits more. Bens Deli in GP, the Project Lounge in Biloxi and the Grocery in OS are fantastic and I'll always leave a hefty amount because I always get treated like a princess. In Ruth Chris, 32, the Manhattan and swankier places like that, I go in expecting exceptional service and *have* all together stiffed my server. Come on, if you're paying top dollar for a meal and you go most of it without a drink while the server is chatting with coworkers, or in this case I can clearly see her ducking into the kitchen to answer her cell, that server will be making minimum. Really get under my skin with rudeness or ineptness at your job and I'll leave the change from my bill, as I see that as more of an insult.
Bigh1955's Avatar
15% or 2 buck minimum. It goes up from there. True butt snorkeling service gets a 50% max tip usually split among several servers...true butt snorkling service is a team sport.
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
I don't believe in tipping percentages because that would assume based on where a person works dictates the size of the tip rather than the service offered. It is logical, if someone works in a fine steakhouse they should be paid 5-10x more in tips than a person a Chili's who gives easily 10x the service?

I have had many occasions where I have tipped people at least 100%+ but simply because the service was exceptional. If a server is disrespectful or clearly being neglectful on purpose then they are sometimes met with two pennies and I likely never return there. Also I talk to the management, but no I don't think it is logical to just keep a tip chart card and tip % based on it, never will.
rex-man's Avatar
I am in the industry that excepts tips so when I get the chance I tip a minimum of 20%. What goes around comes around. I even tip the drive thru girl atleast a few bucks just for kicks.
justfriend4now's Avatar
I went to a expensive restaurant on a party of six. We mostly drink wines and eat a little which come to a bill $978.47. Tip on 20% on total bill of $1000 is $200 dollars. If a server waited 5 tables of totalled bills of $1000 each then the tips would be $1000 for the day.Working 5 days equal to $5000 a week or $20,000 a month. Annual income going to be whopping $240,000.00 yearly. Wow. I needs to sell my business and wait tables.
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
So, why should said person get better money than the server giving 10x the service at Chili's? I just find that ludicrous and unfair. Then again, the world is unfair right? I would be more likely to give $200.00 to the Chili's waiter and $2.00 to the mediocre waiter at the old warsaw.

Oh to be fair, I also tip the people at sonic well, I am partial to female carhops though. I just prefer them, they suffer in this heat so they deserve a dollar.
Blue_Buddies's Avatar
I tip 25% it can go farther up, It can also go way down, especially if somebody;

1) Comes by my table every 5 minutes asking me if I need anything.

2) If they ask me when I have food in my mouth (its like wtf cant you see I'm eating right now) It would be more appropriate is the server just briefly stopped at the table and paused without saying anything. I'm not an infant I can talk, I'll let you know if I want something.

3) Don't come to my table when my glass is half full, grab it and fill it up again. DAMN it I got my iced tea exactly the way I wanted it and by filling it up you just fucked it up!!!!

4) NEVER EVER EVER grab my glass by the top.

5) Bring me a new glass of tea with fresh ice, Don't just fill up the glass I just used.
Alan418's Avatar
I think its some kind of inside joke among servers where they wait until you take a bite of food then hit you with one of those "How is everything?" Really pisses me off. 20% base, up from there.
plainjoe's Avatar
15% minimum - for lousy service, it drops to 10%. It does not reward lousiness, but lets the person know that service was lousy, but we all have a lousy day (or two) right? For great service, at least 30% - if paying by credit card, I tip in CASH - less scrutiny. Bars? For servers - $1 per bier/drink to the wait staff/bar tender. If at the bar and drinking bourbon / scotch (neat); if the bartender is free pouring, generous tip ($5/$10?$20) - subsequent orders are really generous. For ladies - I do not tip. Rather than cash, I prefer to bring gifts - something that she would appreciate; something you would discover by doing research...
ICU 812's Avatar
Tipping; varies with the type of service. If I am at a diner and my bill comes to anything less than 10 bucks I leave $2.00 regardless. Thjis may be as much as 60% of the bottom line total. If I am picking up the tab for a group at a place that includes some amount of gratuity in the bill automatically, I usually give a cash tip of 10% or so to our head server.

Providers generally get a 20% tip up-front with the donation.

If I can't tip like this, I choose a level of service that I can afford or forgo the activity.
Snuggles's Avatar
I admit to being considered a sorry tipper
I tip for service, I dont go by the 10-15% rule....simply what i feel is fair.
exceptional service makes me feel generous, avg service get a average tip, poor service will be lucky to get a insulting single shiny penny on the tray.

now I am not cheap, I simply believe, that I worked for my $ and have a real ethical problem rewarding sloth. Why because socially I am supposed too?...screw that

example 2 bums are on a street corner. One with a sign and another wanting to wash my window. I'd never give a dime to the guy with tha sign. But more likely tip the guy with the rotted squeegee dunked in dirty water attepting to provide a service of some sort.

just my 2 cents
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I calculate my tip on total tab including tax..........how about you ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I do too. I think it's so funny when people make a point of tipping on the pre-tax amount. What would you save? Maybe <$1? <$5 at a Michelin starred restaurant? It's 15-20% of 7%. c'mon.