ANOTHER shooting

Virginia Beach...17 hit, 12 dead including 1 cop and the shooter. City employee that went crazy. 1 other cop hit, but saved by the vest.
Chung Tran's Avatar
not a lot of good publicity from the Southern half of Virginia.. from the Virginia Tech shooting massacre, the "I'm sorry for posing in Blackface.. wait that wasn't me" Governor in Richmond, to Charlottesville (that used to be known for the University of Virginia, now replaced with KKK images, despite winning the NCAA Basketball Tournament this year), and now Virginia Beach.

it's starting to look like Northern Florida.. and East Texas
RIP to all the victims and I hope they're in a better place now. I especially feel for their loved ones who must be going through a living hell. How utterly tragic and unnecessary.
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
Virginia is one of the States in the original South, the Confederacy during the civil war. They always been intolerant toward African Americans. Don't forget Texas and Florida that you mentioned were also in the original Confederacy.
Some people are just nuts nowadays. If they want to hurt another human being, they will find a way. Whether they use a gun, a knife like just this week in Tokyo or 2 weeks ago in China, an internal combustion vehicle, or anything they can get their hands on and turn into a weapon.
'TUNACAN''s Avatar
My heart goes out to the families of the victims of the Virginia Shootings

.45 ACP semi auto pistol with Class III suppressor.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Sad but prob gonna be the same story of issues nobody addressed . LSM state got weapon's legally Class 3 suppressor ? some thing is wrong with the story
TexTushHog's Avatar
Yep. And nobody is going to do a damned thing. Because a slim majority of Americans would rather see hundreds a year slaughtered than have a sensible gun policy like every other single industrialized democracy in the world.
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
The world we live in
txexetoo's Avatar
Yep. And nobody is going to do a damned thing. Because a slim majority of Americans would rather see hundreds a year slaughtered than have a sensible gun policy like every other single industrialized democracy in the world. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Name one new gun law that would have prevented this shooting
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
Yep. And nobody is going to do a damned thing. Because a slim majority of Americans would rather see hundreds a year slaughtered than have a sensible gun policy like every other single industrialized democracy in the world. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

Sensible gun policy, note the predominant number of mass shootings happen in gun free zones.

Politics and intuition aside, read John Lott Jr. books on the subject.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Well gun control will ever stop bad people , Try arming all and see how fast crime goes away .
TexTushHog's Avatar
Name one new gun law that would have prevented this shooting Originally Posted by txexetoo
Banning ALL hand guns at the Federal level, including existing guns, and enforcing the ban. Then you don稚 have to wait for someone to shoot someone. If someone has a pistol, send them to prison, confiscate and destroy the gun, etc. It値l take ten years, but eventually, you値l get 98+% of the guns off the streets. Then in another five years, you値l get another 1%. And so on. Over a generation or two, there will be virtually no hand guns left in circulation. Same with all but a single shot rifle.
  • grean
  • 06-03-2019, 02:48 PM
Banning ALL hand guns at the Federal level, including existing guns, and enforcing the ban. Then you don稚 have to wait for someone to shoot someone. If someone has a pistol, send them to prison, confiscate and destroy the gun, etc. It値l take ten years, but eventually, you値l get 98+% of the guns off the streets. Then in another five years, you値l get another 1%. And so on. Over a generation or two, there will be virtually no hand guns left in circulation. Same with all but a single shot rifle. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

What then? Will criminals stop committing crime because they don't have a gun?

We have a basic right to self defense, regardless of any enumerated right recognized by the Constitution. A fucking snake has the right to bite when it's life is threatened. A beaten dog has that right.

We do, however, also have a right to bear arms.

A would be robber used a hachet to try to rob store clerk in Washington state last week. He would have had the store clerk not had a gun.

The stigma against guns allows so many women to be assaulted and raped. They don't carry simply because so many believe the non sense that is spread that it wouldn't prevent any thing and may in fact be taken as used against themselves.

If every women carried a hand gun, assaults on women & rapes & the subsequent murder of those would be rape victims would plummet.

If the shooter on Friday knew he could expect immediate resistance that could also end his life, he probably wouldn't have decided to shoot any one in the first place.

Making good men(and women) helpless will never make bad men harmless.
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
While I do not doubt TexasTushHog's sincerity, the facts, the statistics not just here but everywhere in the world, refute the idea of confiscation as a solution to gun violence.

Start with human nature. That's the point from which the violence springs.
txexetoo's Avatar
Banning ALL hand guns at the Federal level, including existing guns, and enforcing the ban. Then you don稚 have to wait for someone to shoot someone. If someone has a pistol, send them to prison, confiscate and destroy the gun, etc. It値l take ten years, but eventually, you値l get 98+% of the guns off the streets. Then in another five years, you値l get another 1%. And so on. Over a generation or two, there will be virtually no hand guns left in circulation. Same with all but a single shot rifle. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Good way to start a civil war