Fun for the family...

Rudyard K's Avatar
been there....they have an assembly line where each worker has a job, they drain the venom, de-head, skin, hang to drain, chop into fryable size, coat with flour, fry, put on a paper plate, collect your money and serve it to you.

after seeing the writhing, purplish, awful, strings of muscle contorting in death dances..there was no way i could eat them at the end of the line, both my brothers did.

was told the proverbial response to the proverbial question..."tastes like chicken"
Thanks for the video RK, it brought back some very squeamish memories.

I used to live in a little town called Alamogordo, NM. There was a flea market type store that had a rattlesnake pit. For a quarter the owners would tie a balloon to the end of a fishing pole and you would wave it down into the pit. The snakes would get riled up and their rattlers would start going. I remember it being so loud. Eventually a snake would strike the balloon. It never failed, I would let out a shriek followed by lots of laughing. Talk about cheap entertainment.

I was also a lifeguard at a waterslide on the outskirts of town. Before opening the slide each morning, part of my job was to walk up and down the slides to look for baby rattlers. Never found any, just lots of frogs.
There were a lot more women in the video than I expected. Normally, women and snakes don't mix. (Maybe it's an Eve/snake thing.)
when i was around 14 we had to clear about 200 acres of newly acquired land to farm...this was before chain saws or at least i had never heard of them then and we didnt have any anyway....

there were about 30 boys old enough to swing an axe....and so there we went all armed with axes

on the property was an old farm house..which we proceeded to tear down

we got the house down to its cedar pier and wood beam foundation and floor...began ripping up the floor and under it was a writhing mass of rattlesnakes..if i said there were two hundred..well i never counted them..we just started in chopping them up with the axes....

one kid...johnny rodriquez...picked up a severed bit him in the fleshy muscle of his hand right below his thumb....he had all kinds of hell recovering from that.