Posting providers numbers in reviews........

Super Head 713's Avatar
Lately, I have been to receiving all kinds of strange phone calls from people on here. Alot of them numbers have been posted in the ALERT forums under rapist, LE, and etc. I just really find it unfair to the providers, like myself, that request screening before giving out their number when all the guys have to do is look at a review and can get all of that information. I find it very unsafe for us as a provider. Are their any ways that the moderators or anyone can remove the number or how will that work?
ZedX79's Avatar
This is an at-risk industry and your number being out there is a part of it. Since you seem to know what the numbers are, you are able to choose to answer them. The current system is fine as it is and I am willing to bet you aren't the only one with this issue.
Mojojo's Avatar
Tell your clients to not post it, and if you see it hit the RTM button so we can remove it. Keep in mind though that some sort of contact method must exist on the reviews so the guys can receive credit.
ZedX79's Avatar
Or that too
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Its you're responsibility to due the research whether a client is "safe" or not.
You may ask your # to not be published but ultimately it is up to the reviewer.
The onus is also on you to ensure none of your personal info is accessable via a google phone # search by investing in a hobby phone.
Any consequences suffered is strictly your own.
My advice to you is not publish your phone # anywhere and give it out to only those you've screened beforehand.
Once they've passed that then make it clear you do not wish to have it published in any review.
Audrina Monroe is a good practioner of this.
Ask them politely not to post you number. Most guys are nice about it.

Or get a Google voice number.
Super Head 713's Avatar
Thanks for the advice everyone