
turbonupe's Avatar
I found this in the Austin coed discussion, has anyone heard of this.

Beware!!! will destroy hobby
I just did a google search of my name and found out that my is on an national escort "blacklist". Do NOT ever give out your personal infomation (not even your name) during screening! I've learned the hard way. If the escort is having a bad day or you don't give into their upsell, your name could possibly go on this list.

It's really sad because this hobby is based on discretion. This website ( will absolutely destroy the hobby. In my case, I had a last minute emergency that led me to cancel my appointment. And now my life could be destroyed if my employer or family does a google search on my name and city.

Incidentally, if you read the FAQ page on the site, you'll quickly pick up that the owner of the site has some serious emotional issues. It's clear to me how she rationalizes why she is doing what she is doing (exposing people's real names to google search) that she was an escort who was treated badly and is now out to exact her vengence on ALL hobbyists. If you want to protect escorts, you can achieve this by putting the information behind a login page. To expose hobbyist's names for everyone to see, you create a deterent for them to give out personal information during the screening process, which in turn puts escorts potentially at risk. The screening process is not meant to gather information to be displayed for all the world to see if an appt is canceled at the last minute -- it's used to verify a person's identity and to alert authorities in case something goes horribly wrong.

In summary, beware when giving out your personal information during screening. I just wanted to share the lesson I learned the hard way.
This is crap. Just sayin'.

Maybe he was the victim of some provider who had a hidden agenda, trying to destroy his life because he didn't pay on an upsell. It could be possible, but I doubt it. In general, back channels are a valuable resource and I don't know if I would be providing if they did not exist. We should all be grateful that they are around. Just my .2.
DustyHands's Avatar
I took a quick curious look at it, and some poor schmuck's full name and employer were listed. You can't read what's said without registering, but it's still there in the title of a thread. I don't have a problem with the sharing of information, but it should be kept behind some sort of wall. Basically, some guy may well deserve to get blacklisted, but not have his identity outed.
Magen's Avatar
  • Magen
  • 05-10-2010, 08:47 PM
i dono about that one! The first time i went to Cali i had a guy rip me off and i did not know about the site yet. I found out about it a few months later and to my surprise the same guy was already on there like 3 times with the same car plates and info i have on him. it's help full for us ladies but i can understand a guys point of view as well.
Magen is on top of me...

I'm just sayin....
Well if that's the case then they should do away with all the back channels, since the same thing can and does happen there, too.

It's up to us to research and determine if it's BS or real.

It's a valuable resource, and yes, a few bad eggs slip thru the cracks...but in general, I thank Heavens that these sites exist. We need them for not only our safety, but the safety of the GOOD guys who make this profession worth it.. I just realized the other day, through searching the back channels, that I had several encounters with a robber/rapist a couple years ago (looking back on it I can see where he was setting me up for more of the same, but I had retired before it could go any further..) unbeknownst to me at the time, and I feel blessed to still be here...

Just for example purposes, here is what happens when a lady (ME, at the time!) does not know about these back channels: Read here, read all the responses, and then read here (don't you love how I was working to save my 'good name' five days after this happened? I just noticed that. So nice of that guy to see me and give me a review 5 days after being beat up and more...I was a wonderful GFE with Irish sunglasses...FML). This is not an ad, I am seriously trying to show you why the back channels are so important. I still have bad dreams about this encounter, and it's been damn near three years. I'll never forget that experience, as much as I try to, and neither should any of you! Take my mistakes as a lesson!

Just sayin'...

We take a leap of faith every time we open the door, no matter what the back channels say. The men risk losing their wives, we risk losing our lives. I can see where some of you would see this as the same thing, but I promise you that if you lived in our stilettos for a day and had a bad encounter, you may change your tune about these 'back channels'.The real GENTLEMEN in the hobby don't mind, and in fact, welcome screening.

Better safe than sorry, no?

Why do I feel like I am going to get flamed for this?
And, DYB, how did you see all that info? I couldn't see it with the information provided by the OP!?!
DustyHands's Avatar
How did I see that info?
Google searched the site and on the home page there's a menu on the left. I clicked cities, then Dallas. (Morbid curiosity). There's a list of thread titles. Most of them are internet handles, aliases, p411 id's, etc... But there are also a couple with real names and employers, e.g., "Joe Blow, emp. Dewey, Cheatham, & Howe" -except it was a real name and real firm I've worked with before.

I'm not at all disputing the value of these back channels and truly sorry for what happened to you Dannie and unfortunately probably many ladies at some point.
Even if it's not that extreme, just a jerk or a cheapskate- no problem at all for that to be shared with other providers and real names may be the best way to do that. It should just be done BCD so to speak.
All I was trying to say is that its one thing to blacklist someone, but outing them for the general public (more precisely the morbidly curious or investigative general public) is quite another. In reality it's maybe just a matter of a poorly designed website.
I don't care how important back channels are, they should NEVER be in public view. They are a huge resource to the ladies but they should stay private, and accessible only by providers. If a crime is committed then the information can be put on the blacklist and reported to police but there is no reason why it should be public.

How would the ladies like if I started compiling a list of your real names, addresses, and childrens names. Then made it fully accessible to whoever registered or paid a fee ?? All I have to say is that you NCNS at some point in your career, had a really bad attitude when you showed up, or advertised a bbbj and gave a cbj and you make it on the list !
turbonupe's Avatar
yeah, i just went to the site from the link posted in the austin section of this board, and i was like whoa, that's a lot of personal info to be just out there, i mean, i do understand from the providers point of view, but me being a nebie, and tryiing to feel my way around all the B.S and DRAMA i have seen on here, i mean there seems to more drama on here at times, makes me think i stepped into the twilight, seriously, you have to give up so much personal info for a provider to see you, but you get no real info on her, and if she is like what i just read about in another post, you get put on blast cause she may be having a bad day.
Well if that's the case then they should do away with all the back channels, since the same thing can and does happen there, too.

It's up to us to research and determine if it's BS or real.

It's a valuable resource, and yes, a few bad eggs slip thru the cracks...but in general, I thank Heavens that these sites exist. We need them for not only our safety, but the safety of the GOOD guys who make this profession worth it.. I just realized the other day, through searching the back channels, that I had several encounters with a robber/rapist a couple years ago (looking back on it I can see where he was setting me up for more of the same, but I had retired before it could go any further..) unbeknownst to me at the time, and I feel blessed to still be here...

Just for example purposes, here is what happens when a lady (ME, at the time!) does not know about these back channels: Read here, read all the responses, and then read here (don't you love how I was working to save my 'good name' five days after this happened? I just noticed that. So nice of that guy to see me and give me a review 5 days after being beat up and more...I was a wonderful GFE with Irish sunglasses...FML). This is not an ad, I am seriously trying to show you why the back channels are so important. I still have bad dreams about this encounter, and it's been damn near three years. I'll never forget that experience, as much as I try to, and neither should any of you! Take my mistakes as a lesson!

Just sayin'...

We take a leap of faith every time we open the door, no matter what the back channels say. The men risk losing their wives, we risk losing our lives. I can see where some of you would see this as the same thing, but I promise you that if you lived in our stilettos for a day and had a bad encounter, you may change your tune about these 'back channels'.The real GENTLEMEN in the hobby don't mind, and in fact, welcome screening.

Better safe than sorry, no?

Why do I feel like I am going to get flamed for this?
And, DYB, how did you see all that info? I couldn't see it with the information provided by the OP!?! Originally Posted by Dannie
Very Well Said Dannie: I agree with Dannie. The Back Channnels are the Ladies Protection and it works. If you Conduct yourself like a Gentleman in a session, The Ladies will all know. If you are trying to hurt/Rob/rape them, they will know that too. You are going to have Bad apples on both sides of the fence. IMHO, The Protections that are in place for Providers and Hobbyists WORK and are there for a Reason. When a Crazy Hobbyists/Provider shows up. the issues are addressed in such a way to keep this Hobby Safe for All. How you Conduct yourself in a session speaks Volumes on BOTH sides. However, with that all being said: I DO NOT think the screening info should be visible to just anyone and the Provider should secure it as she would her own info.

Stay Safe My Friends,
rummerpaul's Avatar
As i posted in another thread. I'm on that blacklist. And it's complete bullshit.

Us hobbyists do not know the personal info of our providers yet often we are required to give ours. If you happen to have anything from a misunderstanding to an outright messed up ordeal...she can post that personal info for anyone googling to see.

My experience: THe first time i had someone to my house. And the last time. She was fairly well known, not around or active anymore.

SHe came over with her lunch. sat down, asked me to get her untensils and something to drink (not in a nice way) and she sat there silent and ate. After she ate she just wanted to waste time. ANd had a very very condescending attitude. I felt very uncomfortable and asked her to leave. Well, i went all out and tried to talk to her about how i didnt think it was going to work out.

I later got a text saying "how dare you try to rape me, I'm calling the police."

To that I said (and it's true): My home video security cameras show nothing of the sort and it was the last I heard from her.

About two years later I emailed someone from my personal email telling them what city I lived in at the time. Evidently my full name with the city yields myself on that blacklist as the first hit giving my full name and address.

I was outraged. I emailed the site. ANd yeah, they'd rather go to hell than to fix things.

Unfortunately this kind of thing has hardened me and makes me feel uncomfortable opening up to someone, which always makes for a better more intimate time.

I wish i knew how to get rid of that.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I just glanced at the site and on Dallas. Geeez. Real names for simple shit like NC/NS.
I understand the importance of the site and ones like it. There's nothing I'd want more than for the ladies to feel secure, but outing a guy to that extent because he was a no show? That's getting sloppy and is minimizing the intent of the site.
(shrug) I don't see much of an issue with it. The ladies have their own methods to screen and get background info on their clients. Do some probably abuse it for the wrong reason? Sure. Just as I'm sure there are hobbyists out there who take advantage of the girls.

It seems to me there are plenty of ways for a hobbyist to research a girl, to find out what others have done with her, to her, if she was really into it, etc. We have lots of ways to find out (and blacklist ourselves) the ladies. This just seems like another site for the ladies to do the same to the guys. And while I'm not totally comfortable having to give my full name out for an appointment, I realize why it is that they ask for it.

I think what they do is much more dangerous than what we do. And from a few conversations I've had, it would seem that there are plenty of douchebag guys out trying to scam or mess with ladies who don't deserve it. Makes it harder for us for sure, but if you keep your nose clean and establish your own rep, you have no need to worry about that site.
(shrug) I don't see much of an issue with it. The ladies have their own methods to screen and get background info on their clients. Do some probably abuse it for the wrong reason? Sure. Just as I'm sure there are hobbyists out there who take advantage of the girls.

It seems to me there are plenty of ways for a hobbyist to research a girl, to find out what others have done with her, to her, if she was really into it, etc. We have lots of ways to find out (and blacklist ourselves) the ladies. This just seems like another site for the ladies to do the same to the guys. And while I'm not totally comfortable having to give my full name out for an appointment, I realize why it is that they ask for it.

I think what they do is much more dangerous than what we do. And from a few conversations I've had, it would seem that there are plenty of douchebag guys out trying to scam or mess with ladies who don't deserve it. Makes it harder for us for sure, but if you keep your nose clean and establish your own rep, you have no need to worry about that site. Originally Posted by Krunkman

Sounds like a system of law without an attorney, a judge, or a jury. I'd like to see what you think of the site when your name address and license plate number show up on it for questioning a girl who says she only gives cbj when her ad stated bbbj....and you get blacklisted for asking for bbfs. Ask me how often that scenario has gone down ! No one gives a shit about breach of privacy and security until its THEIR privacy and security that have been breached.
Sounds like a system of law without an attorney, a judge, or a jury. I'd like to see what you think of the site when your name address and license plate number show up on it for questioning a girl who says she only gives cbj when her ad stated bbbj....and you get blacklisted for asking for bbfs. Ask me how often that scenario has gone down ! No one gives a shit about breach of privacy and security until its THEIR privacy and security that have been breached. Originally Posted by dentonseek
Would I be pissed? Sure! But yeah, it's just another aspect of the internet. Guys are also judge, jury and executioner as far as rating the ladies, or outing them to their kids schools, their exes, etc. Plenty of shit to be slung all around.

That's why I mentioned that you should establish your own reputation. A good provider is gonna see through the bullshit, your referenceable ladies are going to say you are a good client, and there will still be plenty of ladies to see.

If your protecting your identity is of paramount importance, then the only thing I can think of is sticking with ladies who have sterling reputations. Any of our reputations are just transitory, and one "aw fuck" can overrule ten 'attaboys'. (shrug) That's just how things work though.

That's why I like to do my research prior to seeing a lady, and I try very hard not to let the little man do all of my thinking for me.