Msn Polls on Affordable Cae Act

  • oeb11
  • 03-28-2019, 06:52 PM
Do you support or oppose the Affordable Care Act?

  • 45%
  • 43%
  • 12%
    Neither support nor oppose
Total responses: 521,355 votes
Do you support President Trump’s decision to ask courts to nullify the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare)?

  • 48%
  • 46%
  • 6%
    Neither support nor oppose
Total responses: 348,202 votes
Should Affordable Care Act provisions protecting people with preexisting medical conditions be preserved?

  • 90%
  • 6%
  • 4%
    I don’t know
Total responses: 292,343 votes
Should Affordable Care Act provisions expanding Medicaid be preserved?

  • 59%
  • 30%
  • 11%
    I don’t know
Total responses: 266,775 votes
Do you support ending the Affordable Care Act without any replacement bill?

  • 25%
  • 67%
  • 8%
    Neither support nor oppose
Total responses: 255,198 votes
Should the US government do more to make health care affordable for all?

  • 84%
  • 13%
  • 3%
    No opinion
Total responses: 247,815 votes
Should the US guarantee health care as a right for all Americans?

  • 59%
  • 37%
  • 4%
    No opinion
Total responses: 243,203 votes

Msn Polls - uncontrolled
Seems clear the majority of Americans want affordable health care - with protection of health care for those with pre-existing conditions, and If the AAC is reversed - the Republicans need a substitute bill to simplify, maintain access, and preserve both the private model of health care /insurance, and a catch-all federal program that covers people who cannot afford health insurance.
themystic's Avatar
That was a good post oeb. I take back everything bad I've ever said about you. Im extending the olive branch, just like in Noah's Ark. Reach......freely accept my humble gift.......forgiveness will set you free.........I know programs that reform Nazis..........Ill help you on a new path. I love you Brother. Welcome to the fold my son. Ill have The Lama christen you and wash you in the blood of the lamb. Amen