Voters - look shiny object

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Apologies to Jackie S, I just had to put this up after today's news posts.

Impeachment progresses to JUDICIARY committee from intelligence committee.

But wait, why was the intelligence committee involved in the 1st place? under the previously existing procedures, the whole thing should have been entirely in the judiciary committee. OK so the Dims just make it up as they go?

I was highly entertained by the repubs response.
I like that “Selected Scholars” to be chosen as witnesses.

Translation......, Swampers, Deep Staters, and Never Trumpers.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I always bring up the idiot argument about a comma "mistakenly" omitted from 2nd amendment, yeah right.
Classic Orwellian rewrite attempts continue.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Selected Scholars
  • oeb11
  • 12-02-2019, 09:23 AM
DPST's are an impeachment desperately in search of anything to justify what they have planned since Nov 2016.

Trump is correct to boycot their Shit-show - nothing to gaini in the perverted, hyper-partisan shit show the DPST's are presenting.

Bring it to the Senate - subpoena Schiff, nadler, the WB'er, and others. Take a good look at the Fisa scandal.

In an open, fair non-partisan venue with freedom of speech and ability to confront one's accusers.

Right the DPST's wish to retain only for themselves.