Provider References

Im not exactly sure if this is the correct place but I was wondering a few things as im new to this site. I have used BP but had a less than stellar experience.

Does each provider have to remember us or is this website setup to assist them in remembering if we were good/bad clients?
Also, is it appropriate to ask if we can use them as a reference.

Yes a provider has to remember you, and yes you can ask to use them as a reference, in my experiences here so far a couple of the ladies have offered to be their reference for me when it was time to leave without even asking. But they understand you're new and trying to build your references. Also a good thing would be to do a review quickly after the encounter so that other providers will know you've seen other verified providers from here. The next thing you could do is open a P411 account and setup your references through there, so once they give you the ok it's fine and if they forgot about you, no big deal since you'll be verified through P411.
cool thanks.