n.y. posts hit new low....

the new York post hits a new low in journalism...the right wingers got pissed when the palin family was questioned....

NY Post Reaches New Lows With Letter To Chelsea Clinton's Baby

The New York Post reached new lows publishing "an open letter to Chelsea Clinton's fetus" -- rather than simply reporting on Clinton's recently announced pregnancy or offering the couple well-wishes, the Post took the opportunity to attack the new baby and soon-to-be grandparents Bill and Hillary Clinton under the guise of "news."
The April 22 letter told the baby that "what makes you so special" is "you're going to live your whole life in make-believe." The Post labeled the child a "campaign asset" and "stage prop" for "Lady Pantsuit" and non-"maternal" Hillary Clinton:
Welcome to advanced gestation! Since you're new around here, I thought you'd like to know a little bit about what makes you so special. The reason is, you're going to live your whole life in make-believe!
In two years or so, when most babies are just learning to crawl, you will be hitting the road! Grandma Hillary is going to need you to smile and coo whenever there are Sunshine Men around. So play nice and don't projectile vomit. Grandma is not what grown-ups call "maternal," and was busy turning $1000 into $100,000 in the magical cow trading market when your mommy was a baby, so she will have to make believe she is really "helping out" with you. No crying if she gets the diaper on the wrong end!
The best part of your make-believe Clinton-Mezvinsky life is that people will pretend you're good at things and give you gifts like high-paying consultancy gigs when you just got out of college, jobs reporting for NBC News when you have as much camera-awareness as a smoked flounder, and the leadership of the free world because you "deserve it."
UPDATE: Sometime after the publication of this blog, the New York Post altered its headline to "An open letter to Chelsea Clinton's unborn child." The Post promoted its story on Facebook and Twitter under the original headline before changing it
The Idiot Twins, JD and IB are long-term subscribers to this worthless "Rag." Poppy LL Idiot is so proud of his identical twins.

And Poppy calls himself a Democrat! He's of the Strom Thurmond variety!
At least the fetus gets to live... is that what you are really pissed about?
although I'm fairly sure the best part of you ended in the cuffs of your daddys' pants.... it's unfortunate that you got to live....
At least the fetus gets to live... is that what you are really pissed about? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I agree. The Post piece is ridiculous. And uncalled for.
It's against the board rules to post a pic so I'm just posting the link of Hillary holding a child...


The article's assertion of Hillary's lack of maternal instinct is spot on.
It's against the board rules to post a pic so I'm just posting the link of Hillary holding a child...


The article's assertion of Hillary's lack of maternal instinct is spot on. Originally Posted by gnadfly
What in the hell does a smelly ol' Turdfly know about "maternal instinct?"
It is common knowledge, like her husband is cheating on her. Now unbunch your panties, finish your bottle of Chardonnay and go to bed. Your tits are still bigger than Hill's.
I think your mother lacked maternal instinct....if she had any she would have flushed you at birth....
Ducbutter's Avatar
I suspect that the "Chelsea Clinton's fetus" tag was a reference to a tweet by the liberal, comedic (allegedly) actress Lena Dunham who posted "Wishing I was Chelsea Clinton's fetus".
But maybe not.
I think your mother lacked maternal instinct....if she had any she would have flushed you at birth.... Originally Posted by stevepar
LexusLover's Avatar
BigTits you were flushed. Right?
I think the media should lay off of Chelsea Clinton.

She cannot help that her mother is a pathological liar, and her father a serial molester and rapist.
yet another texas moron checking in with the usual drivel....
have you ever met putz boy...I think you two are a match made in heaven....
I think the media should lay off of Chelsea Clinton.

She cannot help that her mother is a pathological liar, and her father a serial molester and rapist. Originally Posted by Jackie S
yet another texas moron checking in with the usual drivel....
have you ever met putz boy...I think you two are a match made in heaven.... Originally Posted by stevepar
Did I say something that everybody doesn't already know?

I always wondered how a young lady such as Chelsea reconciled with the truth about her father. The snickers behind her back, the endless parade of women that he left in his wake. The utter humiliation of her mother.

Do you think young Chelsea ever read the account of Kathleen Willy, who, in a time of need, entered into the relm of what she thought was a friend, only to be groped and humiliated in the most crude of fashions. Bill Clinton turned the sanctuary of The Oval Office into the lair of a sexual preditor.

Of course, when you remove the concept of shame as a controlling factor in ones behavior, it is easy to justify the actions of even someone such as Bill Clinton.