5 day cruise

Going on cruise soon. Was thinking about getting an extra ticket and seeing if one of the awesome providers want to come with.

Is this just a bad idea?
I think it's an awesome idea!!
Were you asking the guys??
Going on cruise soon. Was thinking about getting an extra ticket and seeing if one of the awesome providers want to come with.

Is this just a bad idea? Originally Posted by AustinDave
I guess it depends on who you pick and How well you actually know them. Because a hour of play time really does not tell you who that person is and I have learned getting to know some or most providers on a personal level will never happen. So I would say you really would have to know and I mean know the provider and not just like your play times you have had with her.

If you know the provider personally then it might be a blast but if you are going on looks or the short time you have shared it could be a 5 day nightmare. We all know also that a few providers tend to be flaky or not consistent so it would be F'ed up if you purchased a ticket and she not show.

I have thought about this type of scenario myself and always weigh pro's and cons.
Asking both guys and girls.
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 03-28-2014, 09:50 AM
1. Both in the same cabin or separate quarters?
2. If separate, how much time do you get to spend with her?
3. If separate, what if she decides two days in that she can't stand you and tells you to fuck off? I promise the ships captain will make sure you fuck off.
4. If it's shared quarters, do you expect her to spend 24/5 with you?
5. Are you only purchasing the "meal ticket?" What about shore excursions? What about drinks onboard (they are extra)? What about shopping?
6. What is plan B if you don't 'click'?

I think these (and many other questions) should be considered by both parties. Just my opinion.
Good points
Or you could do what I tried: I posted in ISO for a provider who may already be on the 16 day cruise that I am taking starting this weekend..
It was actually meant to be humorous but I figured it might be worth a try!

If a couple of providers decided that they needed a vacation, they could share their cabin (incall) and invite some of the eccie gents to visit! It could be great or a genuine disaster...IJS
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
What about her time away from her "business"? This would be 5 days without any income coming in. I would doubt you would find a provider willing to accompany you for just the price of the cruise and any incidentals on the cruise. I would assume that they would want to receive some sort of compensation to be your "guest".
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 03-28-2014, 02:30 PM
What about her time away from her "business"? This would be 5 days without any income coming in. I would doubt you would find a provider willing to accompany you for just the price of the cruise and any incidentals on the cruise. I would assume that they would want to receive some sort of compensation to be your "guest". Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Ummmm … it's called an all expense paid vacation most of the time. If she wants to keep making money, stay home and work. If she wants to go on a cruise, visit various ports of call, enjoy the cruise ship activities, have every meal paid for, most likely every excursion, shopping, drinks, plus some spending money to boot, then consider that income. At least that's how I look at it. But then, I'm not the one paying either. LOL!
What about her time away from her "business"? This would be 5 days without any income coming in. I would doubt you would find a provider willing to accompany you for just the price of the cruise and any incidentals on the cruise. I would assume that they would want to receive some sort of compensation to be your "guest". Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I am not sure how the ladies feel about this seeing only one has chimed in but honestly I feel that if I invite a lady (provider) on a all expenses paid trip including flight, food, drinks, etc. and all they have to do is show up and be there and have a great time, then I think that should be payment enough. With enough notice of the trip that provider could work and save for upcoming bills or pay them ahead of schedule but its an all expense paid vacation.

Ex. Your company pays for an all inclusive trip for you and you don't have to pay for anything at all except for items at a gift shop are you telling me you would want to charge them like you are working?

my 2cents
Britttany_love's Avatar
Im just curious a few of you have mentioned " all expenses paid" however all I see the OP offering is the ticket...? My opinion take a friend or so with you or go solo.. lots of single ladies go on cruises. I wouldnt think many providers would be up for a cruise with a stranger thats not compensated for. Its a sticky situation if you promise an all expenses paid cruise where is the guarantee for her if shes not compensated what happens if say 2 days in something happens and you decide your not up to paying for food and drinks, going out shopping or doing an activity thats extra..etc (unless an all-inclusive cruise) now she is stuck paying out of pocket. I say you should not mix business with pleasure when it comes to your personal life.
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 03-29-2014, 12:32 AM
Britt - thus my first post here. BTW, unless I don't know what I'm talking about, most, if not all cruises is all-inclusive as far as food and non-alcoholic drinks are concerned. Some charge for soft drinks and others don't. But you are right, not much guarantees either way.
Britttany_love's Avatar
Food on the ship is included. However if im going on a vacation cruise I know I would want an adult beverage or two which is not included in most cruises.... i can drink tea and soda on my own dime at home. However if im not wrong soda is something you have to pay for on most cruise ships. Many cruises stop in various locations where some might want to try food and drinks at a restaurant at one of the stops... this is not included. Shopping is also something many ladies enjoy and typically happens when on vacation and visiting somewhere you dont normal go. Casinos, some shows, snorkeling or scuba diving, spa and salon, shore excursions..tipping of staff..etc are all extra and are not included when you book a cruise. I also forgot to mention airfare or travel expenses to the location your ship is leaving from.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-29-2014, 07:13 AM

Heres my take.

First...go to Thailand. Full time GFE (and quite beautiful-just make sure she really IS a she-and no its NOT as easy to determine as you think-although I was taught by a bar maid the ONE almost full proof way to tell....IM me if you need to know), girls there do this on the regular. Pick up a girl for 3 days, take a cruise off the coast of Thailand. Negotiate rates (stunningly inexpensive by US standards) and agree to what will occur. She is your girlfriend 24/7 and treats you as one. They do this as a CULTURE and its not frowned on. The girls love it cause they get to go someplace nice & one even acted as my travel guide...negotiating prices...making sure we didn't get lost...I even emailed with her on occasion after I got back. Its different there...some would say mongers paradise...


I have two examples. Girls both met in the hobby. Both had excellent BCD chemistry with me. Both we decided to see each other outside the hobby. One I became very, very close with and we did absolutely everything together. Really enjoyed our time together. Did overnights, weekend trips, etc. SHE would have been awesome on a cruise like you mention.

Other one...same connections...really like each other....started dating and have little to NOTHING in common outside the bedroom. Dates were as boring as fuck for BOTH of us. Decided we should remain Client and Ho because of the BCD chemistry & we really like one another...just not compatible on the outside.

My recommendation? Build up a relationship with a couple of girls you like and that like YOU not just your ATM. But to roll the dice on an American woman trapped on a ship like rats? Not a chance in hell...

And the compensation needs to be a bit more than the trip. Agree to that up front. Realize she is not working on the boat (or allow her to work-that might be kinda kinky)...unless its like a trip to Hawaii and she knows its a fully paid vacation...

anyway hope my input helps a bit.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Ummmm … it's called an all expense paid vacation most of the time. If she wants to keep making money, stay home and work. If she wants to go on a cruise, visit various ports of call, enjoy the cruise ship activities, have every meal paid for, most likely every excursion, shopping, drinks, plus some spending money to boot, then consider that income. At least that's how I look at it. But then, I'm not the one paying either. LOL! Originally Posted by onei
I don't disagree with your expectations. This issue has been discussed over the years a number of times and the consensus of opinion, if I'm remembering correctly, is that providers expect to be paid for their time, whether on "vacation" or not. A cruise out of Galveston is not that expensive, going from "very inexpensive" for a inside cabin to "very expensive" for the highest priced suite. A 5-day cruise from Galveston with an ocean view cabin can be had for as little as $394. Plus extras of course. Why would a provider simply not just pay that herself and take away the expected obligation of having sex with a guy how many times over the course of 4 nights? Hmmm. Maybe I'll try this if it works out for AustinDave.