Good Morning Friends

Hope all are well and enjoying the nice weather and meeting some interesting people. Good to see all locals back going again and having fun and several out of state friends visiting also.
I have had a great week as I visited two of our friendly locals and spent several hours with a good friend from Texas last night. Would have stayed longer but us old people have to get in bed by 9 or 10 or our golf game will suffer the next day.
Those that know me will tell you golf is my priority and I do enjoy it almost daily. Not to slight the beautiful friends I have made on Eccie as when I get to old to go anymore, you can find me sitting in my rocker on my front porch with a big smile on my face with all the memories I have made over the years.
Have a great day and enjoy life to fullest as we only get one shot at it.
MuffinMan's Avatar
You got it right HD! Make the most with what you got. Have a great day, my friend..and keep your head down!! (In both life and this Hobby)
Damn got me fired up coach. Heck might sell the basscat & break out some clubs. HD you got a future in motivation speaking.
DallasRain's Avatar