Who Taught You Those New Tricks?

!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Hey guys, I had a thought last night and felt it was good enough to share. I have heard that you married guys don't get too much action from the misses. I imagine that from time to time, it does happen though and I wondered if they notice that you have picked up a few new moves fucking hot young hookers.

You used to be a missionary two-pump chump and now you are flipping her every way imaginable, licking her asshole, and asking her if she is ready to swallow her reward. You have lube and the toys and the wrist-restraints all of the sudden and want to fuck on the kitchen island.

This will likely not raise any red flags, as she is probably more focused on when you plan on wrapping it up, but it must happen. What do you guys think?

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Good question, I also have wondered about this.
pyramider's Avatar
I have watched thousands of hours of porn.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You seem to be implying our wives don't like sex. On her behalf, I'm insulted!!
Nevertheless, they do get suspicious if you go too far off the routine. A good cover story is you can say you heard about it on a talk radio show for guys, but you need to have you favorite in mind.
Papacorn's Avatar
Watching porn and reading stuff on the Internet are my standard excuses. There are a few she particularly likes, but the sudden interest in BBBJCIM is harder to explain after 2 decades? Lol
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
My issue is no sex with the SO.... when there was, our routine was not a routine at all. my SO was the best sex I ever had and nothing was "off the list".

If she goes back "in the saddle" so to speak, I think the only thing she will wonder is how I kept my good form without going crazy....
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
I am by no means saying every man on here has boring sex with their wife. It was not intended to be a sweeping generalization of all clients. I am well aware there are many of you whose wives rock their world. I was asking the question to those that can relate to what I am saying. Also, it was kind of a joke Jewish Lawyer.
theboss21422's Avatar
+1 on the porn but for me it's not that SO won't put out just if you eat hamburgers everyday you might need to try a fish sandwich every now and then
My SO gets it often. She loves it. She's gorgeous too. She's also expecting. She only likes it about twice a week. I'm a twice a day guy. Porn is my go to excuse. And there are a lot of things she won't even try. She would try most anything if I asked nicely enough.

Better question though, how do you tell your SO that her BBBJ skills are just plain subpar. She's good for an SO, but compared to a pro that loves BBBJNQNS. I've had a few that were just wow! Especially in 69. That may be my favorite thing in the whole world. There's something about a hot girl that is going to get what she wants out of me no matter what. I will always DFK that woman after out of admiration for her skill and determination.
Brass Balls's Avatar
My ex, affectionately know as the ironbox, did start getting suspicious of me later in our marriage. Foreplay to her was dinner, a movie, and two weeks of begging. She was so frigid when she did take her clothes off the furnace kicked on so needless to say we didn't do it very often. And in those pre-internet days good porn wasn't as readily available so on those rare occasions that we actually did screw she did start wondering where the new ideas came from. I calmly told her since I didn't get it but twice a year I have lots of time to think about it. And she was dumb enough to believe it!

Fortunately for me my current SO watches lots of porn while I'm traveling so I'm now learning from her. At least I hope that's where she's getting her ideas
OldGrump's Avatar
My wife reads some pretty racy novels. I got her to show me a shower blow job from one of her stories. She did a damned good job considering she learned without pictures.

She's a keeper.
But hey I like Missionary. lol
Papa Noel's Avatar
I just told my ex that Tara taught me all the new stuff.
pyramider's Avatar
My SO gets it often. She loves it. She's gorgeous too. Originally Posted by bbtony

So who is she getting it from?