This review is NOT accurate!!

This is a FAKE review!

Whoever posted this review has clearly never seen me. I am not on 59 and the Beltway, I am full blooded Puerto Rican (and it shows), my hh sessions START at 100, my hair is a light auburn color and it is to my mid back, I am not heavy-MY PHOTOS ARE ACCURATE-I have a slim waist and my hips aren't that thick, I do NOT offer bbbj and I am 30 years old (but I look 21)... This REALLY made me angry- Not because it was a bad review but because it is FAKE.

What I noticed is this person set up an account on the 2nd. And has wrote 11 reviews in just the past few days. Some of the girls just got into town. Some are not. Some I have never seen posting before.

I also wonder why this person wrote my name "LaYLa MoNTeZ" and my number with the stars- I do that on my screen name for some of my ads other places- but what guy is going to write a girls name like that? Unless he/she copied and pasted it- it doesn't look right.

The whole thing is bogus. If I had provided bad service and deserved a bad review- so be it; I would take that for what it is and change the way I did things. But, I have not had a session with this person. So, what am I to do?

I have contacted mods and other friends of mine- hopefully someone can get to the bottom of this. In 11 years I have not once had a bad review. My heart skipped a beat when I saw this review! Please don't let it fool you~it is NOT legit. Come see for yourself!

And ladies, I suggest you be careful of whoever this is. "Chris Long" There is always the possibility there is more going on here than jealousy or anger. This could be someone trying to build up a name for themselves on the boards. Trying to gain someones trust. (i.e:LE) Who knows. It's not right though...
jacksparrow's Avatar
thanks for the heads-up, this sure will clear things up a little bit, as many members here ( including me) are unsure of who this Chris Long is, I have not met you yet, but I read some of your reviews, and you are an established provider here and at another board.
is incredible of how this reviewer gets so lucky, getting BBBJ almost from every girl he meets, maybe he is good looking, or he have deep pockets or MAYBE he is just a liar.
ferdburf's Avatar
LaYLa MoNTeZ, I would not worry the least about what's on the board if I were you. I think everyone realized after his third or fourth post his reviews were fake. At least that was what I was getting via PMs. I believe the comments after the reviews were just attempts to further bait him into posting more so that he would eventually expose himself by reviewing someone such as you who would deny ever seeing him. He indeed took the bait!
Jared411's Avatar
Good job standing up for yourself and being professional about it. You could have easily responded in a way that would have made you look bad and you took the high road. Now it looks liker Mr. Chris Long has a little explaining to do.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
This is a FAKE review!

...... He has been a hobbyist for many years and has hurt a lot of girls over time. I only agreed to let him come over if I could have at least two people standing gaurd outside my door for the duration of our session. ... Originally Posted by Layla Montez
I believe what you are saying.... But I gotta ask... Why in Hell would any provider agree to see this guy with those kind of references? I mean normal guys , (ok, ... normal is a relative term), complain about having good enough references to get through screening and you set an appointment with Jack the Ripper ... WTF?

I'm just glad he didn't show and you are Ok.
TexasGator's Avatar
... or MAYBE he is just a liar. Originally Posted by jacksparrow

a reviewer?

auknowho's Avatar
LaYLa MoNTeZ, I would not worry the least about what's on the board if I were you. I think everyone realized after his third or fourth post his reviews were fake. At least that was what I was getting via PMs. I believe the comments after the reviews were just attempts to further bait him into posting more so that he would eventually expose himself by reviewing someone such as you who would deny ever seeing him. He indeed took the bait! Originally Posted by ferdburf
Layla don't worry about it, LAP is already working on this fool, and whoever this Chris long is? he is proving with stupid fake reviews that he is not legit. Just wait and see what happens to him! He also wrote another negative review! this looks more like competition to me.
In response to Layla accusation, not true. I'm not the one honey. You need to check this Chris Long guy beacause it's not me. As I said in the alerts, I have no beef with you and would never post a false review or for that matter any review fir the reason you state. You need to check other sources, you seem to have some other adversaries out there. It's your God given right to see who you want to see and I'm fine with that. But again, please point your finger elsewhere, I would not retaliate on any provider who refuse to see me, it's their right.
Good luck in finding you culprit but I suggest that you not label it one me. You might want to correspond with Mr. Chris Long. Good luck and be careful!
Wayward's Avatar
TG I was also SHOCKED! that someone would lie in a review, what is the world coming to?

Layla a serious thanks for helping out and doing it in a nice way.

Even the most hard core of us would grant any provider one bad review every few years. We are much less tolerant of reviews that never happened. Or people trying to game the system.

The more this little "investigation" goes on- the more I begin to think it isn't that problem client after all. It could possibly be a girl trying to build up her name and slander mine. Everyone who knows me, knows very well I stand firm on the bbbj thing- I do NOT offer that. And over 11 years or fulfilling fantasies I have not once left a man unsatisfied. I take a lot of pride in myself and my acceptional service~that's why this had me so upset. If you are going to write a fake review- you could at least put in partially accurate information.

Good thing is there are so many intelligent gentleman such as yourself; who looked at my history before believing this "Chris Long" person. This is clearly someone with something up their sleeve. I wouldn't trust ANY of the other reviews written by "Chris Long".. Something fishy is at had once again!

thanks for the heads-up, this sure will clear things up a little bit, as many members here ( including me) are unsure of who this Chris Long is, I have not met you yet, but I read some of your reviews, and you are an established provider here and at another board.
is incredible of how this reviewer gets so lucky, getting BBBJ almost from every girl he meets, maybe he is good looking, or he have deep pockets or MAYBE he is just a liar. Originally Posted by jacksparrow
Potential client, we never met. You know although we had a (as you call it) a pretty bad riff. That's all it was, I think my last statement was "final words", and that's what I meant. You should have done some research before you put me out like that. the C.L. guy has over some doz or so reviews out there. I'm sure you are familiar enough with me to know I don't do reviews. In the future don't rush to judgement, think of other people and not just your reputation.
He had contacted me countless times and he does sound like he is harmless over the phone. He doesn't have any reports of putting girls in the hospital or anything, and there were a few that said they did go through with the session and he hadn't tken the money back-BUT he had tore the girl up so bad she went home for the day. I only agreed to letting him come over to MY place on my terms. We agreed that I would have at least two people standing gaurd outside my door and my windows cracked so there would be no room for mistake or error. He has so many bad alerts but according to him- he had not done anything to anyone that didn't have it coming. He insisted on seeing me regardless what I said, I gave him one chance to come see me. And he blew it. I also agreed if all went well-I would be happy to report he was not as bad as he is rumored to be... Normally, I would have just left it alone. Which I ended up doing in the end. But, this was a unique situation.

For all I know [staff edit] could be a great guy or the opposite- I will never know for sure.

And btw-- I cannot say for sure who wrote this review. [staff edit] has contacted me and is saying he had nothing to do with it. If he is telling the truth; I apologize for even putting his name in this... If he is innocent~I know who wrote these reviews... It only leaves one more person.. I will not say her name yet, but I am confident the truth will come to light in due time. I am happy people know me better than that! The good thing about all of this is that everyone is seeing the bullsh*t at hand here.

I believe what you are saying.... But I gotta ask... Why in Hell would any provider agree to see this guy with those kind of references? I mean normal guys , (ok, ... normal is a relative term), complain about having good enough references to get through screening and you set an appointment with Jack the Ripper ... WTF?

I'm just glad he didn't show and you are Ok. Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
jacksparrow's Avatar
[QUOTE=Layla Montez;102986]
Good thing is there are so many intelligent gentleman such as yourself; QUOTE]

Potential client, we never met. You know although we had a (as you call it) a pretty bad riff. That's all it was, I think my last statement was "final words", and that's what I meant. You should have done some research before you put me out like that. the C.L. guy has over some doz or so reviews out there. I'm sure you are familiar enough with me to know I don't do reviews. In the future don't rush to judgement, think of other people and not just your reputation. Originally Posted by 3DNHTOWN
I did not know that you that you don't write reviews at all. I called you a problem client because you had caused problems with all of the other girls. I have no way of being able to research this topic anymore than the next person. Anyone can open an account and write 12 reviews in two days. Anyone can say anything on the internet.

My issue with this whole situation is the absence of truth here.

Nothing I said about you was false [staff edit]... I did not say you did this- I said you COULD be the culprit. I had actual reason to believe you had something to do with this- so I mentioned who I thought could have done this. I also said in my original post that it could also be a girl I know or something worse, like someone trying to build up a name for themselves. (i.e: LE)

I also went back and told you directly-AND the other boards that if I have been mistaken about you; I apologize.

No one can know for sure who this "Chris Long" person is- I just hope he is put to a stop..
dearhunter's Avatar
So, is nan correct....................... ..........and you have outed a hobbyists real identity?

You better answer that question quickly......or this is going sideways real fast.