Providers out in public

How many guys out there that take their ATF out in public? I have on several occasions asked a provider to accompany me to public functions. Political functions and other gatherings. to name a few Alaine of Dallas has accompanied me to political functions and she fit in with all of the others gathered there. When a date is desired pick carefully so you have some one you can be proud to be with.
I would, and I have. Not frequently, but a few times between marriages 8-10 years ago.

Divorced (for the last time!!) in 2014, and no doubt will go various places with favorite providers or sugar babies in the future.

Although I've been 'window shopping' on P411 and the young 'uns always catch my eye, when I have time to spend on non-BCD activities, I love to hang out with the 35+ ladies.
i guess living in vegas it may happen more often..
plenty of dinner dates, concerts, shows, pool dates, gambling, etc.

we all fit in here because there are so many tourists, bachelor parties, ladies night at the clubs... you can't tell if someone is a working girl or someones daughter. i can't imagine security or someone walking up to someone and questioning their motive only to find out that its a european father and daughter where holding hands is so common and when i see it, it baffles me that some americans can be so cold towards their family.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
I have taken providers to dinner and infrequently to events, but I only do it when I'm away from home. Too small a population here to take a chance.

5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 05-27-2015, 12:24 PM
I do it all the time ... but I have nothing to hide ... Single
  • cylon
  • 05-27-2015, 03:10 PM
I do on occasion. If you are married, you just cant be stupid about it. Pick the right lady, the right place, and I would recommend doing your best to use cash only. No valet parking, no checked coats, nothing to leave a paper trail.
I am widowed and my children pushed me into finding companionship. The only problem for me is the need for my companions Rl name in some cases. And when I introduce them I only use their first name.
Why do you need a real name?
I went to karaoke with a date last night and we made up an awesome story.
Two fake names.
I was a tourist.
It kinda ruled.
Especially when he introduced "I like big butts and I cannot lie" as the romantic love song dedicated to all of the lovers in the room tonight."
At political functions when introducing my date I need to use a name. In case some one were to know her in RL I need the name. Just the first name is enough. The people at the function all know me so it is necessary.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-27-2015, 06:43 PM
An offer to go out to dinner is assumed.

For regular dates, often a show, or walk in the park, or museum.

For a few very special ladies, almost anything.

I don't see ladies I am ashamed to be with. So many of the ladies are more articulate, more charming, than I could ever hope to be.

For dinner, etc., real names are not needed, though I do know the real names of many. For anything longer than an overnight I want each other to know real names in case something goes wrong. I never used to think of it, but I had two cases where I had to call an ambulance for two different ladies because of an unexpected bad medical issue. Both turned out well, but the real name was really important to know--and I am not talking "embarrassment", I really couldn't care less about that at the time.
Hassve you ever sent some thing to a providers mother? I won't mention her name but I on occasion would have little presents sent to her mothers home and she commented that her mother wondered why I never sent her any thing. So one night I ordered her mother a bath robe and sent it to the addressed as Miss jame's mother. Her mother was thrilled. In Austin last fall I took Emerald shopping and while in line to pay for the stuff some lady asked me if that was my daughter(bitch) and I told her No she was my sugar baby. Em punched me when we got out of the store. That has brcome a Joke between us now. Emerald is a smart fun loving companion. She argues with my GPS and I tell her it must be a blonde thing.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-28-2015, 05:40 AM
There are two ladies whose families I have met. I have sent flowers and other small gifts to both the mothers. Sent flowers to my ATF's grandmother on her 90th birthday a few years back and she still talks of it, and reminds my AFT's mom that I remember her birthday better than her own children do.
I've been out and about with a few of my client friends. Dinners, social events, trips, and plays. It's been an enjoyable time every time. For me and them.

I would only go to a social function with a "good friend" though, we know enough about one another by then for it to look like any other date so there's no weird moments.

I do of course adjust my rate and take into account all that the evening will entail prior to agreeing to any nights out.
algrace's Avatar
Truly stated, the comfort level must be established beforehand.

Once, I tried convincing a friend to hire a companion for an important company event which generates a large number of sales opportunities. In my biased judgment, I had attributed higher close rates for salesmen with well-spoken attractive dates, but it could be a non-correlative relationship just the same.

I assert that the majority of ladies in this hobby are simply not the type.
The average monger doesn't demand for elite courtesanship & so supply is much more attuned to a less discerning gentleman who, more than not, is seeking only satisfactory experiences BCD.
I have been out and about with many of my friends.

Algrace, I feel that your instincts are correct. The right woman is a powerful tool. Years ago, I once helped a friend win the competition for a promotion by being his date to the company Christmas party. Granted, we researched the VP, I deliberately shaped myself so I could draw the VP in while subtly talking up my friend, and my friend informed me on the politics and personal relationships between co-workers I should be aware of.