"The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed".

Does anyone read the Dark Tower series? After much ado (Ron Howard has held the rights for years) Sony is now starting production on the motion picture version. Thoughts? Who would you like to see play Roland and his ka-tet?
Brielle Devonshire's Avatar
I read that series when I was a teenager and loved it! I definitely need to re-read it. Exciting news for the motion picture!
I read that series through middle and high school and I'm just now working through the audiobooks - including the new one, Wind Through the Keyhole - while I drive. I'm definitely a fan of the universe and it was a major influence of many of my worldviews.

As to the movie? If they can do it as well as they did The Stand - staying true to the heart of the 'verse and story - then I'll absolutely adore it, but if they go off into The Shining or Cujo territory I'll likely pretend it never existed.

So I suppose I'm cautiously optimistic.
Excellent! Glad to see two ladies who loves the story as I do.

@rudbeckia- I have the same reservations but they're making it into a multi movie presentation like the Stand so hopefully there will be plenty of time to make it as true to the story as possible.

Thankee big big! Long days and pleasant nights, ladies.


I wish Lance Henriksen hadn't gotten so fucking old, I could totally see him playing Roland.

LOVE that series. They are going to have to make one helluva movie to stand up to the books!
Yes, and lookie here lookie here! They are remaking the Stand and Matthew Mcconaughey is playing The Man in Black/ Randall Flagg. Great to see a resurgence in his works to film.

Rock'er's Avatar
Best series ever. I think Josh Brolin or Timothy Olyphant would make good Roland's.
Both too big for Roland. Whoever it is has to be tall and thin.

Maybe Cort tho.
MC's Avatar
  • MC
  • 04-15-2015, 07:46 PM
I love The Dark Tower series, so much so that I even named my Dog Roland. I'll admit to being a bit disappointed with the final book, especially with how it handled Randall Flagg.

As for a film adaptation...I dunno, it seems like a property that would work better as a tv series on HBO. Still, it would be interesting to see a live action version of Roland and the gang, as well as Blaine the Mono and the Dodachocks(?) Those crab monsters were creepy as Hell.

It's a shame they can't de-age Clint Eastwood to his "Man with No Name" days. He would've made a great Roland.
Yeah well you know Roland was based loosely on Clint in his Leone Western days. People are saying his son may be up for the part, but he looks like a tool. Not weathered enough to be Roland either. Maybe Andrew Lincoln from The Walking Dead? He shows promise, especially now that his character on TWD has unhinged a bit.

Glad to see another Constant Reader here. Long days and pleasant nights, Sai.
I've been saying for years they needed to make this series into movies. Glad to hear its finally happening. Maybe Christian Bale or Daniel Craig as Roland?
Meh, I don't think there are any existing big-name actors that would be a good match for Roland...I'm hoping that they do the Chris Hemsworth/Thor thing and pull a lesser known fellow to play the role.

And @MC - I agree that it'd make a hell of a good miniseries, but then wouldn't we be compromising the big-screen budget that'll be needed to pull off all the special effects?
I'm a member of a couple of Dark Tower groups on FB and SK forums (yes that's how much of a fan I am of The King) and we've discussed this extensively. I'll pull some of the candidates and fan art from there and share here. I remember one of my ka-mates saying Josh Brolin possibly for Roland? So many choices.

Thankee big big, Constant Readers.
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  • MC
  • 04-18-2015, 08:26 PM
Yeah well you know Roland was based loosely on Clint in his Leone Western days. People are saying his son may be up for the part, but he looks like a tool. Not weathered enough to be Roland either. Maybe Andrew Lincoln from The Walking Dead? He shows promise, especially now that his character on TWD has unhinged a bit.

Glad to see another Constant Reader here. Long days and pleasant nights, Sai. Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
Lincoln would be a good choice, as would Timothy Olyphant from Justified.

Meh, I don't think there are any existing big-name actors that would be a good match for Roland...I'm hoping that they do the Chris Hemsworth/Thor thing and pull a lesser known fellow to play the role.

And @MC - I agree that it'd make a hell of a good miniseries, but then wouldn't we be compromising the big-screen budget that'll be needed to pull off all the special effects? Originally Posted by Rudbeckia
You do have a good point. As much as I'd prefer a more comprehensive adaptation of The Dark Tower in the form of a miniseries, it might also lead to shoddy special effects. This has been the case with many Stephen King tv miniseries, unfortunately.
You do have a good point. As much as I'd prefer a more comprehensive adaptation of The Dark Tower in the form of a miniseries, it might also lead to shoddy special effects. This has been the case with many Stephen King tv miniseries, unfortunately. Originally Posted by MC
It's true that so many of his stories fell prey to the special effects of their time...but we also live in a world now where Terra Nova-level effects are possible in a TV series, so there's a good chance that they could do it fair enough.

Either way, I'll likely have to go see it...if only for the billy-bumbler. *grin*