Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Please tell me this is a joke. This is The Onion, isn't it? Please?

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-13-2012, 01:31 AM
But Muslims are a peacefull all inclusive religion, respectfull of all others. That's what oscuminable says anyway.....LOL. If that happens it wound be one of the greatest losses, and truly sinfull...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They also burned down the Library of Alexandria, if I remember right. (I was quite young at the time.)
Think it is called shitting in your own nest.
No, it's not The Onion. It's real.

There is something about Islam. It seems to grow an abnormal number of extremists, and it has no immune system to prevent, retard, or cull the extremists. This is exactly the pattern followed by cancer and by infectious diseases for which the body has no resistance. Any epidemiologist can tell you what happens next, in biological terms: At best, the extremists do a LOT of harm. At worst, the extremists take over.

You see this with gonorrhea, as antibiotic-resistant strains crowd out antibiotic-susceptible strains. (Yes, I'm deliberately making a comparison between extreme Islam and a loathsome disease. Sue me.)
joe bloe's Avatar
No, it's not The Onion. It's real.

There is something about Islam. It seems to grow an abnormal number of extremists, and it has no immune system to prevent, retard, or cull the extremists. This is exactly the pattern followed by cancer and by infectious diseases for which the body has no resistance. Any epidemiologist can tell you what happens next, in biological terms: At best, the extremists do a LOT of harm. At worst, the extremists take over.

You see this with gonorrhea, as antibiotic-resistant strains crowd out antibiotic-susceptible strains. (Yes, I'm deliberately making a comparison between extreme Islam and a loathsome disease. Sue me.) Originally Posted by Sidewinder
I think the fundamental problem with Islam may be that Muslims believe that the Koran is the literal word of God, dictated to Mohammad. Islam leaves no room for the possibility of a reformation. To acknowledge that the Koran is wrong, is to accuse God of being wrong.

Christians and Jews believe that the Bible and the Torah are the inspired, not the literal, word of God. This allows for reformation, to allow for imperfections caused by man's imperfect ability to convey God's will.

Islam literally means to surrender. Islam requires that human reason be completely subordinated to God's will. Israel literally means to struggle with God. I think the difference between completely surrendering to God, and struggling with God, defines the most important difference between Islam and the Judeo-Christian view of God.
I B Hankering's Avatar
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Has anyone forgotten about the buddhist statues in 2001? Ancient statues destroyed by the Taliban with explosives and weapons of war. The world stood by and clicked their tongues about how bad this was but no one did anything about it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I remember that, and thought about it when this came up. There is no reasoning with these people. I don't know what the answer is.

Whenever a person submits their will to an outside authority, this is what happens, whether it be Allah, Jesus, Obama, Romney - anything. Others will come along and use that devotion for their own ends.
Roothead's Avatar
the Taliban did the same thing to the large Buddhas that were carved into the side of mountains in Afghanistan ... once we can get off the additcion to ME oil, let them kill each other all they want... social Darwinism advanced by weapons.....
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A kind of funny side bar; a couple of months ago the UN issued a report that said that lands in the US should be given back to the native Americans because it was historical land. Seems to me that it would be a short hop for the UN to say that the pyramids belong to all the people of the world and off limits to destruction by anyone except the original owners if they come back to this planet.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Please tell me this is a joke. This is The Onion, isn't it? Please?

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
My guess is it's a joke.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, it's not. That's the saddest part.
joe bloe's Avatar
My guess is it's a joke. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
It's not a joke. The Jihadists want complete domination of the world. The Muslims believe the only culture worthy of preservation is Islamic culture.
Has anyone forgotten about the buddhist statues in 2001? Ancient statues destroyed by the Taliban with explosives and weapons of war. The world stood by and clicked their tongues about how bad this was but no one did anything about it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I ask in all seriousness: What do you think "the world" should have done?

Lots of people tried to tell the Taliban that destruction of the statues was a crime against humanity. Their answer was that the continued existence of the statues was a bigger crime against Islam.

So what do you do? Military force? Who bells the cat?

Recall that the Soviet Union tried to take Afghanistan, and failed MISERABLY, courtesy of US-supplied Stinger missiles. (Afghanistan was one of the crucial campaigns in the 70 Year War between the United States and the Soviet Union. We won.)